15 years ago as my HH and I drove to Prana Power Yoga ✨🙏🏻✨ NYC from Newton, Massachusetts on 95 South we would drive by a restaurant called “Dakota,” and I would say, “One day we will have a baby called Dakota.”

I said this every single weekend, twice a weekend, as we drove to and from Prana Power Yoga ✨🙏🏻✨ NYC to teach and build our brand in NYC.  

In our pink house in Newton, Massachusetts we had three Pottery Barn buckets with our Chickens 🐣🐣🐣 names on them:  Madison, Sagey and Phoenix.  The buckets were filled with toys and books.  So cute!

I ordered another Pottery Barn bucket with the name “Dakota” on it. 

When friends were over for playdates, the Supermoms would ask my Chickens 🐣🐣🐣, “Who is Dakota?” to which they would respond, “That’s the baby Mama is going to have.”

I.  Just.  Knew.  It.  Knowing is powerful.  Expectation is the energy of manifestation. 

The timing was up to the Universe.

3 years later Dakota came into the physical and brought with him…a twin brother!  Double the fun!  Double the joy!  Double the magic!  Double the love!  

The Universe is on its way to delivering you what you have asked for… times two!  Or times ten!  Or times one hundred!  Your job is to allow it.  Allow what you have asked for and what is waiting for you in vibrational escrow (your Vortex). 

I was surrendered to the timing.  I tapped into the knowing and let that feel good in the now. 

This is the formula for happily ever after:  Happy where I am and reaching for more.  Happy happy happy happy…manifestation.   Happy happy happy happy…manifestation.  “But Taylor,” you ask, “What if this or that sucks in my life right now?”

I totally get it.   Boy do I.  That’s how I became a master at this.   I noticed that if I focused on what felt good it got bigger.  And if I focused on what sucked, that got bigger, too. FOCUS.  It’s all about the power of the focus of your mind.  You have the power to focus. You get to choose.  Only you can think in your mind. I can teach you and coach you but only you can think in your mind.

How is what you’re thinking about right now making you feel?  If it feels shitty, take your hand off the hot stove (ow!) and pivot.  Refocus.  You have a choice in every moment.  You have the power to choose - and your ultimate power lies in how good you feel and how well you can maintain that good feeling.

 Remember, a belief is just a thought you keep thinking. And the easiest thought to think is the one you've thought most often.  That's why we all become "sloppy lazy thinkers."😉 Is that thought you just had something to which you want to add momentum?  Is that thought something you want to create more of?

Choose wisely.

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