Does this sound familiar?  Sound like you? Sound like today?

First, take a deep breath in and a deep breath out.  Good.  Now do it again.

Next, hear this:  you are not alone.  

I have been coaching utilizing the powerful Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫 for 20 years and have worked with thousands of people.  This is what I see people show up with day in and day out:

  1. I feel unworthy. I feel not good enough.

  2. I feel stuck and powerless.

  3. I feel like it has to be “hard.” Everything is “hard.” And if it’s not “hard,” I feel like I’m not working hard enough. I feel guilty if it’s not “hard.” Love, work, money, respect, time, attention are/must be “hard” to get. I must work “hard” to get any/all of these things. And so I am overwhelmed all the time, working “hard” and trying to get “there.” Or if I am not working hard, I feel guilty. Ugh.

If any/all of these sound familiar please know that again, you are not alone.  And I can help.  

As always, take what you want and leave the rest.  My intention is for this information to reach those who are attracted to and in alignment with it.

I was talking to a client who felt overwhelmed.  She said she has so much going on and although most of it is good, she feels like she can’t handle it all.

I explained that it’s about alignment, not time.  It’s about alignment, not action.  No action in the world can make up for lack of alignment.

So your job, again and again, is to get into alignment first and then….

Email me at  

for tips on how to get into alignment.

When I’m working with my clients I use personal examples of the principle I am teaching because people can hear something outside of their world much more easily than something about what they are living.  

Here is one of my countless personal examples of how it’s not about time, it’s about alignment.  In a 12 month period of time I:

  1. Got engaged (May 2002)

  2. Got divorced (June 2002)

  3. Sold a house (June 2002)

  4. Opened a yoga studio (June 2002)

  5. Bought a (pink) house (August 2002)

  6. Moved into a pink house with the man of my dreams (August 2002)

  7. Got married to the man of my dreams in the yard of the pink house (October 2002)

  8. Filmed a yoga video (May 2003)

  9. Got pregnant the day after I filmed the yoga video (May 2003)

That may seem like A LOT.  It wasn’t. It was easy.  I was calm.  I was happy.  I was in flow.  Because I was in alignment.

This list is not to make you feel bad about yourself because you’re overwhelmed with doing the laundry today.  WE ALL GET OVERWHELMED.  This list is to illustrate that everything is relative, it’s all about alignment and you can be, do and have anything that you want if you are walking your path mostly in alignment, sending out that clean, clear, pure vibration of that which you want.  

If you’re in alignment you can flow with ease and joy and ride the waves.  If you’re out of alignment, you can’t.  You can’t get there from there.  You resist and everything feels (and is) hard and overwhelming.  

We are here for three things:  Joy, Freedom and Growth.  We are meant to spend 90-95% of our time in alignment feeling joy and freedom and 5-10% of our time expanding and growing.  Most people have this flipped.

So ask yourself, “Where am I giving my power away? “  Your power lies in how good you feel.  

First look at your focus.  Then look at your beliefs and perspectives about that focus.  Then look at your thoughts about that focus. Then look at your emotions.  Your vibration is made up of your:  Focus, Beliefs, Thoughts and Emotions. 

Your emotions are your perspective indicator.  If they feel bad (I feel overwhelmed) then your perspective needs a shift.  Your belief is in the way of you feeling good. (i.e. “Everything is hard.”).  A belief is just a thought you keep thinking so no worries! ✨❤️✨  You can change it.  By changing the thought.  

Then repeat.  It’s a process like anything else.  It isn’t complicated.  Only our brains make it complicated. It’s a simple formula.  And it’s the same formula, again and again.

It’s also a practice.  A moment by moment practice.  

You can do this.  I believe in you. 🌈💫❤️😊🙏🏻  
