I was going for a run on Wednesday chatting with my handsome husband about some not so happy **** from waaaay long ago . . . . dredging up some stuff from the past (yes, I know better, but it was a moment of weakness after pulling an all-niter driving my first born to Kent School, getting her room all set up, and then driving home).  The details don't matter, but the point is the energy was hellllooooow, super low vibe.  I was saying it with a high vibration, which can be confusing to some, including yours truly, but the positive energy was 100% from the endorphins, not the topic at hand.

So when we got home, I was putting some noodles in a pot with salt to boil for lunch and the pot tipped over the side of the sink and all the noodles fell into the disposal -- which was filled with soggy cheerios from breakfast.  In a sleep deprived stupor, I reached down to attempt to get the noodles out of the disposal and found myself fishing through gross soggy cheerios to retrieve pasta.  Laughing at myself as I type this.  Wish I had that on camera.

I immediately saw the spiritual significance.  Go reaching back into the **** from the past, sorting through bad energy drama (read:  soggy gross cheerios), ain't gonna feel good.  No matter how bad you wanna retrieve those noodles (it was the last of the package and I was craving pasta).

Lesson learned.  I hugged my handsome husband, laughed at myself, left the noodles - and the cheerios - in the disposal, and made something else for lunch.  Moved on.

Ahhhh, I love the Universe.  Never subtle.  Always teaching.  Always kind.  If you're open to see it all unfold, magically, and laugh at yourself along the way.  
