When Your Path Seems Windy and Curvy and Up and Down and Twisted and Confusing and Frustrating and... All The Things…

When your path seems windy and curvy and up and down and twisted and confusing and frustrating and … all the things, smile, breathe and let go.  It’s a path my friends, a path.  It’s never straight and clear all the time.  The contrast is there to show us what we DO want to create.  And in all its perfection, if you listen to the contrast and choose what it is that you do want, the path will clear — and become clearer and clearer, as I have described below recounting the last six years.  How do you know when you’ve found “it?”  Blessings🙏🏻Love❤️Joy😊Gratitude💫Happiness🌈and Infinite Inner Peace☮️ envelop you.  And you don’t give a rip what anyone else thinks about your path.  And that, my friends, is true freedom.

Once upon a time my Prana Power Yoga ✨🙏🏻✨ student and friend asked me to represent (sell) her skin care products.  I’m a jumper and I like to say yes to life so off I went.  It was fun!  I have fun doing many things. 

As I was telling another friend about the skin care, she was like, “You should also represent (sell) my wellness product!  It’s so you!”   I loved the product and I’m a jumper and I like to say yes to life so off I went.  It was fun!  I have fun doing many things.

Time marched on and without realizing it, I began focusing on the selling of this thing (I let the skin care products go to focus on the wellness products), and turning away from the thing I love most - inspiring people to live their BEST LIFE EVER✨🌟💫💛 through my coaching, writing and inspiration card decks.  

But . . .  not really.  Because my Spirit is a strong fiery one and always has the final say.  Always.  (Just ask my HH).  So my Spirit weaved my message into every thing I did for the representation (sales) of this wellness product.  I was always talking more Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫 than fruits and veggies in capsules.

Four years went by and another opportunity to represent (sell) another product I loved came my way and I jumped, again.  I’m a jumper and I like to say yes to life so off I went.  It was fun!  I have fun doing many things.

Again, although I was selling this new thing that I believed in, my focus and emphasis to my 🌟Best. 🌟 Team. 🌟. Ever. 🌟 which grew quite big very quickly, was always Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫 …my Spirit is a strong, focused, fiery one.  I talked about Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫 on our team huddles, not product.

Fast forward to August 2021.   My Spirit was like, “Enough!  She’s not getting it…time to clear the path.”  So I was inspired (by my Spirit) and SO EXCITED to join another wellness company with products I also really love and believe in…on top of the other two companies (laughing at myself as I write this)…so excited, so inspired, that wild horses couldn’t keep me from doing so.  And it came to me right after meditation while on vacation on Nantucket. Boom!  I was all in!  I always follow highest guidance (intuition) and I’m a jumper and I like to say yes to life so off I went.  It was fun!  I have fun doing many things.

Until it wasn’t fun.  The first wellness company I represented fired me for joining the second wellness company (just a policy, no judgment here or anytime, judgment is so low vibe and I want nothing to do with it.  Everyone is allowed to have their perspectives).  Then the second company was also not happy with me joining the other wellness company.  Super low vibe energy coming at me and so not what I want to live my BEST LIFE EVER✨🌟💫💛.  

Is this about judgment?  Pointing fingers?  Saying who or what is right or wrong?  Hell no.  This is about the perfection of our paths…of our intuition…of our Spirit’s guidance.  You might be like, “What?  Everything went to hell in a hand bag, Taylor! How was that perfect?!”   

My Spirit knew I would never walk away from these companies and/or people.  I am as loyal as the day is long and I love love love people and the people in these companies and I’m a jumper and I like to say yes to life and it was fun!  I have fun doing many things.  My Spirit guided me to the second wellness company after that meditation on Nantucket so this path would unfold, perfectly, in alignment, so that I would see -- finally see — after six years (!!), what I want to truly focus on, my true love and purpose - helping people create their BEST LIFE EVER✨🌟💫💛 with my coaching, writing and inspiration card decks.

