
Hmmmm…Now, What WAS That Drama?🤔

Think back to one year ago today. Don’t look at your ical, just in your mind . . . think back. Tell me what “problem” you were wrestling with. What was the drama? What was going on that was pulling you out of your joy, your Vortex?

You can’t remember can you?



The Magic of Pancakes on a Sunday Morning✨🌟💫💛

My boyfriend and I left the rat race in 2002 . We rolled the dice and opened a hot yoga studio. The idea came to me “out of nowhere” on my yoga mat. I finished my practice that day, ran downstairs and called him at work. He worked at Bain Capital at the time. I said, “We’re gonna open a yoga studio!!! It’s called Prana Power Yoga!!! ✨🙏🏻✨” My HH (handsome husband - then my handsome boyfriend) didn’t skip a beat and replied calmly, “Ok.”



Month’s End, A Stray Kitty and Frank Sinatra ✨🌟💫💛

Yesterday was month’s end. It’s always a fun crazy banana pants day for my 🌟Best. 🌟 Team. 🌟. Ever. 🌟. Lotsa energy. Lotsa laughs. Lotsa focus. Some intensity. And always lotsa FUN.

Well yesterday also happened to be the day that our new kitty “Frank Sinatra” came into our lives, changing our lives forever in the best way possible.



No Such Thing As Procrastination ✨🌟💫💛


Last night we took our Christmas tree down.  We had taken a few ornaments off here and there since the day the man in red visited us, but now it’s actually down and on the curb.  Hurray! ✨🎈✨ 

I don’t believe in procrastination.  Don’t believe it exists.  I believe in getting into alignment…and then.  Following your excitement.  Following your impulse.  Following your joy.  Getting into alignment and then…following your heart.  If you don't feel like doing something (i.e. taking down the tree), I believe it's because you're not yet in alignment with that task.  When you DO feel like doing it, you are in alignment with it and it will flow beautifully, easily and quickly.  So what some people call "procrastination," I call waiting wisely for alignment and divine timing.  So far this has worked very well for me in this lifetime.

It takes courage my friends to not jump into misaligned action out of guilt, fear, and listening to mass consciousness.   It can feel scary to not flutter about in a flurry of pointless “busyness.”  People in our culture wear “busy” as a badge of honor.  

It isn’t.

Get in alignment…and then.  

Try it and see what happens.  And when your mind argues and resists, ask yourself, “Well, how’s this goin’ so far?  Am I tired of all the busy busy busy action with little/meager/mediocre results?  Am I just tired?  Is it time to try something new?”

“I am a brand new person in a brand new moment experiencing a brand new experience.”

You have the energy that creates worlds available to you.  Just tap into it.

Cheers! 🥂🍷🍾💫 


“Taylor, What’s your ‘thing?’” 


“Taylor, What’s your ‘thing?’” 

My “thing” is joy, light, love and freedom . . . and spreading it. Many years ago when I had 5 Prana Power Yoga ✨🙏🏻✨ studios, I made tee shirts that said, “Until further notice, celebrate everything.” They sold out. I made more. They sold out again. I also had this framed on our studios’ walls.


What Does Success Take? ✨🌟💫💛


What Does Success Take? ✨🌟💫💛

What does success take?

Relationship success.
Money success.
Career or business success.

People think the path is complicated and hard. They think that since they've been stuck for years or decades on a subject that it's difficult to solve.

It’s not.



3 Lessons

I get up at 4 AM every morning to practice yoga. I have done so for over a decade. I set my intention to do so years ago when we were teaching a yoga retreat in St. John.


Once upon a time in a land not so far away (Cambridge Massachusetts) I was filming a Yoga video for my teacher....


Once upon a time in a land not so far away (Cambridge Massachusetts) I was filming a Yoga video for my teacher....

Taylor & Philippe Together 01-19-2009 058.jpg

Mindful Magical Mindset Monday ✨🌟💫💛

Happy happy Anniversary to my HH! ✨❤️❤️✨ 18 years married! 🌈😊❤️💥🔥20 years happily together!❤️😊😊🙏🏻

Many of you have heard this story and you know I love to tell it ☺️😉 so I’m going to tell it again. And then again and again. Because it is magical. 🌟💫✨Because it makes me happy. 😊😊Because it gives people hope.🌈🌈

. I was one of the students in the class. The producer tapped me on the shoulder and asked me to move from my regular spot smack in the front and middle of the room (who me?😉😉). I was slightly thrown off but pulled up my mat, moved it to the side of the room and laid it down again. Then I glanced to my right and blurted out to the dude next to me, “Oh my God! I had a dream about you last night!” To which he replied - without skipping a beat, “So I am, quite literally, the man of your dreams.“

Now 20 years later we have five beautiful Chickens 🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣 who are the biggest joys of our lives and our biggest teachers, we founded five yoga studios in Massachusetts and New York City which we sold after 16 years to YogaWORKS, we are honored to be United Nations Yoga Peace Ambassadors, we opened the first raw vegan restaurant in Newton Massachusetts, we were asked to be Yoga Ambassadors for Lululemon in 2007 before everyone was an ambassador for everything😉😉, we published a book and an inspiration card deck together, we went on a book tour together - with our Chickens 🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣 - to 165 venues nationwide, we created a raw vegan online store, we filmed two YOGA DVDs… and then we picked up everything in 2016 and moved to our happy place on the beach, on a whim.

How does any of this and our anniversary have to do with mindful mindset Monday - and you?🤔🤔 A lot my friends. A whole lot.

If you reread our story, you will note that even though I was not thrilled to be moved to the side of the room before filming the Yoga video, I did so because intuitively it felt right ... and look what happened. Look what was waiting for me. Sometimes we are asked to do something - either by people or the Universe - that does not feel good in the moment but we intuitively know it’s the right thing to do. So we do it and on the other side of that discomfort lies freedom and joy.

Also note that I was 100% authentic and transparent in my interaction with the stranger next to me. I did not think it through ... it just flowed out of my mouth and honestly I was mortified after I said it. 😳😳And look what happened. When you are transparent and authentic it will always turn out well my friends.

So follow your heart. ❤️ Follow your intuition. Be authentic. Be transparent. Breath and believe. And it’s coming to you my friends. Whatever it is that you are reaching for. Whatever it is that you are dreaming of. Whatever it is, it is yours and waiting for you. Relax, breathe, believe and allow it to manifest. I’m rootin for ya! ✨



I Love My New Air Pods But They Aren’t Good For My Marriage

My handsome husband got me air pods for my birthday. Wow! Life changing. They were inspired by my chickens who are really tired of hearing my Voxer and Abraham-Hicks blasting throughout the house as I do my day. Especially since they’re all distance learning, which I call chicken schooling. 🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣
