
The Space Heater Wasn’t Plugged In  ✨🌟💫💛   

Yesterday I was practicing Prana Power Yoga ✨🙏🏻✨ at 4am in my sun room, twinkle lights and candles lit, space heater on (takes a while to heat a big old house after a night of heat being on very low).  Except…the space heater wasn’t working.

I did my practice and planned to ask my HH at breakfast if I could use his space heater from his office for my morning practice.

As I was rolling up my mat and moving the space heater to the side of the room I noticed…it wasn’t plugged in.  LOL 😂😂!!

This is a perfect metaphor for what I tell my Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫 Coaching clients all the time:  You can vacuum your whole house, but if the vacuum isn’t plugged in you will not get any results, or said even better, you will not get the results you are wanting.  There will be marks on the carpet but it won’t be clean.  In this metaphor the vacuum is your connection with your inner being.  Plugging in is being plugged into your broader perspective, your highest self, your authentic you.  You, 6.0.

I personally recommend (as always, take what you want and leave the rest) plugging in FIRST, getting into alignment FIRST…and then taking action.  There is no action that can make up for a lack of alignment.

How to get into alignment?  A morning practice.  I suggest meditation.  It’s easy, free and fast!  15- 20 minutes will do the trick!

I also personally love yoga but some people don’t and that’s fine.  Whatever floats your boat to get you into that place where you feel good, where your tuner is tuned to what you DO want during this day ahead of you.

Your power lies in how (good) you feel.  Get there in whatever way you can, before you step out into this day on planet Earth.  And watch what happens.



If You have Chickens 🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣 (kiddos), When They Describe You, What Do They Say? ✨🌟💫💛

I practice Prana Power Yoga ✨🙏🏻✨ every morning at 4am.  I have for over 20 years.  For many reasons, the first of which is to show up in the best way possible for my 5 Chickens 🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣.  To show up as my inner being 95% of the time, operating from my authentic self. To show up as Taylor 6.0, for them - and for me.  Also, to be happy.  My happiness is the most significant contribution I can make.  So is yours.

I also meditate after I practice, for above stated reasons.    

I’ve done a lot of things in my life so far and I’m just getting started.  Proud of ‘em all.  Whether they worked out “well,” or not.  Don’t believe in mistakes, regret, remorse, guilt, shame or any of those low vibration emotions.  They serve no one, especially you.  Your power lies in how (good) you feel.  Own that power.  Claim it.  Now.  Only you can think in your head.  I can’t do it for you.  Words don’t teach, only life experience does.

My girls are home for Thanksgiving and my heart is full.  All is Wells.😊🌈❤️🙏🏻.

One of my girls told me yesterday that she was chatting with her friend from college and her friend asked what I was like.  My girl responded with, ”My mom wears blazers.”

Huge LOL! 😆🤭

Really happy I’ve done and continue to do all that yoga and meditate all those hours…when all I have/had to do was don a blazer! 😉 😉

Laughing so hard right now, as I did when she said this to me last night.

Btw I am realizing as I type this that my Mom - who’s in Heaven -  also wore blazers, and I am wearing one right now. 😅

Gestalt of this story?  Laughter is one of the highest vibrations, so take it when it comes in any and every way it comes!  Don’t take yourself (or me) too seriously.

My Chickens 🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣 are my biggest teachers and they teach me all day every day to laugh and that there’s nothing serious going on here.    

Happy Thanksgiving!  You know what I’ll be wearing.



Do You Dissociate When You Eat/Work/Interact With Your Mother In Law? ✨🌟💫💛

I coach a lot of clients about the Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫  and have for over 20 years.  Doesn’t matter what they come to me for, they are dealing with one or two or all three of these issues:

  1. Feeling unworthy and not good enough

  2. Feeling stuck and powerless

  3. Feeling they have to work hard, life is hard, love is hard, health is hard, work is hard…it’s a grind and hard and they can’t get to the bottom of it ever

In time, most also inevitably bring up body weight.  Not every client but most.  Some come to me immediately for that as their primary concern/struggle, for others it comes out in time.

I’ve noticed that many people struggling with their weight dissociate when they eat.  That’s a fancy Psych word which means they are out of their body.  They are not present.

It came to me in meditation that even though I’ve been obsessed with the Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫 since I was five and teaching, coaching and writing about it for over 20 years, I had a dissociative experience about 7 years ago which is not unlike what some of my coaching clients who are working with their body weight deal with.

I can be there now.  I was at an event for a company I had just joined to sell some good healthy products I loved, used and believed in.  The person was speaking to a group of us in her home and my inner being (highest most authentic part of me, Taylor 6.0) was like “Run for the hills!  Get out of here!  This is not your path!”  (When you’re inner being is speaking to you and you listen, it will like the pieces of a puzzle are clicking together.)

