I'm big on respect. It's my button. Ehhhh, it's "one" of my buttons he he. I walked onto this earth feeling respect is important and I am super mindful to be respectful of others, grateful for what I have, and man, it gets me if I feel disrespected - in any way.
I'm also a bit sassy. I know this. I am a big fan of sass! I love it in others. Love it in myself. To a degree. All things in moderation.
Speaking your truth is on the menu for me aussi. I had a rough start in this lifetime and held it all in for oh, about two decades, and I learned that that don't work. I got sick, got tired, got angry, and learned. Learned a lot - including I gotta speak my truth.
If you know me, you know I am an open book. I'm just a small town midwestern girl who dreams big, jumps without thinking, loves loves loves people, and says how I feel, immediately, and then lets it go. I also show it all on my face before I say a word. Most of the time, good qualities. All things in moderation.
Someone just texted me something that is sassy, but straddles the line of disrespect. It got me to thinking, what's the difference?
As always, the answer is: energy. Two people can say THE EXACT SAME THING, but with different energy, and the result is totally different. Actually, there's one other answer here too: intention.
The Universe doesn't hear what you SAY, it hears what you MEAN. People don't HEAR what you SAY, they FEEL your ENERGY.
Next week people will forget what you said (or maybe five minutes later). They will never forget how you made them feel.