

Remember that "Sex and the City" episode where Samantha blows the top off of the salutation "Best?"

Allow me to refresh your memory.

Samantha was dating Richard and he kept giving her (very expensive) gifts that his assistant would deliver to her. Things like diamonds and gold jewelry and expensive clothing.

The problem was, he signed the notes with "Best, Richard.". He never said "Love, Richard." Or, God forbid, "I love you, Richard."

This pissed Samantha off.

To this day, when someone sends me an email and signs it "Best," I laugh and think of "Richard sends his best."  It just seems so stiff and formal and robotic and corporate to me.

So you tell me. What is the energetic difference between signing an email "Best," and "Best ever,"?

Have the✨ BEST DAY EVER! ✨
Taylor plus 5❤



Please Turn Off Your Notifications

Please Turn Off Your Notifications


I was talking to a member of our kick a** health and wellness team at our Wine and Wellness Wednesday.  We were brainstorming about social media and “strategy.”

I’m not big on social media strategy.  My strategy in life is love - and I abide in the moment and operate from that place, and from sheer intuition.

So I was curious what she had to say – and open to it - because I have so much fun finding a better way.

She said to me, “The last thing you want is for people to turn off their notifications” (of a group page - or whatever).


My notifications are always off and all the Wells Pary of 7 are asked to do the same, at least while in the white castle.

I prefer to choose what I look at and read when my Spirit is inspired to do so instead of ding ding ding, some device telling me to do something.  You can see why I have never had a lot of fun working for someone else he he.


Soooooo, Please turn off your notifications!  Devices and technology are there to help us and inspire us and make our lives more fun, connected and easier.  They are NOT there to tell us every few seconds what to do and read and look at.  They are NOT there to interrupt the natural flow and rhythm of the Universe and your connection with other human beings who are actually in your physical presence.

Your natural birthright is joy.  Don’t make looking at a page – my page or a group page or any other page or whatever – a higher priority than eye to eye contact, a live conversation, a smile, a hug, an outing.

Pull it together people.  Technology is there for you, you are not there for technology. It is not in charge of your life and your thoughts, you are.

We all need this reminder from time to time . . .  like every four minutes (ding! Ding! Ding!).




We have a Prana Power Yoga studio in Winchester in the Horn Pond Plaza. Across from Whole Foods.

There is a store there called "Tuesday Morning."



I Am Not What Has Happened To Me

"I am not what has happened to me. I am what I choose to become."
 ~ Carl Jung

You can be, do and have anything that you want.  So stop dwelling in the past and feeling bad about it. You did the best that you could and by the way, so did they. Everyone is just doing the best that they can with what they have at that moment.

So focus focus focus. Focus on what you want. Decide who you want to be. And then create it.

I'm rootin' for ya!




This is from a reader:

"I have an executive board meeting today at 1130 -- union business. It always sucks. Arguing and petty bull shit. I am skipping today. I never do-- I am an elected official.  The guys will be pissed at me for a while. Just can't take the negative energy today.
Its nice to know what I can't do today.

NO is a complete sentence!

All the Best today!"

That's very wise – "it's nice to know what I can't do today."




Why are Q-tips called Q-tips? The word ear does not even appear in the name. What IS that?

Of course I could Google it and read about the history of why, but i'd prefer not to. I prefer to define why from my perspective. 



AHHHH Yes Moderation

The Buddha said follow the middle way -- i.e. moderation is where it's at. 

I know this well. I teach it.  I live it . . . for the most part.  Nevertheless, my Spirit seems to want me to learn this lesson again and again.

All good, and amusing to me.


In many places in my life I've learned about moderation, often by doing the opposite first. 

All good, and amusing to me. 

I ate only raw vegan food for 7 years (along with my family) to learn that eating any and all foods in moderation -- no rules or restrictions -- is how I feel best, most free and happiest. 

All good, and amusing to me. 

I played tennis several hours a day for years, lived with Nick Bollettieri for a year at age 12 to train to turn pro, earned a scholarship to Brown (based on tennis, grades and need combined), quit the game disillusioned by a coach who took bribes, and never wanted to play again.  Last week I hit the courts with my kiddos after a 30 year sabbatical -- playing for fun, and, in moderation.  Never thought I'd play again. 

All good, and amusing to me. 

About 6 years ago I taught myself to swim by swimming 100 laps a day.  I kept up the 100 laps a day all the way through my pregnancy with my twin sons, now four years old. Now I can swim 2 laps and feel just as good, or, ehhhhh, better.  For me it's just about getting in the water and moving the energy.  The water is magical for me.

