
Be the Leader

When you are living the best version of yourself, you inspire others to live the best versions of themselves.” 
― Steve Maraboli

Be the leader who inspires -- regardless of your title or position.

Start there, and the rest will fall into place. Let the Universe take care of the details, it does a better job than we ever do.

Once you are acting from the essence of Inspiration and inspiring others, all the pieces will fall into place.

✨ Taylor Wells ✨




“When you are sorrowful look again in your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight.”  

~ Kahlil Gibran

My Mom passed away suddenly and unexpectedly last week and it’s been a whirlwind, of many things, many emotions.  
The thing I am so struck by, and choose to focus on as best as I can, is the incredible KINDNESS of those surrounding me, who are watching me in pain.  I am also struck by the way those who’ve been through it — intense and awful grief — really get it.  
One of my friends, who also lost her Mom but at a much younger age, said the following amazing and wise words, which I would like to offer up to those of you in grief:
"Hi Taylor - I want to say that I totally get it and I'm sending you so much love.  This is just so, so hard.  For me, it's comforting to remember that the grief I feel is a reflection of the love I had.  Often it's the hardest days that I feel the most connected to the memory of my mom.  If I can, I try to take some time alone and go for a walk or a drive somewhere pretty and just let myself feel it.  I'm sending you tremendous amounts of love.  And I'm here for anything you need.”
For those of you in mourning, feeling grief or sadness, or just having a shi*** day, I am sending you light, love and courage, because we all in this together.
Be the Inspiration. ✨ 🌟 💫 ✨

✨ Taylor Wells ✨




"Do what brings you joy, and your purpose will unfold."
~ Iyanla Vanzant

Philippe and I have a new venture.   It’s been life changing for us.  The Universe is so funny and ROCKS.   What a sense of humor and timing it has.   
I had been asking the Universe about my skin and attracting more money.  I turned 50 in September and had never taken care of my skin and didn’t know how to (not a girlie girl).  I had been relying on my good genes.  My Mama (maternal grandmother) had kick a** skin.  But she took care of it.  Not me.  I am lazy about that stuff because it (used to) bore me.  Lemme put it to you this way, one of my students told me six years ago that it’s best to not wash your face at night so your body replenishes the oils naturally.  I took it a step further (who me?) and didn’t wash my face for TWO YEARS after I had my twins.  Morning or night.  I’ll leave it at that - you get the picture.
The money stuff — eh, that’s private, but let’s just say that yoga has become the new black dress and hellow, a corporate yoga chain opened across the street from our very first yoga studio.  Ya, whatever.  Keep calm and let Karma finish it.  That’s what we been doin’ but hey, ya gotta pay the bills (and all of the teachers and the rent x 5).
So . . .  while on ACK last July it kept coming to me, “I need to get back to the mainland and teach at Prana Winchester.”  It came to me every single day, again and again.
Then we got back on July 31st and I was slated to teach at Prana Winchester on Saturday morning August 1st.  But alas, a Prana teacher was moving and couldn’t get a sub for her class at Prana Newton so I taught for her in Newton instead of Winchester. My Spirit was not happy — it was like, “Winchester!  Winchester!”
The following week, Saturday August 8th, I taught in Winchester.  I noticed a student come in a bit late.  Just noticed her.  I also noticed her on her mat because she was doing scorpion while I was teaching something else.  Just noticed.  (I love when people modify -- so no irritation there).  
At the end of class students lined up to talk to me and she was in line - last in line.  We talked for a bit, and then my life changed . . . forever.  Hurray!  I smiled as I understood my Spirit’s insistent and relentless push for me to teach in Winchester. 
The student (Jess) said, “Taylor, you are so magnetic, I don’t know why I never thought of you for this business . . . .” to which I replied, “I’ve been waiting for you." 
Then she told me about Rodan & Fields.  
Ten to twenty people approach me a day about new companies, new things, new books, new products, new food bars, new whatevers — ask me to advertise, write about them, buy a product, promote a product, and so on.  I’ve been around the block. For many years.  I always respond respectfully to people (in my humble opinion, in this day and age when it takes two secs to respond, it’s the kind and respectful thing to do), but the answer is usually, “No, thank you.  I only support and promote what I LOVE LOVE LOVE and believe in.  (And then you can’t shut me up.)"
Rodan & Fields is our new venture.

