
“Mom, NO ONE CARES!!” ✨🌟💫💛

So said Sagey, age 11 (going on 22).  She’s always been ahead of her time that girl.

Philippe and I were in the kitchen of the White Castle in Newton, Massachusetts discussing how to tell the Prana Power Yoga ✨🙏🏻✨ community I was going to take a short sabbatical from teaching to focus on writing (also going off social media, so telling that virtual community, too).

So Sagey blurted out, “Mom, NO ONE CARES!!” to which my HH replied, “Sagey actually many people do care and Mom has a responsibility to inform them.”

As I was mediating this morning after practicing Prana Power Yoga ✨🙏🏻✨ at 4 am in my sunroom with many candles lit and twinkles lights on to fill the room with the light (dark at 4am), it came to me, Sagey was right.

AND… if we can all live our lives that way…”NO ONE CARES!!” and follow our inner being (aka our highest self, our authentic self, our heart) everything we want - and I mean everything - will unfold in perfect timing.

We care too much about what others are thinking, not thinking, doing, not doing, posting, not posting, liking, not liking, saying, not saying…whew!  On and on it goes.  You can’t think your way out of this so if your mind is starting to analyze and resist, scroll on.  If you’re still with me, listen up.

You are here for four reasons:




To flow the energy that creates worlds through you in any way that feels like “home” to you.

So tell yourself now, “All I have to think is what feels good.  All I have to do is what feels good.”

That’s it!  This is the formula,.  It’s not complicated.  It’s not hard.  But then again, it’s not easy at first because you have momentum with thoughts going in the opposite direction of what you do want.

Your power lies in how good you feel.

Your power lies in how well you can maintain that good feeling.

Even now, too many words.  Words don’t teach, so it’s funny I offer so many.

Gestalt of this message:  NO ONE CARES!!  😊 Half will love you and half won’t no matter what you do or say or write.  So don’t explain.  Either they get you or they don’t.

So just be you and follow what feels good.*

*It took me 7 minutes to write this blog because it came straight from my authentic self - my inner being.  Elton John writes songs in 15 minutes.  If it’s taking longer than that, he walks away.  You are a genius like Elton…follow what feels good.  Follow your inner knowing and what feels good, and you’ll be following your genius.



20 Years of Marriage Today!!!!!✨🌟💫💛

Today my handsome husband and I celebrate 20 years of marriage. ✨🌟💫💛

As I look back over the last two decades (which I don’t do often since I walk my talk and live in the moment) what I see is an overall softening and allowing, with both of us individually, and us as a couple.

When we came together we were anti-establishment, anti-main stream, anti-status quo, anti-9-to-5, anti-corporate, anti-animal products, anti-cooking food, anti-vaccines… anti-anti-anti-anti!!

We were also pro many things – love, light, joy, ease, relief, satisfaction yoga, meditation, health, transformation, breast feeding, diaper free, fun, flow, laughter, clean eating, healthy living, great friends, wonderful family, Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫and most of all… our five Chickens 🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣.

All along also we were deliberately creating, working the law of attraction intentionally with our biggest teachers by our sides - our five chickens and Abraham.

After we sold our 5 yoga studios pre COVID Philippe followed his dharma and is teaching entrepreneurship and business at Brandeis University as a Professor of the Practice. I followed my dharma and am Coaching full-time utilizing the Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫and its magic. I had a lot of fun - and experienced some contrast - trying other things… selling this and selling that… but/and I was always essentially doing the same thing - always talking about, writing about and coaching about the Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫, which I’ve been obsessed with since I was 5.

Back to the softening… We continue moment to moment and day to day to keep reaching for more - more - more… More love, more light, more fun, more inspiration, more flow, more transformation, more sparkles, more growth, more ease, more laughter, more freedom, more travel, more dreams, more joy… but/and there is a softer, gentler approach - not so much of a pushing against as a flowing with. No more fire hosing, which in my humble opinion is passion in need of a bit of softening.

So every day I show up to my mat at 4 am to breathe away resistance and breathe in light, love, ease, relief, satisfaction, flow, prana, life force, and laughter, softening with every exhale, with every pose. And this practice is reflected in my life, moment to moment, as well as my marriage to my HH.