It felt pretty bad, like massive anxiety and fight or flight flying through my body.  Emotions are a great thing!  They show us what our perspectives and beliefs are. And we can change our perspectives and beliefs!  Emotions are a good thing to note - and listen to.  😉

Back to the story.  After the event I told my friend who had been speaking how I had felt.  Her take was that it was my “ego” since I was used to be up in front of everyone at my yoga studios and that night she had been up in front of everyone, so I felt uncomfortable.  I should just ignore that, she told me.

I’ve been doing this Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫 work for a long time so one would think LOL 😂 that I would have been like, “Thank you but that is not my truth/perspective/belief. You are allowed to have your truth/perspective/belief and that’s cool, and here’s mine. That wasn’t ego, it was my inner being giving me guidance and I am going to follow that. Thank you and I’m outta here.”

But.  I didn’t.

We had bills to pay.  That distracted me from my broader perspective, my broader knowing.  From listening to my inner being and trusting.  The currency with which you pay for your manifestation/miracle is belief.

Prior to this, I had learned to follow my heart re. what I did for my work. I had not been coming to what I did from a place of wanting to make money but from a place of sheer inspiration, and the money followed. But a material need in my family of 7 had created this response which was not authentic to who I really was/am (ever been there?  There now?).  So I pushed down the energy and guidance and ultimate wisdom of my inner being and I plodded ahead.

Here’s where the dissociation comes in.  I never ever ever felt the negative feelings that my teams felt when doing reach outs.  Now I know why.  I was dissociated. I shut it all down.

Our minds dissociate when we feel traumatized. It’s a mechanism of defense.  Don’t be hard on yourself when you do so.  You’re doing the best you can.

Moral of the story?  It’s all right.  It’s ok if you have been or are now dissociating.  You have been and are doing the best you can and beating up on yourself for being where you are will not help.  That is not connection with your inner being. That is connection with your inner critic.

Just start over right now in this moment and be as present as you can be moving forward and tune into your feelings, and trust, honor and follow them.  Your inner being lever looks back. When you feel like your hand is on a hot stove, take it off!  You have permission to stop the struggle.  I did, and so can you.

I believe in you. 🌈💫❤️😊🙏🏻



The Elizabeth Salad  ✨🌟💫💛

In November 2007 we were teaching a Prana Power Yoga ✨🙏🏻✨ Teacher Training at Prana Power Yoga ✨🙏🏻✨ Cambridge and we didn’t have a babysitter to watch our 3 Chickens 🐣🐣🐣 (Dakota and Montana were born in 2010) so we flew our niece Elizabeth in from Hamilton College to watch her cousins.

I was nursing Curly bear🐻❤️ (aka Phoenix who was 10 months at the time) and already have a fast metabolism and big appetite so watch out if I was hungry LOL 😂😂.  Once we were eating take out in the Prana Van with our Prana Power Yoga ✨🙏🏻✨ Brooklyn manager, Ossi, and Philippe smiled as he watched me scarf down “Fofu Benedict” from Quintessence on the East Side of NYC and explained to Ossi in two words:  “Nursing Mom!”   

This all as background to explain that when we got home from teaching several hours of TT I was really hungry and went straight to the fridge and made a ginormous salad with tons of avocado, hemp seeds, cashews, almonds, seaweed and …basically the kitchen sink (we were raw vegan at the time) and then happily munched as we got the report from Elizabeth about how the night had gone.

Fast forward:  October 2010.  Seattle, Washington.  Our niece Chelsea’s wedding.  Elizabeth was there as a guest and I apologized to her.  “I’m so sorry that that night after Teacher Training I made a big salad and didn’t offer to make you one, or offer you a bite of mine.”

Blank stare.

I repeated myself.

Blank stare.

I asked, “Do you remember this?”

“No,” she laughed. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

I had felt badly about this for over a year!  My inner critic had to grab hold of SOMETHING to make me feel like **** (that’s your inner critic’s job, that’s what she/he feeds off of) so this is what he’d chosen since, well, things were going the Best ever!💫🌟✨

Gestalt of this story:  when your inner critic is beating the **** out of you for something, smile or laugh and think of “The Elizabeth Salad” and let it go.  99.99999% of the time the thing you are feeling badly about is not even a reality.  The other person isn’t thinking about it and/or never even noticed it.  Remember, reality is an illusion. It’s a projection of what you believe.  And you get to choose what you believe.  A belief is just a thought you keep thinking. 

Don’t be a sloppy lazy thinker and don’t let your inner critic rule the show!  Take your inner being off the bench.  Ask yourself, “What would my inner being say instead?  What does my inner being think about this?”  Or even better, refocus.  Focus on something else and let whatever that “Elizabeth salad” topic is peter out from lack of attention.   

You get what you think about.  Choose wisely.



“A” is for Anna Jean ✨🌟💫💛

This one is wayyyyy out there, so if you’re on the leading edge, keep reading!  If not, scroll on.

A week ago I was practicing Prana Power Yoga ✨🙏🏻✨ at 4 am in my sun room.  Candles lit, twinkle lights on, nag champa incense burning, Frank Sinatra (the kitty, not the singer) by my side.  During my practice my Grand Aunt Anna Jean came to me.  I have not thought about her for decades.  I loved her.  Wonderful happy strong woman.  I was very close with her brother - my grampa - whom I called Poppy.