We love this company and its structure for a lot of reasons.  If it sounds fun, email me here: and I’ll tell you more either online, live, or on the phone (which I have never liked talking on and so for a few years refused to do so -- until now. Now I’m loving it.) 

We are building a fantastic team (law of attraction) and would love you to be part of it if it sounds fun and if you feel you would CRUSH it, love it, have fun, help a lot of people, and make a lot of money — as everyone on the team does.  It’s not competitive in any way -- is all about working together. Love it!

If it don’t sound fun to be on our team but you’re curious about the products, email me. This sh** sells itself.  I don’t have to say a word.  I'm totally confident you will love it like I do.  If you don’t, they have an empty bottle refund policy.  That’s pretty amazing.  You can use it all then say, “Nah, don’t like it, refund my money.”  Shows how much they believe in what they do.  Very yogic.
And thank you Universe, I now have the best skin care regime ever and it’s easy peasy and affordable and my skin looks better every day — with no work or time.  Which is good because I have no patience for that.  In fact, I actually love my little skin care time in the morning and night.  It’s fun and makes me happy.  And remember, it’s all about fun and happiness.  The rest is just filler.
Be the Inspiration. ✨ 🌟 💫 ✨

✨ Taylor Wells ✨



50 Degrees F

"Be careful how you interpret the world: It is like that."
 ~ Erich Heller

Everything is relative.
Note how we New Englanders dress when it’s 50 degrees Fahrenheit in September . . . and how we dress when it’s 50 degrees Fahrenheit in March.  
(September = bundled up . . . March = shorts and flip flops).
It’s the SAME TEMPERATURE!  But oh so different.
Everything is relative.  
Be the Inspiration. ✨ 🌟 💫 ✨

✨ Taylor Wells ✨



No Event Has Been More Life Changing

Love is like the wind, you can't see it but you can feel it.” 
~ Nicholas Sparks

For me, during my 50 years on this planet, no event, besides the births of my 5 children, has been more life-changing - in an instant - than the sudden and unexpected death of my Mom. 

Oddly - but certainly - I now feel closer to her, because she is with me always. I feel her spirit in my heart, surrounding me, and in all of the beauty of the earth -the sunshine on the leaves, the blue sky, the soft autumn air.

My Mom and I had a complicated relationship. I feel only love for her now.

I dedicate this blog and this moment to my mom, Elaine Pendexter Hare. I love you Mom.

 Be the Inspiration. ✨ 🌟 💫 ✨

✨ Taylor Wells ✨



"Happy" for Whole Pregnancy Too!

"I believe in karma, and I believe if you put out positive vibes to everybody,
that's all you're going to get back."
~ Kesha

If you got kids, I KNOW you have a tough time gettin' 'em to smile for the camera.  Comes with the territory.  Believe me, I know.

On Philippe's birthday, my kids and I made this kick-a** peanut M&M cake with a Hippie Prana Peace mini van on top and I wanted to capture the moment.  The second I took out my iPhone to take a photo, they started making the weirdest faces. It actually made me laugh out loud.
Then I put on the song "Happy" while I took the photo, and look what happened (see photo above).

That song have some serious good energy.  And it's all about energy.

What's your energy like right now?  If it's not the BEST EVER, take a moment to shift it, because you're gonna attract more like it.  Remember, like attracts like.  It's physics.  The Law of Attraction.

A great way to shift your energy is your yoga practice.  I'm just sayin'.

Taylor Wells



Be Greater

"To bring up a child in the way he should go,
travel that way yourself once in a while." 
~ Josh Billings

Dear all parents, caregivers, and people on the planet,

I awoke this morning to the note written above from my almost 18 year old daughter. 


What you do matters.  

They’re listening, even though sometimes it don’t feel like they are.

They’re watching.  Always.

