Have you ever played “tug of war?”  It’s pretty intense!  This was at Sankaty on Nantucket once upon a time.  During “Fun Day,” named appropriately,  as fun was had by all. ✨🌟💫💛 

What many don’t know is that this tug of war is going on most of the time…in your own brain.  It goes something like this, “I want it, but....”  You are arguing against yourself a lot of the time, and the thing is, you don’t even know you’re doing it.  It’s like the dishwasher…it becomes background noise that you no longer notice.

How can you become aware of it?  Get into alignment first.  Then, notice how you *feel.* When you’re in alignment (meaning a high level of connectivity with you inner being), you feel good.  When you are out of alignment (connected with your inner critic instead) you feel bad.

Is it really that simple?  


Is it easy?

No.  Not at first that is.  Because you have momentum.  Momentum with that tug of war.  Momentum with your inner critic ruling the show.  Pulling against your dreams.  Pushing against your desires.   Keeping you in a seeming standstill.  Keeping you in that feeling of “stuck.”  But the fact is, there is no such energy as “stuck.”  Doesn’t exist.  Only a reality loop in which you are participating.  Only a tug of war, in your own brain. You against….you.  

But in time, with practice, it becomes easy.  I promise. 

Then it becomes what you know and things begin to flow into your life with ease and joy.  By law.  The Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫  

No exceptions.  

Sending Blessings🙏🏻Love❤️Joy😊Gratitude💫Happiness🌈and Infinite Inner Peace☮️  
