Struggle is not part of the natural order of life. So it does not have to be part of parenting either. If we choose to utilize the Law of Attraction intentionally we can experience a happier and more peaceful and respectful home.* Yes! This can even mean eliminating toddler tantrums and teenager standoffs! Remember, the LOA is always at work, whether you are creating deliberately or not. Making LOA a lifestyle means you are choosing to be a deliberate creator. You are creating, not regurgitating. You are creating, not being a historian.
*If you are reading this blog, you are attracted to this information, so we are in alignment! This information is for those who are attracted to it. As always, take what you want and leave the rest. Two questions I ask my coaching clients when they feel resistance upon hearing this Law of Attraction take on parenting are, “How’s it going so far?” and “What do you have to lose by trying something new?"
What is Law of Attraction Parenting? Understanding that everything is attraction - there is no assertion. So just like with everything else (the formula is always the same), the behavior we experience in our home we have attracted to us by our focus, perspectives/beliefs, thoughts, feelings and actions.
5 Law of Attraction Parenting Tips:
Here are 5 parenting tips that can positively transform any household of chaos, frustration and stress into ease, relief, satisfaction, happiness, harmony and peace. Ahhhhhh, doesn’t that sound amazing?
Law of Attraction Parenting Tip #1:
Be gentle with yourself. You’re doing the best you can and want the best for your kiddo. Every step of the way you have done the best you could with what you knew at the time. Breathe in, breathe out, relax your shoulders down your back (really do this) and smile and know this in your heart. Feel this in your heart before you read on.
If you’re reading this you’ve likely experienced some contrast with your child and that's OK! You didn’t screw up! Contrast shows us what we do want by showing us what we don’t want. It is a natural part of life. The important thing is that you focus on that which you DO want and not what you DON'T want. Most of my clients are focusing on what they don’t want...telling stories about it over and over again to anyone who will listen, explaining it to others, complaining about it, analyzing it, posting about it, blogging about it, etc. I teach and coach to instead focus on that which you do want…the feelings you wish to experience, such as ease, relief, satisfaction, excitement, knowingness, expectation, happiness, harmony and peace.
I like to give very hands on tools. A concept is a concept and that’s fine but if I had a nickel for every person who knows many a concept but doesn’t utilize them, well…..
Start with you and get into alignment first. That means taking time for you to get into alignment — meditate, practice yoga, go for a walk, journal, take a bath, take a shower, drink tea/coffee intentionally, read, garden, bake, etc. Getting into alignment also means not listening to your inner critic who will blame and judge. Getting into alignment means taking your inner being off the bench and listening to your inner being instead. Your inner being never judges or blames, you or another. Your alignment = the level of connectivity with your inner being. How do you know if your inner being is speaking? It always feels good.
You have a brand new moment - NOW - during which you can begin again with your child employing these Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫 parenting strategies! You have a blank canvas in front of you - this moment - on which you can create anything you want. What are you going to paint?
Law of Attraction Parenting Tip #2:
The people around us, especially those closest to us (like our children), reflect and respond to our own feelings and actions. As much as we would like to blame our kids for their behavior (especially when they are pushing every button we have, plus some we never knew we had!), generally our kids mirror what is going on within us.
Some questions to ask yourself:
- How am I contributing to my child's behavior? (Gulp!)
- Is my child responding to my lack of patience, my feeling stuck and powerless, my feeling unworthy and/or not good enough, my feeling frustrated, my feeling that life is hard and my stress?
- Is my child wanting quality time with me because I haven’t been giving her/him much one on one time lately?
- Is my kiddo no fun to be around because I am no fun to be around lately (another gulp!)?
Answering these questions truthfully can quickly get to the root of your child's behavior.
Law of Attraction Parenting Tip #3:
You are modeling for your child how to behave each moment of every day.
Children watch what we do more than they listen to what we say. Words don’t teach. So if you yell at them to be quiet, push them to do what you want them to do and use a disrespectful tone when frustrated—you only teach them how to treat you. So stop and take a breath and make a commitment to walk your talk. Model for your child how a happy, healthy and in alignment person looks, talks and acts. Then watch her/him follow your lead!! And when you are out of alignment, take a break, walk away and get back into alignment before you interact with your kiddo again. Be clear about it, again modeling for her/him: “Hey, I am out of alignment so I’m going to take a break and get back into alignment and then I’ll be back!"
Law of Attraction Parenting Tip #4:
You are your child's most powerful self-worth mirror.
Your child seeks approval from you more than anyone else. You are the mirror that tells her/him how deserving or unworthy they are. She/he will believe whatever you reflect to them—positive or negative. Overt and even subtle put-downs can be devastating to her/his sense of self-worth and well being. When a child has low self-esteem she/he will often act out, misbehave and drive you nuts! By using the power of positive words and actions to encourage, rather than discourage, you can be a beacon of light illuminating your child's worth. This gift of positive mirroring can inspire your child to believe in herself/himself, follow her/his passions and ultimately be someone who is a delight to be around. Therefore, choose to reflect your child's brilliance, special talents and worth by being grateful for what she/he is and does.
Law of Attraction Parenting Tip #5:
The more you focus on the positives of your child, the more you will experience them.
One of the most powerful aspects of the law of attraction is that whatever you focus on gets bigger. So if you spend much of the day nagging about all the things your child isn't doing, or all the bad things your child is doing, you simply attract more of these frustrating experiences to you (and her/him). Instead, choose to take affirmative steps to create the behaviors you want by simply noticing and being grateful for what you do like. One of my favorite parenting gratitude techniques is the "Dog Factor." Dogs unconditionally show us love and affection—greeting us at the door enthusiastically, whether we‘ve been gone for two days or two minutes. Apply this approach to your child. Beam with love when she/he comes home or when she/he enters the room. Remember that no matter what you are experiencing right now with your family, there are thousands of people in this world (like those who can’t have kids) who would gladly trade places with you.
Parents often ask me about discipline. Discipline only teaches children to do better next time, when they feel better.
Discipline doesn't have to feel bad to be effective. In fact, most discipline based on punitive punishment (things like yelling and taking away privileges) teaches our kids to lie and not get caught next time. You reap what you sow. Thus, if your punishment is focused on rehashing all the bad things your child has done, you are attracting more of this bad behavior. It’s law. The Law of Attraction.
For discipline to really inspire your child to do better next time it needs to:
1. Be respectful
2. Focus on the solution (and how to do better next time)
By filling your home with gratitude for all you do have and with positive words and actions, you can begin to experience more pleasant interactions and actively create the family life of your dreams.
Now re-read Parenting Tip #1 so you remember that you’re a badass and doing the very best you can and …. you’re about to do even better! Not because you suck but because it’s so much fun finding a better way! Remember, your inner being is always satisfied where she/he is and reaching for more. This is the optimal state of being.
I believe in you. 🌈💫❤️😊🙏🏻