You are a teacher.  Step up and walk your path as the best version of your authentic self.  Not perfect — no - that’s not what I’m saying.  The best version of your authentic self.   One moment, one breath at a time.  You’ve got this, and I’m rootin’ for ya.

Have the best day ever!


Taylor Wells



Everything You're Going Through is Preparing You for What You Asked For

There are no wrong turnings. Only paths we had not known we were meant to walk.” 
― Guy Gavriel Kay

I know it can be tough.  Boy, do I know.  I’m just like you — I have ups, I have downs.  I hit speed bumps.

Here’s a little something you can go back to again and again — it will help you take a breath and calm down a little bit NOW:

Everything I’m going through is preparing me for what I asked for.

It’s true.

Sometimes we ask for things and then we get thrown off when we have to walk a path and go through some sh** before it shows up.  We’re like, “Uh, no, I just want it now.  I don’t wanna have to go through anything or let go of anything or put any kind of work into this at all, thank you very much.”

That’s your resistance talking.  Ignore it.

I’ve got your back spiritually.  So close your eyes and feel that and stay on the path.  Everything you’re going through is preparing you for what you asked for.  Have faith.  Breathe and believe.

Have the best day ever!


Taylor Wells




"If you dream and you believe, you can do it."
~ Sean Combs


Have the best day ever!


Taylor plus 5



Be The One Who

"Be a rainbow in someone else’s cloud."
~ Maya Angelou

Be the one who…

(You fill in the blank.)

You hear all, "Don't be THAT person...." all the time.

So . . . who would you tell your children/friend to be?

Here are some ideas:

Be the one who…

– offers to bring something to the party.

– writes a handwritten thank you note -- yes, handwritten – snail mail.

– smiles at a stranger.

– opens the door for someone.

- allows someone to have the last word.

- says you're sorry first.

- makes your bed first thing in the morning.

- replaces the role on the toilet paper holder.

- wipes out the fridge.

- returns the shopping cart to where it belongs.

- tells the truth.

- loves more than criticizes.

- complements more than judges.

- has perspective and humility.

- is mindful.

- is aware.

– is kind.

– exhibits Grace.

- gives hugs and kisses frequently.

– walks your talk.

Have the best day ever!


Taylor Wells



Kids Love Popsicles

Happiness does not depend on what you have or who you are, it solely relies on what you think."
~ Buddha

 I have five kids, ages five, five, eight, 11 and 17. They are the most fun and biggest teachers in my life.

 It came to me this morning that it has taken me 17 years – hello? – to realize a simple truth. Kids. Love. Popsicles.

They love them! They make them so happy. And yesterday my twin sons and I figured out that if you buy the ones that are not frozen yet you get 100 for the same price as 18 of the already frozen ones – best ever!

"What does this have to do with anything?" You may be asking yourself.

This has to do with everything.

Life is really quite simple, but we insist on making it complicated. Confucius said this and I agree. Children show us how simple life, and happiness, really is.

Happiness does not depend on who you are or what you have. It depends on what you think. The Buddha said this.
Unless of course you are talking about Popsicles – I guess they didn't have Popsicles back then.

Have the best day ever! 


Taylor Wells



The Law of Attraction

On Monday my kids didn’t have school because of Rosh Hashanah so we scooted to Brown to go to the cafeteria for a little pre-birthday celebration (my birthday is today — hurray!).  I love love love Brown (and the Ratty) — it’s my happy place.  It represents a lot to me, very deep and personal things.  It was the very first place I felt free and safe after leaving my family of origin at age 17.  
As we were walking out of the Ratty, I thought to myself, “I attract and expect the best of and from everyone with whom I come into contact,” and just as I looked up, a student looked me right in the eye and smiled the biggest smile ever.  My heart grew two sizes bigger as I smiled right back.
Every single day I am amazed at the consistency and accuracy of the Law of Attraction (LOA).  I love writing, talking and teaching about it, and Philippe and I will be teaching a whole series of workshops about the Law of Attraction and how to finesse it, starting Saturday September 26th at Prana Power Yoga™ Newton.  The info is below.  I hope to see you there! It’s going to be a lot of fun and you don’t need to know anything about anything, just show up and breathe.  That’s it!
1. Saturd

ay September 26th 1-4pm : 
Prana Power Yoga™ Newton
How To Finesse the Law of Attraction to Be More Happy & Successful:
– Work
– Money
– Relationships
– Health
– Beauty
($110 day of) 



A Shining Example

We all need people who will give us feedback. That’s how we improve.”
– Bill Gates

I sent the following email to our amazing Prana Power Yoga family:

“Hi Prana Family!

