




How do you block fear?  How do you erase the fear?  How do you DEAL with fear?

Some ideas to play with below… as always, take what you want and leave the rest my friends:

  1. Fear and excitement are the same bio feedback. It’s only the thoughts that differentiate. When you feel fear, examine your thoughts and flip them around to excitement instead.

  2. Explore the fear . . . find the belief that makes you feel the fear and clear it! Once you discover where the fear comes from you can reframe it. You can identify the false belief. Because the belief doesn't serve you anymore. That was then this is now. You are a brand new person in a brand new moment experiencing a brand new experience. You know better now.

  3. Try writing a break up letter to fear! It will be super cathartic. Tell fear that your relationship is toxic and you’re done this time...for good!

  4. Ask the fear what it needs.



Thank it for keeping you safe.



Send it love.



Watch it dissolve.

5. Don't block to it...face can change your belief patterns...dig deep..and keep asking 'what if’…. But talk to’ll be surprised at the answers.

6. Ask yourself, “What's the worst thing that could happen if my fear came true?” Talk yourself thru the fear. Will I be okay if I don’t get what I am asking? Yes!! Because it may be leading someplace better.

7. What about normalizing it? Like, of course you're fearful, anyone in your shoes would be right now! Change is hard on our ego. It's no big deal, at any point you can choose differently.

8. There are 2 ends to every desire so what do you want? Set the intention to trust this process. To trust the unfolding of your desire. Your only job is to feel good. I'm afraid to feel good because…? Ask, what would happen if I let go of this fear? We're literally creating new pathways in our brains. So it can feel hard at times of course. You're doing incredibly well! Keep reaching for the feeling and you will find it.

9. If you experience a lot of anxiety rooted in fear, try to practice meditation to stay grounded in the moment. Fear and anxiety live in the future. They don’t serve us in the present. They stem from the past so if you find the belief/perspective that makes you feel the fear/anxiety you can reframe it and give new meaning to the circumstance that created the perspective in the first place. If you acknowledge it as a false believe and clear it then the feeling that gets triggered will go away and you will not attract these circumstances anymore.

10. Be totally present here and now and then CHOOSE what to be and focus on being that: for example, I choose to be peace. Now repeat. And repeat.

11. Focus on the enjoyment of it all. Focus on how you will enjoy being done with this process. Lean into it. Don’t resist it. Allow it. Then it will release its grasp on you. What we fight/resist gets stronger. What we shout “No!” at gets bigger.

Blessings🙏🏻Love❤️Joy😊Gratitude💫Happiness🌈and Infinite Inner Peace☮️  