I am grateful to all the people, places and things that led me back to my true path and purpose.  Thank you!  I appreciate you! 🌈💫💕 

So to repeat what all this has to do with you…When your path seems windy and curvy and up and down and twisted and confusing and frustrating and … all the things, smile, breathe and let go.  It’s a path my friends, a path.  It’s never straight and clear all the time.  The contrast is there to show us what we DO want to create.  And in all its perfection, if you listen to the contrast and choose what it is that you do want, the path will clear and become clearer and clearer, as I have described here.  How do you know when you’ve found “it?”  Blessings🙏🏻Love❤️Joy😊Gratitude💫Happiness🌈and Infinite Inner Peace☮️ envelop you.  And you don’t give a rip what anyone else thinks about your path.  And that, my friends, is true freedom.


I’m rooting for you.  And I believe in you. 🌈💫❤️😊🙏🏻 

*Synchronistically, years ago my mentor for the first wellness company gave me the mug in the photo above.  The Universe has a sense of humor.  I wasn’t ready for the message yet….when we’re ready the message is clear and we take action.



Do You Feel Stuck?

Do you feel stuck?

As I work with my coaching clients, I see a lot of people experiencing this feeling of “stuckness.”

The longer your uncomfortable circumstance isn't changing, the greater the discomfort of that stuck feeling. 

Sit down for this:  You aren't stuck and you've never EVER been stuck.

Every single moment is a BRAND NEW MOMENT and you are a brand new person in a brand new moment. You aren't stuck, you're just vibrationally re-creating the same circumstance over and over again, creating the illusion of stuckness.  You are in a reality loop, of your creation.

Stuckness sets in when the conscious mind can't see a rational, action-based path from here to there. When your mind can't figure it out - find a solution to making the money, the relationship, the health, the job or anything else show up, you feel the illusion of “stuck.“

I have the BEST NEWS EVER!  Getting from here to there isn't about your rational mind creating a path. That path is meaningless, it's an illusion.


Because the true path from here to there is 100% vibrational. 

Once you understand this, you understand how powerful of a creator you really are.  You understand your TRUE power.  Getting there is so much easier than most people understand. 

It's a matter of learning to walk the vibrational path. And that, my friends, is just one thought away. 

I am accepting 2 more clients in my BEST LIFE EVER✨🌟💫💛 Coaching Practice.  Email me at taylorwells@alumni.brown.edu to hear more. 



Feeling Stuck? Powerless? Not Good Enough? Like You Work SO HARD But Nothing Changes? Like There's Never ENOUGH TIME? ✨🌟💫💛

17 years ago our whole family went raw vegan.  Overnight.  We were raw vegan for 7 years.  Opened a raw vegan restaurant. 

While our 1 year old twin sons were super healthy, they were smaller than we felt they should have been because of their genes, our heights and weights, etc.  so we stopped the raw vegan lifestyle in an instant.   Never looked back.  Never regretted.  Don’t believe in regret or remorse, just learning and a path - a journey.  All good.  

 In August of 2015 a Prana Power Yoga ✨🙏🏻✨ student approached me about a a business opportunity.  Skin care. I jumped.  That’s my nature.  

A few months later another student told me about a Wellness company, same business model.  Loved the product.  It was a better fit for me so I pivoted. Jumped again.  Always the enthusiastic risk taker.  Always up for the adventure.

In October 2019 I joined a mission to educate people about the chemicals and sugar in wine.  Same business model.   My business skyrocketed.  Over 100 people on my 🌟Best. 🌟 Team. 🌟. Ever. 🌟 in one year. 

In August of 2021 I was inspired to follow my highest excitement and join a Wellness company - add it on to my wine company business and my BEST LIFE EVER ✨🌟💫💛 Alignment and Happiness Coaching Practice which I have loved (most of all) for 2 decades.  I jumped, following highest excitement and intuition, walking my talk and what I have taught daily for over 20 years in my Coaching Practice. 

I have loved all of these experiences, businesses and adventures because happiness is a choice and I always make that choice. ✨💫🌟❤️🌈  There are ups and downs in all businesses and all lives, and I remain committed to focus on that which I want, instead of what I do not want.  I am committed to walking my talk.  And I love it.  I have been obsessed with the Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫 since I was 5 and it’s my highest excitement and joy to teach it to others, and to learn about it and get BETTER AT IT, daily, and bring this learning and mastery to my Coaching Clients.