After my practice I was walking through the dining room and looked down (which I never do) and saw a round gold sparkly thing on the ground.  Who doesn’t pick up a round gold sparkly thing?  It was a teeny gold circle with an “A” on it hanging on a chain.  I picked it up in awe.  It was Anna Jean’s baby necklace.  I had seen it once 7 years ago when my Mom died and I was going through a box of stuff from her.  That box is in our attic.  Where it has been, for 7 years.

I picked up the necklace and put it on.

Fast forward to yesterday.  I opened a box mailed to me from one of my BFF’s from Brown, in which was this beautiful necklace, which says (if you can’t see it in the photo) “Mama Bear.”  In my BFF’s beautiful card she said she saw it and thought of me and that made her happy.

I put on the necklace and it fell perfectly… just below the “A” necklace.  Yup, “A Mama Bear.”

I can’t make this **** up.  The Universe is always conspiring to assist you.  Let that cork float - which it wants to do - and open up to all the gifts, clues, hints and magical surprises right there for you in every moment.

Oh, and since I donned that “A” necklace of Anna Jean’s…my BEST LIFE EVER✨🌟💫💛 has gotten…even better.



The CD  ✨🌟💫💛

Yesterday I was chatting with my wonderful coaching client as she and I both walked (my clients and I are intentionally walking/moving in some way while we chat on the phone…moves energy, increases serotonin and endorphins) and she commented on a youtube video I had sent her.  It was the first time she had listened to Abraham.  I told her the story of Abraham and how I was introduced to Infinite Intelligence.  Abraham, my five Chickens 🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣, my HH and contrast are my biggest teachers.

The story goes like this.  I was at a stop light on Centre Street in Newton, Massachusetts across from our first Prana Power Yoga ✨🙏🏻✨ studio.  It was right before the 5:45 pm class I was about to teach. I thought to myself, “I want a spiritual CD.”   (This was 2002 and yes we listened to CD’s.)

I taught class and at the end of class there was a long line of students waiting to chat with me.  At the end of the line was a student named Debbie.  She introduced herself and said, “I have a spiritual CD for you in my car,” to which I replied, “I was waiting for you.”

I followed her to her car and she handed me an Abraham CD.  I popped it in my CD player on the way home and have not stopped listening to Abraham ever since.  My Chickens 🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣 have been raised listening to Abraham - much more so than Sesame Street as we didn’t have tv for over a decade.  It’s soothing to them when they hear it now echoing throughout the happy white pineapple 😊✨🌟💫🍍. 

As I finished telling the story, my client said, “Taylor you will not believe what I am looking at right now.  I’m going to send you a photo because you won’t believe me.”  ( I would have, but ok. 😉 )

The Universe is giving you 100-200 clues/signs in every moment (yes, I said moment) to guide you on your path to your Vortex…to anything and everything that you have ever wanted…but you are usually so asleep/shut down/out of alignment that you cannot see/hear/feel/smell/taste them.  Yes, the Universe will appeal to all your senses.

How to tune into these clues/signs?  Get in alignment … and then.  Tune your tuner to where you want to go (joy, love, freedom, ease, relief, fun, satisfaction…) and then be open to what shows up.  My client is, which is why it always does when we’re on our calls.  Every time!  This is just one example.

Pretty kewl stuff.  Life is so magical if you’re open to what’s right there for you.



Be The Lighting Bolt ✨🌟💫💛

If you practice yoga on a mat (there are many types of “yoga,” as I illustrate in my book), as you inhale and sweep your arms high in your Sun Salutation A, imagine that you are a radio receiver, and you are setting your receiver to all good things.  Things that feel good.  You know what they are.  Don’t get in your head.  Just imagine yourself as such.  Continue your practice and every time you sweep your arms high, imagine yourself as that receiver and see golden white light shooting out from your fingertips and filling the room.  Then fill your house.  Then your yard, your town, your state, the country, the continent, the world.  You get the idea.  Emanate that golden white light.

Also do this in your Sun Salutation B when you go into utkatasana (Chair pose, also called Lighting bolt, for a reason!).

You’re a tuner.  You are tuning yourself to what you want to receive during the day.  You are calibrating for what you will receive.  And isn’t that some power?



The Wart On My Hand✨🌟💫💛

The Wart on my hand.  Yup you read it right, I have a wart on my right hand.  I didn’t know I had it.    I went for my Dermatology well visit, to make sure All is Wells😊🌈❤️🙏🏻 on my skin since I played tennis in the 70’s and 80’s outside with no sunscreen, oy.   We just didn’t know.  So the super fab dude checked out my skin and said he was gonna burn off a little pre-cancerous thing on my cheek and also that wart.  I was like, “That’s cool. Let’s do it.  What wart?” So he showed me this little hard bump on my right hand and I was surprised - thought it was a callous.  Had lots of callouses during all my years of playing hours and hours and hours of tennis.