And we’ve only just begun. ✨🌟💫💛



The Baseboards Are Dirty ✨🌟💫💛

I started practicing Prana Power Yoga ✨🙏🏻✨ in our kitchen. Used to practice in our bedroom but HH’s breathing was distracting me (it’s 4 am and he’s still sleeping). 😊🤣🙃😅 And as we know from the Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫, what we focus on gets bigger….

Now that I’m on the floor in my kitchen every morning at 4 am for an hour or so I’m noticing stuff I’ve never seen before, even though we’ve lived in the happy white pineapple 😊✨🌟💫🍍 for over six years.

For one, the floorboards are dirty.

I am a #virgo so I get excited to clean them. I’ll do a few poses, then clean a little. Do a few more poses then clean a little.

I don’t feel like doing it all at once. That doesn’t feel fun.

This is a metaphor for life. Do you want to eat all the food for the rest of your life in one meal? Do you wanna breathe all the air for the rest of your life in this moment?  Nope.

You also don’t want all that’s in your Vortex now. Too much at once.   And your inner being will never give you more than you can handle.  It’s never going to be “that next big step.”  Nope. It’s gonna be little steps which all feel like the next logical step.   

So easy does it. One thing at a time. Enjoy. Breathe. And cut yourself some slack.




Remember, if you feel impatient, you are in lack.  And when you’re in lack you cannot manifest that which you desire.  You can’t get there from there.  It defies the Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫.  So practice being in the receptive mode.  Move out of lack and into satisfaction.  It doesn’t have to be about that thing you are wanting…you have resistance there so best to focus on something else. It can be about anything!  What do you feel satisfied about now, in this moment?  Focus there.  And watch what happens.



Yoga Is Life✨🌟💫💛

Have you ever watched Ted Lasso? Great show. There’s a character who says, “Soccer is life.“ He’s very high vibration.

The whole show is very high vibration. I recommend it to all my coaching clients. Big shout out to a special coaching client who recommended it to me relentlessly for a year until she finally told my second born to make me watch it.  That worked LOL. 😂😂

Today it occurred to me on my mat at 4am that “Yoga is life.“ In yoga you choose a pose, you come into the pose, you settle into the pose and remain there until you release the resistance the pose brought up. Then you choose another pose. You come into the pose. You release the resistance the pose brought up. When the resistance has subsided you choose another pose.

And so it is with life. You can’t get it wrong and you never get it done.   You choose a “pose” (person, place or thing on which to focus your energy and attention), you settle into it and remain there until you release the resistance - the resistance the “pose” (person, place or thing on which you have focused your energy and attention) has brought up in you, then it comes into your experience (also called “manifestation”) and you move on and choose another person, place or thing on which to focus your energy and attention, and the process begins again.

The question is, why are you holding onto that resistance?   That is the only - and I mean only - reason that person, place or thing is not manifesting into your now reality.  I teach and coach people every day how to “not do that thing they’re doing” to resist the manifestation they’re wanting so much.

Only you can think in your head. It’s all about the power of the focus of your mind.  I can teach you and coach you and write about it a lot and I do and I love it! And/but…only you can think in your head.

So make a choice - choose a person, place or thing to use as a pose. Come into the pose. Release the resistance in the pose. And then make another choice and move on.  And watch the manifestations accrue.



Why Cupcakes?🤔🧁

I got this email yesterday:

“Taylor I’m interested in receiving your daily virtual inspirational cupcakes! A first glance I said no...that's not good for me (I've been working on my food lifestyle and have been grain and sugar free for a couple of months now. I am getting healthier.) Cupcakes didn't seem to fit the direction I want to go in.  

So I reframed it in my mind and decided that this is a healthy type of cupcake that I can have!”

So she signed up - Wahoooo!! 😊🌟✨💫  She received her daily inspirational cupcake yesterday and today…and will continue to daily, and her vibration will shift accordingly- Hurray! ✨🎉✨ You can be, do and have anything that you want and my intention is to help as many people as possible know this and so their lives reflect this knowing through physical manifestations.

Along these same lines, people sometimes ask me, “Taylor… why? Why? Why cupcakes? I’m trying to get off sugar!!”  🤔😳😩

LOL 😂😂

I am not laughing at anyone trying to get off sugar…this makes me laugh because I personally am not even a fan of the taste of cupcakes.  Or how eating cupcakes would make me feel afterward.

