My brother was visiting us last weekend during the Brown Alumni weekend and we had a blast. Love him! As he and his wife were leaving (love her!), John said, "Sorry we didn't bring you anything . . . I woulda brought you wine, but you don't drink wine.
I most certainly do drink wine, I love it.
When John and Clare were over for dinner a few weeks ago they got caught up at Brown unpacking my nephew Oliver and were a few hours late, and so when they arrived, I had already had a glass of wine and lotsa apps so I didn't want anymore wine. John deduced from this that I don't drink wine. (Laughing).
Don't waste yo' time and energy trying to convince people about anything, most certainly, who you are. Either they get you or they don't and it's a big fat waste of time and energy that you could be putting toward creating your destiny. This example is a good one because my own brother obviously knows me quite well; however, from one experience he deduced something that isn't true.
Or, maybe he just didn't wanna buy me a bottle of wine (which could also be true, knowing him - he he - even though two buck Chuck is just fine with me).