So he burned the face thing off, easy peasy! 😊 Then he scraped away the wart with a teeny tiny knife he later said I could take home so I could keep scraping it away (no, thank you) and then he burned and burned and burned.  Man it hurt. He kept saying I had a high tolerance for pain. It’s because I was doing yoga breath the whole time with my eyes closed.

Two points to this blog.  One, since I was a little girl, I loved “beauty marks” and wished I had one.  Well, now I do!  The burning my face left a teeny  mark which I’ve been putting vitamin E on so it’s almost gone and I kinda wish it had stayed.  (Lesson here:  Your Vortex is full of stuff over this lifetime and many that you don’t even remember. I didn’t remember it till I saw it on my face and was so excited! ✨🎉✨).

Second point.  That wart that he messed with? It has really hurt ever since.  Like take 4 advil at a time hurt.  It also has come back with a vengeance.  Bigger than before - and now red~!  LOL 😂😂!!

Lesson here:  There is no “bottom” to “that” problem.  The more you pick at it (scrape it with a knife, burn it) the bigger and uglier it will get. The more you “point” at it (see photo), the more the Universe will send you of it. It is law. The Law of Attraction ✨🌟.  Whatever you shout “NO!” at will get bigger.

So ask (contrast, problem mode) then move into receiving mode (allowing, feeling good).  Works every time!  Like a charm.  And now I have my little red wart on my hand to remind me daily.

ps  I told my HH and he said he’s had a little wart on his right hand for … 20 years.  Never had the dermatologist try to “get rid of it.”  Wise.



Why are Q-tips called Q-tips?  ✨🌟💫💛

Why are Q-tips called Q-tips? The word ear does not even appear in the name. What IS that?

Of course I could Google it and read about the history of why, but I’d prefer not to. I prefer to define the why from my perspective. 

In my Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫 world, this is an awesome example of anything is possible. These things are called Q-tips yet we all know that they are mostly for your ears – they're great for make up and cleaning tiny places too – but mostly we associate them with ears. Yet their branding mentions nothing of the sort.

Every single thing that is on the physical plane was once a thought.  We are turning thoughts to things.  Makes you wanna be a little more (or a lot more) mindful of your focus, beliefs, perspectives, thoughts and feelings, yes?  That’s what your vibration is a result of…the fab five:  FBPTF.    No one is “behind” if they don’t know about the Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫 until now…every one only has now and the next now and the next.  So begin again!  Become awake and aware and begin to create on purpose.  It’s So fun! 💫✨🌟🌈   

To learn more about Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫 email me at  I gift one Pro Bono Coaching session every single week to give back and to help more people on the planet live in a state of bliss.  Want a little more bliss?



When my HH and I were Dating He Treated Me to Yoga on My Birthday. ✨🌟💫💛

When my HH and I were dating he treated me to yoga on my birthday.  Afterward we went to our favorite little spot in Somerville for lunch and I got a wrap - and he treated.  At lunch he handed me a brown paper bag, like the kind you put a lunch in for school, and said, “Happy Birthday!”  I smiled excitedly and opened the bag and pulled out…a French cassette tape for children.  Madison was little. I laughed and said, “Is this a joke?”

He then explained that he treated to yoga and lunch, too.

I asked again, “Are you joking?”

He was not.

He had heard me say repeatedly that I didn’t care about material things and my former husband had bought me all these expensive rings and bracelets and necklaces and it was so not me. I just wanted to be with him - spend time with him.  He didn’t get it.  Or me.  I would say, “Let’s just go for a walk for my birthday!”  He would smile and hand me a beautiful box with an emerald necklace inside and take off to golf for 12 hours.

Well my HH, Handsome Boyfriend at the time, had heard what I said.  He is a great listener.  He is also from Switzerland where birthdays are not such a big thing.  Not like in the US.

Well he now noted my discontent at this birthday (lol) and after that became the most thoughtful gift giver ever (and generous too, but that wasn’t the point).  He is  much much much better at buying and giving gifts than I.

I am not a shopper and don’t think in that way at all, so to that point, I am always wondering what I can get so and so and so and so for Christmas that is thoughtful, loving, kind, happy, sparkly, inspirational and will help them be their most authentic, best self.  Because after all happiness is really what everyone is after in wanting that “thing” on their list.

So it just came to me in meditation, The Best Ever Holiday bundle!💫🌟✨ You’re busy! I will take care of it all for you and it’s wicked reasonably priced.  Here’s what your friend/family/teacher/bus driver/co-worker will get:

~My signed book

~My Inspiration card deck

~Prana Power Yoga ✨🙏🏻✨ DVD circa 2002 (worth watching just to see my bangs and hair color)

~Prana Power Yoga ✨🙏🏻✨ DVD circa 2012

~A handwritten note indicating it’s from you and whatever you want me to say

Grand total?  $49.99!!

All YOU need to do:  Email me at and lmk:


1. Name(s) Plural because once my yoga student Jacqueline bought 20 books and decks and checked everyone off her list.

2. Address

3. What you want me to say on the card

Who’s in?



