We all know the drawbacks of technology and social media so I ain't gonna go into 'em here because I walk my talk and know first-hand through many years of experience that when you shout "NO!" at something, you include it and its energy in your vibration. I'm talkin' Law of Attraction. It's real and working every moment to create your world so be mindful of your thoughts and words because they are POWERFUL.
Here's a real benefit to technology. My husband and I are serial entrepreneurs and have several businesses together. We also parent our five kiddos together. We spend all our time together and I wouldn't have it any other way. Besides my five children, there's no one else with whom I would rather spend time. #blessedandgrateful
That said, sometimes in business you need to deal with **** that's not so high vibration. We have been cognizant of the Law of Attraction for many years now and are therefore mindful of what we put out to the Universe energetically; nevertheless, we are human and so we do attract some **** from time to time. We immediately notice what we've attraced and trace it back to what we put out there. It's so empowering to take responsibilty for your life. Love it!
Back to technology and one of its many benefits, in the past, before texting and emailing, we would need to explain the **** that went down to one another verbally . . . now, I can just say, "Here, read this text," and it's explained, without the energy going into it. Then we can calmly discuss it, make a decision, take action, and move on without dwelling. That's the key to the Law people, of course you need to talk about what happened to move on, but then, for the love of God, MOVE ON! Don't dwell. Or dwell, and watch more of that **** come your way.
Just sayin.