If you were to choose one word as your theme for today, this Monday in mid November in the year 2021, what would it be?
If it’s a word coming from your inner being it will most likely be one of the following: alignment, focus, ease, happiness, fun, joy, and/or pleasure.
If it’s coming from your inner critic it will be very different words with very different vibrations, with the result of you feeling like:
1. You’re not good enough
2. You’re not worthy.
3. You have too much to do and not enough time to do it. You are not where you wanted to be by now.
4. You are stuck and powerless.
5. It’s so hard. You have to try so hard.
6. You have to EARN everything and it’s so hard (see #4)
7. You are paddling upstream.
Our focus, perspectives, thoughts and feelings matter… a lot. They are what create our vibration which, in turn, attracts people, places and things to us.
How do you know what your vibration is in any moment? How you feel and what is unfolding in front of you. If you feel great and things are going well, awesome! Your vibration is high. If you feel crappy and/or things are unfolding in a way you don’t desire, time to take a look at your focus, perspectives, thoughts and resulting feelings.
There is only a Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫…there is no law of assertion. So no one is doing anything TO you. This is great news! All the power is within you my friends.
Blessings🙏🏻Love❤️Joy😊Gratitude💫Happiness🌈and Infinite Inner Peace☮️
To learn more about my BEST LIFE EVER✨🌟💫💛 Coaching, email me at taylorwells@alumni.brown.edu. I am taking one more client.