Focus  ✨🌟💫💛

I had twin baby boys when I was 44.  I manifested that they would be full term, at least 5 pounds each and 4 minutes apart.  Dakota was born first at 5 pounds.  Montana came 4 minutes later, 5 pounds 4 ounces.

Montana, just after birth, held my pinkie finger tight and stared into my eyes.  The nurses and midwives and my HH and I exclaimed, “What newborn baby does that?!  What focus!”  We smiled and squealed for minutes…and minutes and minutes…. that 5 pound 4 ounce chicken squeezed my pinkie finger and stared into my eyes for…45 minutes (!!)

Mic drop.

His incredible focus continued as he grew.

When Montana was 2 I left to teach the 4:30 am class at Prana Power Yoga ✨🙏🏻✨ and he was working on a BIG puzzle in the kitchen.  I came home 2 hours later and he was still there, focused on that puzzle.

Montana loves numbers and loves math.  He does it for fun.  He is now on Calculus on Khan, almost done.  He is 12.

He wrote this for Halloween (see photo).  He is focused on getting this many pieces of candy … it’s all about the numbers - and the focus.

Focus is everything. That is what is generating your vibration.  It goes like this:  Focus, Beliefs, Perspectives, Thoughts then Emotions  So the focus is key.

Montana is a big teacher to me about focus.  I watch him every day and learn.

You get to choose your Focus.  No one else can think in your mind.  What are you focused on?



Fear or Love? ✨🌟💫💛

What do you choose?  It’s always a choice.  Moment to moment.  How do you feel?  That will let you know what you’re choosing.  Love always feels Great! ✨💫🌟 Fear, not so much.

I was talking with a coaching client and she was really getting it…she was understanding and extremely coachable.  She was accessing her Vortex and feeling Great! ✨💫🌟  So she said to me, “Oh my God Taylor you won’t believe what I just found” (my clients and I walk while we talk on the phone, to move energy and fire up serotonin and endorphins). See photo of FREE heart shaped table.  Yup, the Universe is always conspiring to assist us.  Always sending us signs and clues regarding whether we’re in the Vortex or not.

I was talking with a coaching client and she was really in fear.  I was explaining to her what was going on with the fear and as I was walking I glanced down and almost stepped on  . . . a SNAKE, on Rumstick Road.  I have never in 7 years seen a snake on Rumstick Road.  Did FEAR fly through my body in that moment?  Hell yeah!  I snapped a photo and sent it to my client and we were both blown away.  She had JUST said, “I believe all this Taylor and I get it intellectually but sometimes I just need a sign.”

The signs are there, are you open to seeing them?



What/Whom Do You Appreciate? ✨🌟💫💛

What/Whom do you appreciate? Play the alphabet game with me! Go through the alphabet and name a person/thing(s) for each letter for which you are appreciative.  I’ll start…(I stuck with family for people to keep it simple and short but I am super appreciative for all of my amazing and wonderful friends).

In Alphabetical order:

Aspen (puppy) 🐩
Barrington Rhode Island
Chickens 🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣
Coaching Clients
Curly bear🐻❤️
Dad in Heaven
Egg whites
Frank Sinatra (kitty) 🐱

HH ❤️
Ice cream
John (Big Brother)
Kim (Big Sister)
Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫
Mama in Heaven (maternal grama)
Mom in Heaven
Poppy in Heaven
Pretty things
Quirkiness in self and others
R and R
Rhode Island
Sisters in Law
Steve (Big Brother)
This Moment ✨🌟💫💛
Unconditional Love
University of Wisconsin Madison
Walking to beach
Appreciation is life changing.  Find it, focus on it, live it and watch your whole life change…NOW.  A good feeling thought will lead to a good feeling thought will lead to a good feeling thought….which will lead to manifestations beyond anything you can even imagine.  Your Vortex is chock full of amazing things.  Allow them in.  The currency with which you pay for your manifestations is belief and vibration…appreciation is the key to unlocking the highest vibration out there.  Tap into it.



You Know When You Give to Someone and Then Have a Chip on Your Shoulder Afterward? ✨🌟💫💛

Seinfeld said it best, “Gimme that wave!”

He was talking about when you let someone in when you’re driving and they don’t give you “the wave.”  You’re all proud you let them in and then they don’t wave and you’re like, “Hey!  Gimme that wave!”

Does that ever happen with you when you give to a family member, friend or aquaintance and it feels so good then later you find yourself thinking that they didn’t thank you “properly,” they didn’t appreciate you “enough” and/or they “should’ve” said or done this and didn’t…on and on it goes.


On and on it goes because there is no bottom.  Your inner critic is always hungry for more drama.  Your inner critic always wants to find more to kvetch about.  Don’t feed him/her.  Ignore it.  Move on. Refocus. Remember how good it felt to give.

100% of the time if you focus on what you are thinking that feels bad, what you will manifest in the form of a physical person, place or thing will be UNSATISFYING.

