You know how you sometimes feel like it’s your “responsibility” or “duty” to “get someone up to speed” with some crap that has unfolded in your life? So you go back and dig it up and talk about it and describe it and explain it and complain about it…all because you felt it was your “job” to get them
“up to speed?”
Stop it. Stop it, now.
It doesn’t work and in fact, it backfires.
Getting someone up to speed on something that you don’t want to create more of is in fact, according to the Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫, guaranteeing that you’re gonna get more of said thing.
My suggestion? (As always take what you want and leave the rest)…let it go and move on and focus on that which you do want. Talk about what you do want. Tell the better feeling story. This is how you can win the game of Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫. It’s not tricky. It’s easy. But it does require focus. Can you focus?
I think you can.