I’ve said it once, I’ve said it many times and I’m saying it again:  my Chickens 🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣 are my biggest teachers.

On Monday Dakota and Montana (age 11, they are twins) and I went to the Supermarket in Barrington, Rhode Island.  Pretty exciting stuff, huh?πŸ˜‰ Well, to you perhaps not, to them, absolutely yes.  These Chickens 🐣🐣 are on the happiness train.  It doesn’t matter what they are doing, where they are, what their physical condition (hungry, tired, thirsty), these boys have fun.  Fun, fun fun! πŸ‘πŸ»πŸŒˆπŸ€Έβ€β™‚οΈπŸ’«!  They can and do turn anything into magic.  For 11 years straight, they have been doing this.  On this particular adventure, they were exploring those machines in the entry of the market that take quarters that have God knows what inside of them (I have never once taken a moment to notice, have you?).  Well, they were all hopped up about using the spare change from Sparky (my car) to score some goodies.  They became obsessed with the machine with the rubber balls and turned it into a whole thang.  The amount of joy these kiddos squeezed out of the experience was quite something to behold.  And now they have created games and contests out of those rubber balls. My boys are a vibrational match to joy so that is what they attract.  

Manifestation comes with becoming a vibrational match.  As long as you insist on a specific outcome (β€œI must have X to be happy”), you are holding away the bigger and better possibilities, possibilities your brain cannot even conceive of.

Manifestation is not a mental process.  Everything exists here and now in your Vortex.  By learning to properly vibrationally tune into that thing, it MUST manifest.  It is law.  No exceptions.  You are only a few tweaks away from your BEST LIFE EVERβœ¨πŸŒŸπŸ’«πŸ’›. From creating anything and everything you want.

You are a powerful creator.   You just need to tune in and tap into the vibration in which that creation abides.

I teach my coaching clients how detach from insistence on any specific outcome to let more manifestations in.  To stop limiting what they manifest.  

I teach my clients the art of vibrational fine-tuning.  I help my clients better understand the cycle of manifestation so they know when it’s time to sit back and allow and when it’s time to take inspired action.

It’s easier than you think.