Give because it feels good-then let it go.

There are many ways to give:  a smile, your energy, your time, your love, your attention, your focus and yes, of course material things and dough.

The next time you find yourself saying, “Hey!  Gimme that wave!” remember that it feels better to love than hate. It feels better to accept than judge.  It feels better to give than receive.

Which is why my big sister always says to me when she gives me a gift, “Don’t give it away!”  (Because I always do).


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We live in a vibrational reality.  Where attention goes, energy flows. ✨🌟💫💛

We live in a vibrational reality.  Where attention goes, energy flows.  A vote against anything is a vibrational vote for more of it. All things begin and end with energy and vibration.  There is no assertion, only attraction. The freedom to think, feel and decide where to give your focus is always available to you.

This first step to your empowerment is to stop allowing circumstances to dictate how you feel.  Vibrational productivity trumps all other forms of productivity.

Surround yourself with people who light you up. Give yourself permission to put yourself first. Get into alignment, and then. You are a powerful creator. ✨🌟💫💛

Well being is always the dominant stream. Are you choosing it now or are you resisting it?  You can tell by how you feel.

Alignment feels many ways.  But it always feels good.

It might be excitement.  It might be peace.  It might be clarity.  It might be right timing.  It might be focus.  It might be a new idea.  It might be satisfaction. It might be thriving. It might be loving a person.  It might be knowing that well being abounds.  It might be great timing. It might be keen interest in something.  It might be fun. It might be loving someone even if they’re being a rascal.  It be fun and madness and mayhem.  It might feel like you’re living in a situation comedy (you are).  It might be intense appreciation and love (that’s when tears flow).

It feels lots of different ways but it always feels good.

The dominant word that’s a symbol of you being in alignment is satisfaction.  Notice that and seek it.  Satisfaction.

Right now, in this moment, do you feel satisfied?  If the answer is yes, awesome!  If the answer is no, find something about which you DO feel satisfied, and focus on that.

It’s all about the power of the focus of your mind.

I believe in you. 🌈💫❤️😊🙏🏻  And I’m rooting for you.

Blessings🙏🏻Love❤️Light✨Joy😊Appreciation💫Happiness🌈and Infinite Inner Peace☮️

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The Business of Yoga ✨🌟💫💛

We are here on this planet for four things: joy, freedom, growth, and to flow the energy that creates world through us in a way that lights us up. ✨🌟💫💛

Once upon a time my yoga teacher told me when he opened his first yoga studio he felt like his students owned him.  He felt like his studio owned him. He didn’t feel free.

I didn’t understand at the time.

Last night my HH and I were talking about how much we loved loved loved Prana Power Yoga ✨🙏🏻✨ and all of our wonderful students, studio assistants, teachers and managers -  more than I can put into words.  We were also talking about how when we sold our studios in 2018 after 16 amazing years, it felt like . . . relief.

Philippe and I are very private and our family is first.  We have created a tribe with whom we would rather spend time than anyone else.  We are blessed and grateful.

In the “business of yoga” it was challenging to have privacy.  It was challenging to make boundaries.  It was challenging to have freedom.  It was challenging to feel free.

Ahhhhh, the irony.

As a Professor of the Practice at Brandeis University Philippe can do his dharma, have his private life, have his freedom and always keep our family first.

My Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫 Coaching practice allows me the same.

The irony?  We left the rat race in 2002 to open Prana Power Yoga ✨🙏🏻✨ to help others to transform so they could have the freedom to be who they really are.

Our one studio quickly grew into a yoga empire which in the end, made us feel not free.

I bow to all those who teach yoga, all those who have yoga studios and all those who show up to their yoga mats regularly to become the best version of themselves they can be. I bow to all of our wonderful Prana Power Yoga ✨🙏🏻✨ students, studio assistants, teachers and managers.

I show up to my mat every morning so I can show up as my best self for my Chickens 🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣, my HH, my extended family and friends, my coaching clients and all those with whom I come into contact.

Have you practiced today?



Everything Is Vibration. ✨🌟💫💛

Everything is vibration.  You can do the exact same action, from a different vibration, and get a totally different result.  Examples abound all day every day.  Here’s one.

A year ago today I left direct sales to focus 100% on my dharma, Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫 Coaching.  I followed my heart❤️, as I always do.

When I did, I felt sooooo good - such JOY, such excitement, such knowing, such satisfaction, such expectation, such ease, such relief and…a little bit of, uh-oh…shame, guilt and embarrassment (!!).

What?!  But I’m all about the Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫!!  How could this be?!  I was so confused.

“Where did these awful feelings come from?”  I wondered.  I had never felt embarrassed or ashamed to be in direct sales.  I was proud or I would not and could not have done it.  I loved and believed in every product I represented.  I loved my teams.  I loved teaching my teams about the Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫. So what was going on?

