Have you ever watched Ted Lasso? Great show. There’s a character who says, “Soccer is life.“ He’s very high vibration.
The whole show is very high vibration. I recommend it to all my coaching clients. Big shout out to a special coaching client who recommended it to me relentlessly for a year until she finally told my second born to make me watch it. That worked LOL. 😂😂
Today it occurred to me on my mat at 4am that “Yoga is life.“ In yoga you choose a pose, you come into the pose, you settle into the pose and remain there until you release the resistance the pose brought up. Then you choose another pose. You come into the pose. You release the resistance the pose brought up. When the resistance has subsided you choose another pose.
And so it is with life. You can’t get it wrong and you never get it done. You choose a “pose” (person, place or thing on which to focus your energy and attention), you settle into it and remain there until you release the resistance - the resistance the “pose” (person, place or thing on which you have focused your energy and attention) has brought up in you, then it comes into your experience (also called “manifestation”) and you move on and choose another person, place or thing on which to focus your energy and attention, and the process begins again.
The question is, why are you holding onto that resistance? That is the only - and I mean only - reason that person, place or thing is not manifesting into your now reality. I teach and coach people every day how to “not do that thing they’re doing” to resist the manifestation they’re wanting so much.
Only you can think in your head. It’s all about the power of the focus of your mind. I can teach you and coach you and write about it a lot and I do and I love it! And/but…only you can think in your head.
So make a choice - choose a person, place or thing to use as a pose. Come into the pose. Release the resistance in the pose. And then make another choice and move on. And watch the manifestations accrue.