You’re a sloppy lazy thinker. So am I. So is everyone. Let me explain. I love to use simple every day examples because you can hear them and usually relate. If I talk about big drama stuff well, you get stuck in the big drama and miss the metaphor.  Plus I’m not into drama.

I went to grab my face sunscreen before walking to the beach and chatting with a Coaching Client and I opened the wrong drawer. Profound huh?  Hear me out. 😊   Yesterday I moved my face sunscreen to the drawer in which I have my sunglasses and lip sunscreen. Yet just now I went to the old drawer - out of habit.  Out of sloppy lazy thinking.

And so we are with our thoughts. The easiest thought to think is the thought you have thought the most - even if it feels shitty.  Even if it feels like you’re putting your hand on a hot stove!  You reach for that thought out of habit, just like I reached for my sunscreen in the wrong drawer.  That was my habit.

You get what you think about. Choose wisely.  Create new habits with your thoughts.  Tell a better feeling story.  Starting now.  Remember, that was then and this is now.  That’s a good mantra for you - and for me.  Teach yourself how to create, not regurgitate.

I believe in you. πŸŒˆπŸ’«β€οΈπŸ˜ŠπŸ™πŸ»