Here’s what went down.  Every thought that has ever been thought still exists.  Every feeling that has ever been felt still exists.  When I let go of those businesses, I tapped into and tuned into some energy in that profession that is present in some people in the field.  It is what all the great leaders in direct sales coach their teams OUT of - shame, embarrassment, guilt, the feeling that they are “pestering” people. 

Well, lemme tell you first-hand, it’s not a pleasant way to feel!  I felt it for just one meditation - for only 30 minutes - and I was writhing in discomfort.


Over the last 52 years of training myself to utilize the Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫, I have learned to care about how I feel.  I have learned to take my hand off the hot stove.  So off it came.

But before I took my hand OFF the hot stove, from THAT energy, after that 30 minutes of discomfort, and while in “problem” mode, I was like, “I’m gonna write every.  Single.  Person.  I have ever reached out to and …. apologize.”

I didn’t.

I know better.

After many years of living, teaching, writing about and coaching Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫, I am very clear to NOT act out of negative emotion since I know that it’s not coming from my inner being, my higher perspective, my most authentic most tuned in self.   I know that if I do so, I will never, ever, ever, ever like the results.

Is it sometimes tempting to do so?

Hell yeah!

But I know better after being obsessed with the Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫 since I was five and teaching, coaching and writing about it nonstop for 20 plus years.

So, today, while practicing Prana Power Yoga ✨🙏🏻✨ in my candle and twinkle light lit sunroom at 4 am with my rescue kitty Frank Sinatra by my side (he came home last monday after 127 days on the street after being mistakenly let out…#dreamsdocometrue💕🙏🏻💕), my inner being downloaded the delightful and fun and exciting idea to reach out to family, friends and acquaintances and say this:

“This is not a pitch! 💫 How are you my friend? ✨🌟💫 I hope you are well. 💕 It came to me in my yoga practice 🧘‍♀️ to let you know that I am no longer in direct sales so you won’t get any salesy stuff from me anymore.💫💫 I’m sorry if that was annoying. That was not my intention. 🙏🏻🌈💫 Today marks my one-year anniversary of walking away from direct sales to focus all of my energy on my dharma, Law of Attraction Coaching.  ✨🌟💫💛

Have the BEST DAY EVER! ✨🌟💫

Blessings🙏🏻Love❤️Light✨Joy😊Appreciation💫Happiness🌈and Infinite Inner Peace☮️ “

So I did.

Why? It felt Great! ✨💫🌟  It felt exhilarating. It felt spot on and in alignment.

“Wait!” you argue, scratching your head.  “Taylor, that’s the exact same thing you wanted to do a year ago!”

Wow, you’re a good listener (reader) and yes, it is, BUT the energy, the vibration, the intention behind it is totally different.

The responses I have gotten?  It doesn’t matter!  Because I felt amazing while doing it and feel amazing after doing it.  (But the responses have been fab he he).

Gestalt of this message:  Only act out of wanting something, feeling good about something, feeling excited about something, feeling exhilarated about something…never from a place of “fixing” a problem…never from a place of lack or need or guilt or shame or embarrassment or anything that feels shitty.

If you act from that place, 100% of the time, you will not enjoy the results.

Also, for the record, never ever feel embarrassment, shame or guilt about any work that comes from your heart.  People can say what they say and that’s ok!  They are allowed their perspective.  So are you.  And if it floats your boat, rock on!

No matter what you do, half will love you and half won’t.  So it’s all good! ❤.  Just be you.



"That Package Has Measles on It." ✨🌟💫💛

I was at the post office yesterday mailing my BEST LIFE EVER✨🌟💫💛 inspiration card deck to a wonderful coaching client. Whenever I mail anything I always put sprinkles all over the envelope. I’ve always done this.  By “sprinkles” I mean pink polka dots using a pink sharpie.  As I sprinkle the envelope with happy pink polka dots, I infuse the package and the inspiration card deck (or whatever is inside - my BEST LIFE EVER✨🌟💫💛 book, my 2 BEST LIFE EVER✨🌟💫💛 Prana Power Yoga ✨🙏🏻✨ DVD’s, whatever…) with sparkles and good energy.

This **** works.   It’s law. The Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫 . No exceptions.

When we offered “The Prana Cleanse” at Prana Power Yoga ✨🙏🏻✨ and our raw vegan restaurant, Philippe and I juiced all the juices personally for that very first cleanse.  We had a ton of people doing it too.  Like at least 50.  That’s a lotta juice!!  We were up all night juicing and delivering, and I infused every single juice with good energy, love, light, sparkles and hope.

People loved that cleanse!  And they healed from it.  Derived tons of energy and hope from it.

This **** works. It’s law. The Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫. No exceptions.

Back to the post office yesterday.  A woman next to me said, “That package has measles on it.“

“They are not measles.”  I responded.  “They are sprinkles - pink sparkly light I am sending to the receiver of this package.”

“I think they are measles,” she replied.

“All good!” I smiled.  “Everything is perspective.”

That pretty much says it all.



After 4 months on the Streets Frank Sinatra is Home!! ✨🌟💫💛

If you are struggling to find hope, to find belief, to know that something is going to happen, read on.

