*My kitty, not the singer.

Frank Sinatra taught me that I can be, do and have anything that I want. In a myriad of ways.

17 months ago I told my baby Chickens that we were going to manifest a rescue kitty. First we saw a kitty food bag on the beach (!!), on the cover of which was an orange tabby.

Then someone had a kitty cage out on their driveway to give away. We snatched it up! Preparing for the rescue kitty we were manifesting.

Then we kept seeing an orange tabby as we were driving around (looking for our rescue kitty)โ€ฆit was someone elseโ€™s orange tabby. I kept saying, โ€œOur kitty is coming, see all the signs?!โ€

Then I was on the app โ€œNext Doorโ€ which is unusual in and of itself, and I saw a post about Frankie. I responded and said weโ€™d love to take him and give him a home. 10 other people responded as well. I was first (everything is about timing) so sweet Frankie was ours that evening.

Frankie brought me inexplicable joy for 16 months. He was on me like white on rice from 4 am when I wake up every morning to practice Prana Power Yoga till I went to sleep at 8:30pm. Right by my side. Sat on my mat with me while I practiced, sat next to me while I meditated, in the kitchen while I prepped food, always meowing to let me know he was there...etc.

A few days ago Frankie was looking out the windows a lot and crying, as if to say, โ€œI want to go see whatโ€™s out there.โ€ He seemed to be longing to go out. Then he kept trying to get out when I walked out the door to coach a client as I walk to the beach. I wondered, โ€œDoes he want to go out? Am I hindering his freedom? Am I being selfish and keeping Frankie from his true desire?โ€

Weโ€™re all here for three things: Joy, Freedom and Expansion. I coach all day every day to cultivate these things - and I walk my talk. I wondered if I was inhibiting Frankie from his Joy, Freedom and Expansion.

Sunday we had family in town for Sage Wells' graduation from Barrington High School. Someone accidentally left the dining room door open as we were leaving for the ceremony. Out Frankie went.

Frankie is now free. Living true freedom. Heโ€™s where he wants to be. That was his desire - and Frankie got his desire. We can all be, do and have anything that we want.

Last night my boy Chickens and I drove around Barrington for over a half hour, windows open, eyes peeled, calling Frankieโ€™s name. It was precious , sad and heart warming all wrapped in one. I was so proud of my boys as they hopped in the car without hesitation to help me find our boy Frankie.

The number of people walking in Barrington who asked us what was going on, how they could help, when Frankie had gotten out, etc. was incredible and heart warming. The love and compassion they emanated palpable. I was and am so appreciative. Frankie brought all this to us. Frankie taught us through these โ€œrandomโ€ people we saw on the streets of Barrington (no such thing as โ€œrandomโ€).

Several of my good friends reposted my LOST KITTY post without me asking them. Again, love and compassion on fire. I am so appreciative of my dear friends. Frankie brought all this to us. Frankie taught us through my dear friends.

Did I have and am I still experiencing grief? Sadness? Am I missing Frankie?

Hell yeah.

Is this contrast?


But/and I am in step 5, not step 1:

Step 1: You ask (when you experience contrast).

Step 2: Itโ€™s given in vibrational form, put in your Vortex (not your job).

Step 3: You allow it in by feeling ease, relief, joy, satisfaction, excitement, etc.

Step 4: You get really good at Step 3. Become a master.

Step 5: Youโ€™re in contrast and you donโ€™t beat yourself up for being there. You know youโ€™re in contrast and you take the bounce. You feel the (tough) feelings and you acknowledge and honor them and ask, โ€œWhatโ€™s the lesson here? What do I need to learn? What do I need to do differently?โ€ And you KNOW, you EXPECT that on the other side of this bounce, life will be even better. The BEST EVER.

Last night as I was really missing Frankie while lying in my bed trying to sleep, I realized that I was looking for Frankie where he WAS, not where he IS.

So I looked for Frankie where he is NOW. Now he is and always will be in my heart. In that instant my heart filled with love and light, and I (finally) fell asleep.
