On Monday my kids didn’t have school because of Rosh Hashanah so we scooted to Brown to go to the cafeteria for a little pre-birthday celebration (my birthday is today — hurray!). I love love love Brown (and the Ratty) — it’s my happy place. It represents a lot to me, very deep and personal things. It was the very first place I felt free and safe after leaving my family of origin at age 17.
As we were walking out of the Ratty, I thought to myself, “I attract and expect the best of and from everyone with whom I come into contact,” and just as I looked up, a student looked me right in the eye and smiled the biggest smile ever. My heart grew two sizes bigger as I smiled right back.
Every single day I am amazed at the consistency and accuracy of the Law of Attraction (LOA). I love writing, talking and teaching about it, and Philippe and I will be teaching a whole series of workshops about the Law of Attraction and how to finesse it, starting Saturday September 26th at Prana Power Yoga™ Newton. The info is below. I hope to see you there! It’s going to be a lot of fun and you don’t need to know anything about anything, just show up and breathe. That’s it!
1. Saturd
ay September 26th 1-4pm :
Prana Power Yoga™ Newton
How To Finesse the Law of Attraction to Be More Happy & Successful:
– Work
– Money
– Relationships
– Health
– Beauty
($110 day of)