All good, and amusing to me.

When we opened Prana Power Yoga™ Philippe and I taught all of the classes. After a year we trained teachers to help us teach. Now we train 100 teachers a year and choose from an abundance of amazing teachers who really wanna teach at PPY and be a part of the Prana family.  Best ever!  Still I insisted on teaching A LOT (at times 22 times a week, including my daily 4:30 am class which I taught for two years, teacher trainings and privates) for a long time. Over that now. I prefer to train awesome teachers and let them shine and spread the Prana and the light while I write blogs, books and inspiration card decks and open more studios to spread the Prana and the light.

All good, and amusing to me.

Philippe and I are super hands on parents. It's just us. No nannies or day care and a lot of family time is how we like it. For two years we homeschooled, and learned by doing so that we and our kids are happiest and most balanced when they go to school and we supplement their learning with Singapore math; tennis, golf, biking, hiking, swimming, and soccer together; museum outings; other family outings and travel. 

All good, and amusing to me.

Golf.  I hated hated hated the sport for a lonnnnnng time.  Not actually participating in it, but everything it stood for (according to me).  To me it stood for racism, elitism, sexism, and, oh yeah, my ex-husband taking off for 8+ hours at a time both before and after we were married and before and after we had had a child.  To me it represented feeling abandoned -- ya know the whole "golf widow" thang.

Last week I hit golf balls at the golf range with Philippe on date night (after hitting tennis balls with him for an hour).  And I love love love when Philippe goes to play golf and/or hit balls at the range -- not an annoyed or resentful bone in my body around any of it.

All good, and amusing to me.


Golf clubs and actually ANY country club of any sort -- hated hated hated 'em for a lonnnnnng time.  Everything they stood for (according to me).  To me they stood for racisim, elitism, sexism, and, oh yeah, my ex-husband taking off for off for 8+ hours at a time both before and after we were married and before and after we had had a child.  To me it represented feeling abandoned -- ya know the whole "golf widow" thang.  So much so that when Philippe and I were dating, I noticed an envelope on his table from Sankaty Golf Club and promptly said I was ending our relationship.  "Why?" he asked.  "Oh, I can't be with anyone who belongs to a golf club.  Nooooo, I ain't doin' THAT again . . . ."

Philippe said that Sankaty wasn't that kind of club.  
"They're ALL 'that kind of club.'" I argued.
He persuaded me to take the ferry to Nantucket with him to see the club for myself before I made this (abrupt) decision.  I agreed.
Well, as you may have guessed since we've been married for 12 years and have five children together, Sankaty ain't "that type of club," at all.  The energy is amazing, the people are open and kind and nonjudgmental, and it ain't exclusionary at all.  I LOVE LOVE LOVE it and we spend a lot of time there every summer with our kiddos.

All good, and amusing to me.


For me the key is that it's all good, and amusing to me.   It's about noticing, laughing (at myself -- one of my favorite things to do), and then being aware. It's about being light and gentle with myself about my propensity to take things to the extreme before finding the middle way.  It's about never taking it, myself or anything too seriously. 

What can you be lighter and more gentle with yourself about?  What can you take a little less seriously?



Mama's boy

Little Dakota Aspen Wells (age 6, also known as "Mama's boy" since birth for his propensity to ONLY allow Supermom to carry him in the baby bjorn - Philippe was chopped liva) was reported as making his lunch on Saturday - for school on Monday - whilst I was at the Most Powerful Women Conference in Las Vegas.




Here's yet another story of the ultimate wisdom of the universe. I received this from a reader yesterday:

"About 17 years ago I was scheduled to take aphysical fitness test the and when I passed I was supposed to start my new job. 




Do you worry about how people might react to what you do?

Do you wonder, "What if she reacts this way? What if he says this about me?"




Here's a great question from a reader about manifesting:

"Taylor, if I am trying to manafest something should I not talk about it with others?  This what it says on page 92 of your book. Can you clarify this for me?




What if anything you thought about was possible?
What if you could create anything that you wanted--simply using your thoughts to do so?
What if you had ultimate and total power over how your life unfolds?



Immediate Help for Sleep Deprived Supermoms

I believe in the Universe. I believe in Universal timing. I believe anything is possible. I believe in you. And I believe in sleep. Just wanted to set those things straight to start.

A Supermom who I know and love whom I met many years ago at Prana Power Yoga, wrote me this text a while back:



Universal Timing

Sometimes people question me – and the Universe – about how the Universe operates. Timing. Unfolding, Events that seem to be not the best ever at the time.
