When I was married to my ex-husband (with whom I am now friends), golf was, uh, an issue for us. Or, more accurately, an issue for me. My ex husband loved the game and loved to disappear for many many hours playing it. This I did not love. Especially because we had a baby and then toddler at the time.
I am a very independent person and love to be by myself. So that was not the issue. There were other issues (hence the divorce), but I won't get into them here because this blog is not about that. It's about golf and the law of attraction.
And the Universe's is amazing sense of humor.

A dear friend of mine who belongs to a golf club in Boston and has loved learning about and utilizing the law of attraction, sent me the following from her golf club newsletter:

"Golf Tip of the Week

Power of Positive Thinking

We have all heard the phrase, "Don't underestimate the Power of Positive Thinking" and how to apply it to the many different aspects of life.  This is also certainly true when it comes to playing golf.  Try the following the next time you play golf.   First, when it comes time to hit the ball, focus completely on where you want the ball to go and what you want the ball to do before you swing.  Don't focus on, what you don't want to happen, ie, driving it in the brook on 1.  Next, the only reaction you can have about each shot is a positive one.  It doesn't matter how good or bad the result of the shot is, find something positive to reflect about after your shot.

Focus on what you want the ball to do, and find something positive about the result of the shot, will help you enjoy your round and lead to lower score."

Ya gotta love the Universe. Always poking fun in loving ways.   If we're open to see it and to laugh at ourselves, just a little (which is one of my favorite things to do).