What?!😳 Then why cupcakes?!🤔

Here’s why.  I love the visual of cupcakes. They are so happy and fun to look at so for me looking at cupcakes is connected with a feeling of joy. I have sparkles and cupcakes and glitter all over my home - which I named “the happy white pineapple 😊✨🌟💫🍍.”

As you might gather from what I’ve said so far and/or if you’ve been reading my stuff for the past 20 years, I’m all about fun 🤩 and sparkles.✨🌟💫💛

PROTIP:  when you connect with fun energetically the Universe will reward you beyond anything I could ever describe. It’s all about being light and easy. We are all way too serious about way too many things and I therefore wrote a card in my BEST LIFE EVER✨🌟💫💛 inspiration card deck

which says, “Lighten up. Laugh more. Appreciate more. All is well.“ ✨🌟💫💛

Back to the cupcakes… Why?🤔🤔 No not because I eat cupcakes daily.  As I said above, I don’t even like the taste of cupcakes. Way too sweet and sugary for me. I prefer the healthy yummy monk fruit muffins I make.  And how I feel after I eat them.

So because a few people have said this to me I now include in my daily inspirational cupcake quotes muffins, coffee, bread etc. Different happy fun visuals - that aren’t only cupcakes. 🧁

The point of the cupcakes is FUN. It’s not about it me suggesting you go eat a cupcake per se. But if that floats your boat rock on!! 🧁🌈

You can’t get it done and you never get it wrong. Everyone is allowed to love what they love.  And stay away from what doesn’t make them feel good.  Everyone is allowed their perspective. So rock your awesome unique perspective and I hope you sign up for my daily inspirational cupcake quotes even if you don’t like to eat cupcakes. 🧁🧁

But only if you’re ready to be ready to be ready to transform and feel inspired, hopeful, confident, relieved, invincible, supported, clear, focused, at ease, and excited!!!!! 🧁🧁Only those who want the energy that creates worlds ✨🌟💫💛to flow through them should opt in.  Are you ready to be ready to be ready to be ready?💜💙💛❤️



Once Upon a Time I Created a Major at  Brown in Journalism Called “Media and Social Change.“ I Wanted to be Connie Chung. ✨🌟💫

This is a long read and worth it!  Read to the end for the nugget for you - Wahoooo!! 😊🌟✨💫

Once upon a time I created a major at  Brown in journalism called “Media and Social Change.“ I wanted to be Connie Chung.

I had a job all lined up after graduation at a Boston TV station. My dad knew Grant tinker and he helped me get my foot in the door.

A few weeks before graduation I took the train from Providence to New York to meet with a Brown alum producing NBC news. I watched Dan Rather on camera but more interesting to me was watching all of the staff popping ulcer pills drinking coffee and eating donuts - extremely stressed out. I was more interested in the people than the news. The people and their energy. I’ve always been fascinated by people, energy and the Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫 - since I was five. At age 5 I noticed that what I focused on got bigger and what I ignored Petered out. At age 5 I began my lifelong obsession and fascination with the law of attraction.

Back to NBC News… after the broadcast the brown alum took me into his office and closed the door. What happened next changed my life. He said to me off the record, “don’t do it. Don’t get into this field. My life is a mess. All I do is work and I am stressed out all the time. My fiancé just broke off our engagement, I have no friends left because all I do is work and my family doesn’t speak to me.”

This was not the first time someone had told me to get out of something, and I listened.  It had happened eight years before - at age 13 - when I was living with my tennis coach Nick Bollettieri in Sarasota, Florida. He had not started his tennis Academy yet, I and a few others were living in his home while he trained us at the colony beach resort on longboat key.  My good friend from the Chicago area had already turned pro. She was number three in the world after Chris Everett and Martina Navratilova. We wrote letters back-and-forth and in a letter she said to me, “get out. I hate my life. It’s not what you think it is. Everyone hates me and I am very lonely and my body hurts. There’s a lot of stress. Just be a normal kid go back home and go to high school.”

I listened. Both times.

Fast forward A decade or so and I am knee-deep in the psychology world. I had just finished my doctoral internship at Harvard university and boom! The universe steps in, again.

I found yoga, it transformed my life, and I was inspired to open a yoga studio to help others transform theirs.

My fascination and obsession with the law of attraction had continued - and gained momentum. I taught and coached about the law before, during, and after my classes. I began coaching people individually as well.

