Yesterday I was practicing Prana Power Yoga ✨🙏🏻✨ at 4am in my sun room, twinkle lights and candles lit, space heater on (takes a while to heat a big old house after a night of heat being on very low). Except…the space heater wasn’t working.
I did my practice and planned to ask my HH at breakfast if I could use his space heater from his office for my morning practice.
As I was rolling up my mat and moving the space heater to the side of the room I noticed…it wasn’t plugged in. LOL 😂😂!!
This is a perfect metaphor for what I tell my Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫 Coaching clients all the time: You can vacuum your whole house, but if the vacuum isn’t plugged in you will not get any results, or said even better, you will not get the results you are wanting. There will be marks on the carpet but it won’t be clean. In this metaphor the vacuum is your connection with your inner being. Plugging in is being plugged into your broader perspective, your highest self, your authentic you. You, 6.0.
I personally recommend (as always, take what you want and leave the rest) plugging in FIRST, getting into alignment FIRST…and then taking action. There is no action that can make up for a lack of alignment.
How to get into alignment? A morning practice. I suggest meditation. It’s easy, free and fast! 15- 20 minutes will do the trick!
I also personally love yoga but some people don’t and that’s fine. Whatever floats your boat to get you into that place where you feel good, where your tuner is tuned to what you DO want during this day ahead of you.
Your power lies in how (good) you feel. Get there in whatever way you can, before you step out into this day on planet Earth. And watch what happens.