Little Dakota is pictured above at age 2, hoarding crackers. He was Baby A and his twin brother Montana was Baby B. The midwife told us at 36 weeks that Baby B was eating all the food (not all the food, of course, but more of it), so it would be a good idea if the babies came earlier than later so we could get Baby A nursing and getting his fair share.
From the moment he was born, Dakota felt he needed to hoard his food -- that he wouldn't get enough. This lasted for about two and a half years, when he realized all was well and there is abundance in the world, also reflected in his food supply.
I have so many funny photos of little Dakota hoarding it was challenging to choose just one. He and I chose this together as we had a good laugh about how at age 1 he would scream if one of us tried to take one of the cookies in front of him - when he had a whole box all to himself. He loves these stories and we all laugh, because he is over it.
Many people aren't. Many people feel restricted and it's not a good feeling. Maybe it's restricted in love, attention, respect, energy, food, excitement, opportunity, hope, adventure, joy, laughter, freedom . . . the list goes on.
One thing I know is that restriction sucks, feels terrible and don't work.
Where in your life do you feel restricted, and a need to hoard -- like little Dakota did? How can we fix it?
I'm rootin' for ya.