I noticed that there were more people who wanted to learn about the law than I could see individually so I wrote a book and and inspiration card deck that everyone could access.  LMK if you want the links on Amazon.

Fast forward again. I sold my yoga studios after 16 blissful and successful years, tried selling vitamins, health products and clean crafted wine… but no matter what I was doing, I was always talking and coaching about the law of attraction. The obsession and fascination continued.

So now I am laser focused on my obsession in it’s purest form. I write, teach and coach about the Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫 all day every day and there’s no place I would rather be and nothing else I would rather do.

Best ever!💫🌟✨

And it keeps getting better.

Since I now have a wait list for my coaching practice I decided to reach more of those who are attracted to this information through my daily cupcake quotes. My coaching clients receive them every morning at 11:11 AM 😇😇 on text. If you would like to also get a delicious hit of inspiration every morning 🧁🧁to calibrate your energy for the day, let me know. I have priced it at a point that is accessible – $9.99 a month…Just enough to ignite your focus and commitment and not too much as to feel out of alignment.  It’s about the cost of two Starbucks a month. ☕️☕️ (* editors note… Montana, age 12 and an avid mathematician since he was two, just corrected me and said “That’s more like 1.5 Starbucks… it’s expensive.”

Who’s in? Email me at and I will hook you up today.

WARNING ⛔️!! You will feel inspired, hopeful, confident, relieved, invincible, supported, clear, focused, at ease, and excited after reading my daily cupcake quotes.  🧁🧁Only those who want the energy that creates worlds ✨🌟💫💛to flow through them should opt in.  Are you ready to be ready to be ready to be ready?💜💙💛❤️



Want More Money? Want Abundance?! Here's How To Attract Abundance! ✨🌟💫💛

I coach my wonderful clients every day about how to create anything they want utilizing the Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫.   A lot of my clients want to attract more money. I teach them to do so by focusing on abundance in the NOW in whatever way it is showing up in their reality. When you focus on abundance the Universe says, “Here’s more! Here’s more! Here’s more! Here’s more!”

When you focus on another who has abundance that you feel you do not have, and you feel jealousy, it is the opposite of the attraction and allowing mode of abundance. When you feel jealous, you are saying to the Universe that you believe this person has something that you cannot have. This is untrue as we can all be, do and have anything that we want. It is our belief that keeps us stuck in this lack and problem mode, which keeps the abundance from coming into our physical reality. It is, then, our belief that keeps the abundance from us, not the fact that another has abundance. Actually, the other having abundance is the physical manifestation indicating that we too can attract abundance. Anyone can. Another having it does not mean that we cannot, it is the opposite.

The key is to focus on abundance in the NOW from where you are. Where can you find abundance? Everywhere! Here’s a fun simple example….check out the photo above. Where did all these beach towels come from?! They multiply like rabbits! And they just keep showing up at the happy white pineapple.

Some other examples for you:  there is an abundance of water to drink. There are an abundance of moments in the day. You have an abundance of air to breathe. There are an abundance of ideas to think about, or choose not to. There are an abundance of thoughts to reach for that will help you feel better and find relief. Abundance is everywhere.  Here are some other easy examples:

Clouds ☁️

Birds 🦅

Birds singing 🎵

Crickets 🦗

Leaves 🍁

Grass 🌱

Shoes 👟 in our entryway (I have five Chickens 🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣)

Abundance is everywhere… Look for it. Utilize this practice to tune into it … and create more of it. ✨🌟💫💛 Then watch what happens.

While I was practicing at 4 am this morning I noticed even more abundance:

Toilet paper 🧻 (just bought a big package yesterday that needs to be distributed throughout the happy white pineapple 😊✨🌟💫🍍 bathrooms)

Leftover chocolate chip pancakes 🥞 (made a double batch yesterday)

Dollar Store readers throughout my house 👓

Energy flowing through my body 💫💫

MORE thoughts 💭 streaming through my brain 🤔

As you see it does not have to be profound.

It is an energy to tap into. 💫💫

By the way if any of the towels in the photo are yours let me know.* 😆

*There is an abundance of laughter to be had when you lighten up, laugh more, appreciate more and know all is well.



Thoughts Are Like A Buffet ✨🌟💫💛

Think of thoughts like a buffet.  Choose the things on the “buffet” you would love to eat/think not those that make you feel sick or those you do not like or prefer. If you choose the foods on the buffet that you do not like, you are not going to feel well later. If you choose the thoughts you do not like, you are not going to feel well later.