I have never advertised or marketed my BEST LIFE EVER ✨🌟💫💛 Alignment and Happiness Coaching practice because the Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫 has always taken care of that for me.  I let the Universe take care of it.  It does a better job than I ever do.

I was recently inspired and guided to help even more people with my BEST LIFE EVER ✨🌟💫💛 Alignment and Happiness Coaching and so I opened my practice to two more people.  Email me at taylorwells@alumni.brown.edu if you would like to work together to create your BEST LIFE EVER, utilizing the energy and power that creates worlds.  I will honor first come-first served in this process.

I’m rooting for you and I believe in you. 🌈💫❤️😊🙏🏻 



Should You Talk About Things You Are Trying To Manifest? ✨🌟💫💛


 Here's a great question from a BEST LIFE EVER ✨🌟💫💛 reader about manifesting:


If I am trying to manifest something should I NOT talk about it with others?  That’s what it says on page 92 of your book. Can you clarify this for me?

This morning was lying in bed thinking about what change could I make to improve my life immediately. It came to me. Stop cursing today.

So I am going to use my green elastic to measure my language and see how I do!”

Here's my response:

"As with all things, every situation is different and every person is different.

Sometimes it’s good to talk about something if it makes you excited and happy.  If it feels fun to talk about it, it’s ok to do so and it’s ok to get specific.

Most of the time however it’s best to keep it to yourself and allow the energy to build. Usually when we talk with others we put energy into trying to convince them on some level even if it is unconscious. So that Energy is not going toward manifesting, it’s going toward convincing. And the Universe sees it as a form of resistance when you are trying to convince others. It is a resistant energy which keeps manifestations at bay."



You Are A Creator. Creation Starts From Within. ✨🌟💫💛

You are a creator. 

Creation starts from within.

All of your physical reality originates from your very own emotions and perceptions.

What you embody, you become. 

What you embody, you experience. 

What you embody, is up to you.

You get to choose if you are a historian… talking about what has happened or a regurgitator talking about what is happening…or a creator, choosing what you want to create.  Telling the better feeling story and watching that unfold. 

How do you choose? With your focus your thoughts and your emotions. You have the ultimate power.

And that’s pretty cool.

It doesn’t matter if you just learned about this right now. Because everything is about the now. We all start here and now and create moving forward.

I’m rooting for you!*

*I have chosen to open my Best Life Ever ✨🌟💫💛 Alignment and Happiness Coaching practice to two more people. Email me at taylorwells@alumni.brown.edu if you would like to hear more. 💫



Are You A Positive Leader? ✨🌟💫💛

Positive leaders don't lead because they want recognition. They lead because there is something they are inspired to do, build, create, transform and/or change. They lead because it's who they are + what they are meant and inspired to do. 🙏💫

Positive leaders don't lead *only* in a sea of positivity but through the storms of adversity and negativity and judgment…and they choose the energy with which they operate, regardless of the chaos around them. 🌊💫

History doesn't remember the critics. It remembers the ones who withstood criticism and judgment to accomplish something great. 💫


🌟Don't let praise go to your head + don't let critics into your head. [guard your peace and energy]

🌟Be so invested in your craft that you don't have time to listen to the naysayers. No time for negativity. 🚫

🌟Your identity doesn't come from what the world says about you. It comes from who you are inside. Your work, leadership and mission are too important to allow others to define your destiny.🔥

Are you committed to being a "positive leader" and showing up?  I’m talking to YOU…this applies to everyone reading this post.  We are ALL leaders. And everyone is watching. 🙏💫



PROTIPS About the Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫 I Use Every Day

I am obsessed with the Law of Attraction. ✨🌟💫. I’ve been obsessed with it and studying it since I was 5. Every day I coach, teach and write about it and most importantly, live it moment to moment in my life. I walk my talk and oh it’s so fun to see how it unfolds! 💫✨🌟🌈🤸‍♂️

Here are some PROTIPS and things I remind myself every. Single. Day. It’s a practice. You never get it wrong, my friends, and you never get it done.




On The Scary Newport Bridge By Accident - Ahhhhhhh! 😳

Yesterday I was driving to Newport, Rhode Island to deliver some Clean-crafted Wine™ to a new customer. I LOVE getting new customers in towns that I love to visit because, well, it’s an excuse to visit that town and my Chickens 🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣 and I enjoy the town on our adventures….



