"Mommy, Montana says the sun and moon follow him, but it turns out, it follows me." - Dakota Wells, age 6
When you were born, you knew. You knew a lot. You knew it all! Meaning you knew you were the center of the Universe - perfect, beautiful and sparkling in every way - in your own unique way. You asked for what you wanted without hesitation. You knew what you needed. You did not go outside of yourself and ask other people, because you knew. And if you did not get what you wanted you screamed until you did. Hey, not a great tactic as an adult, but you utilized your resources at the time โ and it worked.
My son Dakota, age 6, said the above adorable quote to me last Wednesday during our nightly after dinner bike ride to the beach in Barrington, Rhode Island. (Montana is his six-year-old twin by the way.)
I just had to stop our tandem tagalong bike to write that quote down because it is so wise. It was not said with arrogance, it was said with wisdom - and pure innocence. According to Dakota, he is the center of the Universe - he is the bomb. He does not apologize for this or feel insecure about it. His actions do not reflect arrogance or mean-ness, just confidence, security and a positive energy that inspires all in his presence.
I teach people all day every day to be their authentic self. To be what they were born as โ in that perfectionโ and to stop trying to convince - and please -others. Hey, either they get ya or they don't, people. No amount of convincing will work, ever. In fact, it will push them quite the opposite way. It's also wicked paddling upstream, which don't feel good.
But Dakota has exemplified this teaching perfectly - in one sentence. Touchรฉ.