Please read below for a *shining example* of a person who is open to and takes “the good stuff” (feedback) with Grace and integrity –and a great sense of humor:


I just finished teaching at the YMCA and I caught myself speaking with that childlike tone you mentioned in my feedback. Geesh if that’s not a sign I don’t get out much I don’t know what is. Thanks for the tip.

My baby tone…it’s like having broccoli in your teeth and no one telling you. Hello!!?? Why didn’t anyone tell me! LOL still chuckling.’

Much gratitude for all that you do. What you do matters.”

Here is the email I wrote to the teacher who responded with Grace to my feedback:

“You rock. Not only did you listen to every bit of feedback I gave you with an open mind and heart and implement it immediately at Prana, but you then took it further and continued to notice it in other classes. All done with an amazing amount of integrity and Grace.

Here are a few things about me:

I will ALWAYS:

look for the positive
be kind
be honest
be myself
have a ton of energy
have fun
smile a lot
ignore gossip
ignore hate
tell u about both broccoli and baby tone!”

Have the best day ever and Namaste!”


How do you respond to feedback? How do you give feedback?

Have the best day ever!


Taylor plus 5



This Has Never Happened In My Life At Apple

Real integrity is doing the right thing, knowing that nobody’s going to know whether you did it or not.”
― Oprah Winfrey

We have been spending a fair amount of time at Apple these days.

First I dropped my iPhone on the ground while on ACK for the month of July and it shattered, resulting in A.  No iPhone for a month while on the island (woot woot) and B.  An Apple store visit upon returning to the mainland.

When we left the store we mistakenly took home one of their Mac cables, which was attached to my computer.

My new iPhone was misbehaving so back we went to Apple, +5 in tow (they love love love the Apple Store and cheer when they hear we’re heading there).  The genius helping us at the bar started with, “Now this is your cable, correct?” ( He later told me that he says this to everyone before he begins the consult), to which Philippe said, “Actually, I think that’s your cable.  I think we brought it home by mistake on Thursday.”

Kevin, our Apple bar genius du jour, stared at us both for about ten seconds, saying nothing.

A little odd, and noted.

Later, Kevin called over a fellow genius and said, “Griffin, check this out, these customers came in and I asked if this was their cable, and they said, ‘Actually, that’s your cable.”

Griffin stared at us for a few seconds — same expression as Kevin had had — and they called over another Apple dude.  Soon there were several genius’ looking at us with that same expression.

“What’s going on?” I asked.

“This has never happened before in my life at Apple,” Kevin explained.  “I always ask if this is the customer’s cable, and never ever has anyone ever returned a cable.”

“But that’s stealing,” I said.

Then I told them all the story of the first time I practiced yoga a million years ago, and afterward found myself at Bread and Circus (now called Whole Foods), about to grab a pretzel out of one of those food bins.  In that moment I realized, “This is stealing,” and walked away.  Thus began my yogic spiritual journey.  And this yogi walks her talk.

Have the best day ever!


Taylor plus 5



It's A Good Day To

The beginning is always today.”
- Mary Shelley

It’s a good day to have a good day.

Simply set that as your intention today and see what happens. The law of attraction and the power of intention are incredible.

Have the best day ever!


Taylor plus 5



Trip To The ER

Last week my ankle blew up like a balloon for no apparent reason. I ignored it, figuring it would work itself out. When 36 hours later it was still swollen and painful, I schlepped my four youngest chickens into the emergency room with me after I taught a double at Prana Newton. Philippe was teaching while we went on our adventure.



Dry Clean Only

My three boys love their blue blazers. They requested them two summers ago when they saw Philippe wearing one to dinner. They had them in two days – Amazon Prime is an amazing thing.