David, My Friend, The Artist


This is an amazing painting by my friend David.  David and I go waaaaay back.  On September 4, 2009 I did a pregnancy test at 5am.  There was a verrrryyyyyy faint line.  But, as my friend, whom I call BIFF, says, “A line’s a line!”  It was the extraordinary news that my baby Chickens 🐣🐣 were on the way. I knew there were twins in my tummy because A.  We had been manifesting them and B.  The line was there on the “normal/average” time line of when a line “should” appear, whereas my previous 4 pregnancies showed waaaay later because well, they just did (yes, 4 prior pregnancies, I had a miscarriage between Curly bear🐻❤️ and Dakota and Montana, I wrote about it in my book and on the Herald).

Back to September 4, 2009, a day etched  with joy and love and light in my brain.  I’d woken at 5am because we were embarking upon a new adventure that day, we were opening our very first (and hopefully last, please let it be our last) restaurant.  It was called “Prana Cafe.”  It was a raw vegan restaurant born from a vision I had and my strong desire to not  prepare the raw vegan food we were eating as a raw vegan family.  I figured, “How hard can it be to have a restaurant?”  I know those of you who have or have had restaurants are laughing out loud right now….  
I woke my HH (handsome husband) crying that morning, holding the pregnancy test over his sleepy morning eyes, and he said lovingly, “It’s ok, Supermom, it’ll happen next month.”  

To which I responded with a squeal, “It’s positive!  It’s POSITIVE!!!!  There’s a line!”

I carried that pregnancy stick around with me all day in my backpack, pulling it out when no one was looking, smiling in delight.

So, back to David.  David was in the restaurant that day finishing up his painting.  He was painting a vision I’d had…a vision of a pink house with purple and green trim, in which the Chickens 🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣 of restaurant customers would enjoy Disney movies, wooden toys, tea cups and other delights while their parents munched happily on delicious raw vegan food.  It was situated so that the parents could see their Chickens and the Chickens could not escape out the door of the restaurant.  I knew that I wanted to do this because my HH and I had frequented a restaurant that had a little play area for kids, even though the food wasn’t great…just so we could actually chew our food and swallow it before needing to jump up and tend to our Chickens 🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣.
So that’s when David and I met, in 2009.
I check in on David periodically to say hi because I really like him.  When I texted him last week he said he had been creating tons of art.  Then in a matter of days, I swear, DAYS, he created this masterpiece for me…note the yogi in Natarajasana behind the wine glass.  

I didn’t ask David to create this for me.  He felt inspired, and he created it.  He did this from the bottom of his heart.  Then before I could blink an eye, it arrived on my front porch.  Framed!  My HH and I immediately hung it prominently in our dining room, right before you enter the kitchen at the happy white pineapple 😊✨🌟💫🍍.  

A huge shout out and so much gratitude to David for this masterpiece, which melts my heart every time I walk by it, which is many times a day.
Reach out to David to have your own art created.  He’s THE BOMB!! He’s so talented and wonderful and I so appreciate what he is doing for this world. Tell him I sent you.

Blessings🙏🏻Love❤️Joy😊Gratitude💫Happiness🌈and Infinite Inner Peace☮️  

David’s Instagram:


David’s Bio:

Artist David J. Richardson, is a contemporary painter who lives and works in Western,

Massachusetts. A native of The Berkshires, his paintings reflect that beauty and nature. His

distinctive personal style showcases great texture, color, movement, and balance. Picturesque

landscapes, animals, insects, geometric shapes, and shape repetition are key aspects to his


"Art has been an outlet for me, and a way to relate to the world."

He considers himself to have a non-conforming style that is imaginative, unique, and widely

interpretable. In his paintings you can find some of the very same qualities found in the most

notable movements in art. Ranging from the cubist movement, to the abstract expressionist

movement - he progressively embraces a new and special form that is unmistakably his own.



Be The Woman Who . . . .


Be The Woman Who….

