I believe I can find the positive in any situation. And I do my best day in and day out to do this, no matter what's tossed my way. This is Deliberate Creation in action. Using the Law of Attraction to create your BEST LIFE EVER.
Once a hater wrote, "Ya, of course you've created your BEST LIFE EVER (b*+#>), everything is easy for you because you've always had it easy (silver spoon, etc.)"
So I gotta admit that for a second I wanted to say, "You wanna hear about what I've been through?"....
But then I stopped, took a breath in and a breath out, sent light from my heart to that hater's heart, and made the conscious decision -- i.e. utilized the power of the focus of my mind -- to NOT argue for my limitations. Instead, I used that hater's words to create one of my (very best!) Inspiration Cards -- "Everything is easy for me."
Wahoo! That felt GOOD.
In a recent diatribe from a hater who goes by many (made up -- hmmmm) names, I was asked, "Don't you know how you come across?"
This after the hater said how fake fake faaaaaake I am.
So I wanna say thank you (again) to the hater(s) -- for the inspiration, and for answering her own question. Because you see, only someone defined as "fake," would care about "how they came across" and try to finesse it to please others and/or acquire love or admiration or stuff or whatever. That is indeed the definition of "fake," yes?
I, on the other hand, am a straight shooter and what you see is what you get. So no, I don't think about how I "come across," because I walk the planet as my authentic self and teach others to do the same. I'm proud of who I am and know very well that you can't please the whole peanut gallery, so you may as well BE YOU and BE PROUD. If I were worrying or even thinking about how I "came across" and changing my behavior to try to win the favor of others, I wouldn't be living as my authentic self, would I? (Living as your authentic self is the antithesis of fake).
Thanks for answering your own question. BEST EVER!
Oh and the correct spelling of hypocrisy is, uh, hypocrisy.