My beloved kitty was mistakenly let out on Sunday June 5th.  He is an indoor kitty.  I rescued him from the streets in February 2021.

For three nights in a row I cried myself to sleep.  I missed my Frankie.

I posted this flyer everywhere…online and every place I could in Barrington Rhode Island.  I went door to door in our neighborhood and surrounding neighborhoods.  I texted my neighbors and asked them if I could walk through their yard at 4am with a flashlight.  Crazy cat lady.

A few weeks later I got a text from someone saying she’d been feeding a cat who she thought was Frankie.  She had seen my posting on Next Door.

As I pulled up to her home, about a mile from mine, my jaw dropped.  Her home is the same architectural style as ours, a white colonial.  Frankie thought this was our house.

4 plus months went by (18 weeks and one day). Frankie would come and go…he’d show up at my new friend’s house to be fed and drink water and play with her cat Leo and then off he’d go to galavant.  Frankie is not yet neutered, you see.

My new friend who was taking care of my Frankie would call or text me when he was there and I would bee line over to get my boy.  He would take off before I got there. Or he would still be there and I would attempt to contain myself as I pet him for a while as he purred and meowed with joy.   I’d wait a while then try to pick him up and he’d struggle to get away and then saunter off, looking over his shoulder as if to say, “How COULD you?!”

I let it all go.  I knew Frankie was coming home.  I knew it would be Divine timing. 🙏🏻💫🌈😊

Then on the full moon on Monday 10.10.22, the 7th year anniversary of the day my Mom went to Heaven, my friend called in the morning - Frankie was there.  I drove over stat and … he’d taken off.  She apologized.  I smiled and said I wasn’t worried, he would be home soon.  I knew it.

That night as I was heading up to bed my phone rang…she had Frankie!! In a carrier!!  Frankie was ready to come home.

I squealed all the way to her house.  It took Frankie about 15 minutes inside our house to re-acclimate, before he was purring and rubbing against me and meowing nonstop.  4 months on the streets took a minute to shake off.

What does any of this have to do with you?  All of it.  If you can not hope - not believe - but KNOW that something is coming, it has to come.  It is law.  The Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫.    This is an inside job though. I cannot do it for you.  Only you can think in your mind.

My teenage daughter thought I was delusional.  She threw out Frankie’s food and litter box because she thought it made me sad.  I told her that it didn’t make me sad, it was there for when he came home.

Many kind people asked about Frankie for a while…and then after a few months they stopped.  They didn’t want to trigger me, to upset me.  But they wouldn’t have.  I knew he’d be back.

And now he is.  He is sitting next to me purring as I type.

That person, place or thing you are wanting so badly?  It’s coming.

If it’s taking time it’s getting better and more specific.  Practice how it feels to KNOW it.  Then watch what happens.

And message me to tell me the good news.


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7 Years Ago My Mom Went to Heaven. ❤️🙏💫

7 years ago my Mom went to Heaven. ❤️🙏💫  I am so grateful for who she was, all she taught me and that she brought me into this amazing world.  ❤️🙏💫

💫My Mom taught me to be myself and be proud of who I am.

💫My Mom taught me to be kind.

💫My Mom taught me to be be generous, not just with material things but more importantly with my love, energy, focus and time.

💫My Mom taught me that anything is possible.

💫My Mom taught me not to give a rip what anyone thinks because no matter what you do, half will love you and half won’t, so may as well be you and follow your ❤️.

💫My Mom taught me to be authentic.

💫My Mom taught me to be transparent.

💫My Mom taught me to be genuine.

💫My Mom taught me to live life to the fullest, no matter what anyone else thinks or says - that I get to have what I want, no matter what anyone else thinks or says.  And we all do.

💫My Mom taught me to say please and thank you.

💫My Mom taught me to write thank you notes.

💫My Mom taught me to order what you want on the menu - at the restaurant and in life.  Or, to order off the create what you want and ask for it or create it - to “taylor” it to you and what you desire.  It’s ok to ask for what you want!  It’s ok to be different!  It’s ok to have different desires and tastes than others!

💫My Mom taught me to appreciate good food and wine.

💫My Mom taught me to love what I’m doing.

💫My Mom taught me to love travel.

💫My Mom taught me to love to go out to eat.

💫My Mom taught me to love to eat at home.

💫My Mom taught me to dress well.*   

*And every single time I’m wearing my yoga pants or sweats I feel her saying, “Really?” 🤭😆

💫My Mom taught me to practice, practice, practice and to get ready to be ready to be ready.

💫My Mom taught me that all will come in Divine Timing.

💫My Mom taught me that there’s nothing wrong with dessert or treats…in fact they should be enjoyed daily without guilt, and in moderation.

💫My Mom taught me to give people the benefit of the doubt…they are doing the best they can.

💫My Mom taught me I can BE, DO and HAVE ANYTHING that I want.  And so can you.  It’s our divine right.

Love you Mom.❤️

Even when we’re apart, you’re in my heart.❤️🙏💫

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