Choose.  Choose how you want to feel.  Do you want to feel happy? Loved? Excited? Proud? Successful? Accomplished? Relieved? Ease? Empowered? Free? Liberated? Respected? Light and easy? Choose the feeling and then no matter what unfolds in front of you in your day, go back to that feeling.  CHOOSE that feeling. It’s up to you.  The choice.  The feeling.  What unfolds.  Your manifestation.  Your life.  Manifestation is not a process.  Manifestation is a CHOICE.  Choose it.  It’s not up to your partner, your kids, your boss, your friends, your mom, your dog, your cat.  It’s up to you.  And wow, isn’t that some awesome POWER you have.  The power to choose.  The power to focus.  The incredible power of focus! The power to tell a better feeling story.   

Take an audit now of your thoughts, of your focus.  Notice where you are focusing your mind and what thoughts and feelings are arising from that focus.  Now notice, take note, of what is unfolding in your NOW. It’s all about the now.  Can you acknowledge that that circumstance, that unfolding is a reflection of your vibration?  Of what you chose to focus on?  Great, then this will be easy.  If you cannot, well, then you have some work to do.  We all do, by the way.  This is a daily practice.  It’s a moment to moment practice.  And if you feel it’s too much work, and you would prefer putting the work into feeling crappy, then go for it.  I for one choose to reach for happy instead of crappy.  Ha ha, I just made that up as I’m typing and it made me laugh.  Every morning during my morning practice I ask the Universe and my Inner Being for lots of laughs, fun, happy miracles and happy surprises during this day…and look, there’s laughter out of nowhere.  Another example of how the MAGIC is always in the now.  There is no clarity of path, there is only clarity of THIS MOMENT.  How do you indentify the clarity?  What even is clarity?  Following your excitement, following your joy, following your heart.  That is the indication, the proof that you are in alignment, you are in alignment with your Inner Being and your highest purpose.  

So it really becomes that easy.  Follow what feels good.  When I coach people (been doing so for 20 years and I love it!), they say, “But Taylor, that’s too easy!”  So I give them processes, I give them homework, and then they say, “But Taylor, that’s too hard.”

Now, if someone is off the path and not telling their better feeling story they are NOT going to wanna hear from you if you’re all unicorns and rainbows and sparkles.  You will annoy them.  I may be annoying you right now, in fact.  And that’s ok.  I don’t take it personally, because it’s not.  

So back to that person who’s off the path.  She’s angry, she’s resentful, she’s bossy, she’s judgy, she’s just acting downright rude.  (These are all indications by the way, that she is in fear…that she is insecure and afraid). What are you gonna do?  Are you gonna judge her?  Get mad at her?  Resent her?  Try to boss her?  You gonna trash talk her?  

I know, it’s tempting.  It’s tempting to react.  To lash out. It’s so damn easy to react, isn’t it?  But take a nice easy breath.  A deep breath . . .  and then exhale and get back into alignment.  Remember who you are.  Then follow your heart, which will always lead you to what feels best.  Because the reactive route, the lash out/get even route…it’s a quick fix to that anger but boy, you’ll have some crappy feelings to deal with in the aftermath. In the wake of your reaction. And a drama will most likely ensue and girl, no one wants a drama.  

So instead, hold your head high, throw your shoulders back, regain your power - your power of focus - and CHOOSE to focus on why you love her.  Write down five things you love about her.  Focus on those things.  

Then hug her (with your mask on) and help her fix her crown and don’t tell a soul that it was crooked.

We’ve all been there.  We’ve all been both of these women.

Now you can choose a different path, tell a better feeling story.  And from that place of love, empowerment and focus, watch what happens.  It’ll be magic.  Just watch.

Blessings🙏🏻Love❤️Joy😊Gratitude💫Happiness🌈and Infinite Inner Peace☮️  



When You Follow Your Highest Excitement, When You Follow Your Heart . . .


Five years ago I called my friend from Brown to tell him about a business I was involved in. I asked him how NYC was. He said they’d moved to Barrington, Rhode Island. “What’s Barrington, Rhode Island?” I asked.

We moved to Barrington a few months later, ripping up 30 years of roots in Newton, Massachusetts and leaving behind 3 of our 5 Prana Power Yoga ✨🙏🏻✨ studios (the other 2 were in NYC). 

