Pay attention to how that thought you just had feels. If it feels bad, ignore it and focus on something else.  Find another thought.

It's all about the power of the focus of your mind.

Happy 4th of July!  The holidays can be fun and happy -- a celebration -- or they can suck.  They can also lie somewhere in between.  You don't have to fake it if it sucks.  Be real and authentic and speak your truth and get support.  But don't dwell.  Move on and find something on which you can focus that IS working.  That IS going well.  Something IS working, and that's the key -- finding that thing and dwelling THERE.  Pulse THAT ENERGY out into the Universe.  Then the Universe will respond (immediately) by sending back to you more of THAT energy.

I get it - been there - and I know it can be hard - so hard.  But I'm rootin' for you and you've GOT THIS.

