My husband Philippe and our son Phoenix (age 9) went to a lecture by Harvard Law Professor Cass R. Sunstein last Tuesday night at Harvard. It was about his book, "The World Acccording to Star Wars." Phoenix is a BIG Star Wars fan, as was yours truly at age 9 - the year it came out I took my 9th birthday party to the movie.
At the end of the lecture, the author said, "Okay, let's sign some books," and the fifty or so people in that Harvard hall filed out -- without buying the book.
I wrote a book and an inspiration card deck and went on a 160 venue book tour a few years ago, so I get this. Man, do I get it. I would do my thang at a venue and people would (seemingly) love it. I would give my heart and soul and then . . . (some) would ask many questions about the law of attraction, how I've done all I've done, how they can do it, too, and again, I would give my heart and soul, and stay (waaaaay) too long doing so (I loved every minute and didn't think twice). Then, they'd walk out - without buying the book -- for $19.99 or the inspiration card deck for $11.99. Several hours of my time (for which I would get lotsa money for for coaching) and they wouldn't buy the book (or deck). This was of course not the case for everyone -- I did sell some books and decks on tour he he -- but there were a few times when no one did.
Just buy the book.
This blog isn't about books or book tours really -- it's about integrity -- doing the right thing (even when no one is watching). It's about the balance of energy -- energy in, energy out. It's about karma.
"Just buy the book" is a metaphor. Where are you not "buying the book" in your life? Where are you taking taking taking - and not giving back? Today - and this moment - is a new beginning, so start again with bells on! Give back, and feel how good it feels. Feel the balance and the joy of giving (and receiving, in balance).
P.S. Philippe bought the book for Phoenix -- and Mr. Sunstein signed it, "May the force be with you." Love that, and am confident that the force is with Phoenix -- and will be with you as well, if you do the right thing moment after moment.