I used to listen to Steve Winwood’s “While You See a Chance Take It” as I drove back-and-forth from Newton to Barrington looking at homes to buy. I followed my highest excitement and my heart even though there was resistance going on, especially from my middle schooler. I knew in my heart that this move was in total alignment for my family of seven. And I did something I had never done before, even with potty training… I bribed my middle schooler, with a new dog.

So now we have our beautiful Aspen, a white Siberian husky with bright blue eyes and the most eccentric hilarious personality ever, we live in a dreamy town that is beyond my wildest dreams and we walk to the beach and on the beach every day, have an amazing community of wonderful people who care and step up and out for each other, my now junior in high school who was the middle schooler back then has the most amazing group of friends she could ever ask for, and I too have found my tribe here - my fab five - as well as so many other wonderful friends for whom I am so grateful.

When I took the leap, following my highest excitement and my heart, I could never have known that we would sell our Prana Power Yoga ✨🙏🏻✨ studios in the next few years. I had no idea.  I took the leap anyway and knew everything would fall into place as it should.

When you follow your highest excitement, when you follow your heart, you’re on the right path my friends. Yes it can be scary, yes it will be scary, but it’s worth the ride. I am living proof.



Manifesting is a CHOICE, Not a Process

6.21.11 Madison n Mom.jpg

Today I had a date for coffee with my first born chicken. She is a senior at Brown. She asked me to go to coffee and when your chicken asks you to go for coffee you drop everything and you show up. Even though I have a million things going on with my Clean-crafted Wine™ business and my other chickens, off I went to grab a Starbucks with my girl. 

As I waited in my car outside her apartment on Angell Street, yes my daughter lives on Angell Street!😇, the time quickly passed. I continued to text and call her but no response. I always have work I can do on the fly, one of the many things I love about my wine business, so I listened to Voxer’s, responded to texts and emails and placed orders for customers, every few minutes either texting or calling her. I knew she was still sleepin.😉 After 45 minutes it became clear she was not gonna wake up and this coffee date was not destined to happen today. I believe in diving timing, so I texted her that I was heading back to The happy white pineapple 😊✨🌟💫🍍 (what we call our home) because I I have a zoom meditation with my 🌟Best. 🌟 Team. 🌟. Ever. 🌟 at 9:30 every day, and off I went. As I drove back to Barrington I purposefully focused on the love I have for my daughter and the fact that she wants to have coffee with me. I remembered those days when I was a senior at Brown and I slept till 1 PM after being up till 3 AM. I was always a night owl and I needed my eight hours!

I decided how I wanted to feel. I chose it. I wanted to feel love for my chicken and happiness and nostalgia for those memories of Brown and I know that I am in charge of how I feel. I choose to NOT just observe what is occurring and react to it.

When I got home she texted me that oh crap! She’d slept through her alarm because she was up late. Since I had already prepaved (chosen how I wanted to feel and found the thoughts and focus to achieve this), I easily responded truthfully that it was all right and I understood.

I have a choice. I have a choice on what to focus. I have a choice what I bring into my life utilizing the law of attraction. Manifesting is not a process, it is a choice. CHOOSE it. Then let the Universe take care of the details. It does a better job than we ever. do.



Your Business Can Not Reflect Back to You the Vibrational Aspects You've Pinched Off in Yourself.


Your business can not reflect back to you the vibrational aspects you’ve pinched off in yourself.

If you’ve pinched off your own WORTHINESS, your business can not reflect back worthiness.

If you’ve pinched off your feeling of EASE, your business can not reflect back ease.

If you’ve pinched off your feeling of “GOOD ENOUGHNESS,” your business can not reflect back “good enoughness.”

If you've pinched off your feeling of LOVE for yourself, your business can not reflect back that same love.

If you’ve pinched off your feeling of FREEDOM, your business can not reflect freedom back to you.

If you’ve pinched off your feeling of FLOW, your business can not reflect flow back to you.

All experiences - including your business- are paths to healing parts of yourself. Allowing that healing to take place is what allows the progression of your life in the direction you desire.

Let more of yourself in so you can experience more of what you want in your business - and your life.

I believe in you. 🌈💫❤️😊🙏🏻 

Blessings🙏🏻Love❤️Joy😊Gratitude💫Happiness🌈and Infinite Inner Peace☮️  
