I love Elton John. Can you say legend? I've seen him a few times live and he's the bomb. I grew up listening to him in the 70's -- Funeral for Friend, etc. -- and my tennis coach used to call himself "Benny" and his students "the Jets." Brilliant coach. He also used Star Wars terminology to get us inspired -- he was all about Luke and the Force and beating the dark side. Man, that sh** worked.
But I digress.
I was listening to "Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Me" while practicing on Tuesday morning and these words hit me in a new and poignant way -- after all these years: "I can't light no more of your darkness. . . . frozen here, on the ladder of my life . . . too late, to keep myself from falling . . . I took a chance, and changed my way of life."
Those may not be the EXACT lyrics and I ain't gonna google it on purpose, because the psychologist in me wants to write what I personally heard. So Rorschach.
I did (recently) take a chance -- moving to Barrington, Rhode Island, and leaving behind decades in Newton, Massachusetts. Although I loved my life, my husband, my friends, my yoga studios and of course, my chickens, I did did feel frozen on the ladder of my life for various reasons, too personal for even me to post. I did feel that I was tired -- tired of lighting the darkness (also too personal to go into details here). It was too late to keep myself from falling, I'd fallen in a few ways -- but this was actually good. Good because it kicked my a** and opened me up to the possibilities . . . when I talked to my friend Pammy about her global health and wellness business and when I then called my friend Lee from Brown about the business, just a few days before Christmas 2015. Lee told me about Barrington. And my spirit just knew.
We live in a Universe so magical that we can listen to the same song over and over again for 40 years (!!), and then one morning, hear our story in it, feel the spiritual epiphany and smile, knowing we are on the right track. Knowing this moment is as it should be.
Yeah, I believe in magic. If you are open to seeing it -- and taking a chance.