Nice metaphor, yes?  We can all relate to a buffet and knowing what foods we like and what foods we don’t like.  It’s the exact same!  With both food and thoughts it requires discipline. With food, over time, you realize that although certain foods look and taste yummy, your stomach doesn’t digest them well. So you do not choose them.  An example of this for me is doughnuts.  When I was a senior at Calabasas High, my beloved Calculus teacher Satish let us bring in doughnuts from Blinkie’s Doughnuts every Friday.  Best ever!💫🌟✨  It was so fun! 💫✨🌟🌈  I was so excited on Fridays and happily partook in those Blinkie’s.

But I began to notice that if I ate a few doughnuts before we had a tennis match, I did not feel well on the court.  It felt like I had a bowling ball in my stomach.  I didn’t play as well as I could.  Not the Best ever!💫🌟✨ It took many Fridays for me to really take this in and finally, one Friday, I said no thank you to the doughnuts.  And I kicked ass on the court that day.

Thoughts are the same!  At first you just can’t resist the gossip, the trash talk, the old tape that you’ve been saying to yourself for decades that feels like ****…it’s so seductive!  It’s so easy!  You are a sloppy, lazy thinker (the easiest thought to think is the one you’ve thought the most) and then bam!  You feel like crap afterward.  Huh.  Wonder why?   

It’s all about the power of the focus of your mind.  Only you can think in your brain. 

Choose wisely. ✨🌟💫💛



The Boston Strangler  ✨🌟💫💛

26 years ago when I got pregnant with my first born I gave up TV.  My intention was to do so for my baby.  I missed it (mostly Seinfeld) for about four days.  Then not at all.  Never looked back.  Your inner being never looks back and I live about 90-95% of my life in the Vortex from the viewpoint of my inner being.*  Come to my house some time (which I named the happy white pineapple 😊✨🌟💫🍍) and you’ll see what I’m talking about (lots of sparkles, glitter, twinkle lights, confetti, cupcakes and happy stuff all over).  My dear friend @WendyAbrams’ daughter said when visiting (she was about 12), “Everything in this house is so playful.”

Yup.  😊

But I digress.    About 15 years after giving up TV I bought a wide screen for my HH so he could watch movies on a big screen.  We still didn’t “have tv” but over time this show and that show found its way onto that big screen via the internet (Seinfeld, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Modern Family, The Goldbergs).

Fast forward to Barrington Rhode Island in the now.  We have a few wide screens and I have surrendered to (aka let go of resistance against) most things, including TV, Netflix, Apple TV, cooked food and animal products.   And it feels good.  Why?  Because releasing resistance always feels good.

I still don’t sit in front of a screen much, if ever, not because I am resisting it but because I am just drawn to other things.  No judgment.  My Chickens 🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣 are all different regarding their relationship with the screens.  My youngest chicken, Montana (age 12, youngest by four minutes), has never liked TV - just has no interest.  Not in movies, either.  Once we took him to Disney on Ice and he slept through the whole thing.  LOL 😂😂!!  He’d rather be solving math problems  (like really).  He just finished Calculus on Khan Academy…his choice. That’s fun for him.  The others have varying levels of interest in screens and it’s all good!    

Sometimes my boy Chickens 🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣 and HH are watching something all cozied up in the living room and I just wanna join in on the energy of it.  So last night I did.

They were watching “the new Kevin Hart movie,” and I asked, “Will I like it?” to which my HH replied, “I dunno, maybe….”  So I dove in.

Well, I didn’t like it.

Not.  One.  Bit.

It was so violent - from the very first scene - that my skin was crawling. I  was like, “OMG!!” and Dakota said, “Mom, you better leave the room - now.”  (adorable)

So I left,  did some stuff and came back to say goodnight later.  I was sitting on the couch confirming my coaching clients for today and looked up for an instant and the scene was even more gruesome than the one I’d seen earlier, and I gasped.  To which Curly bear🐻❤️ (Phoenix, age 15) quipped, “Well, Mom, you’re the one who’s IN here.”  Touche’. 😆  I chose to be there, so suck it up buttercup - or leave the room.  I have a choice.

So off I went to snooze.  I made a choice to take my hand off the hot stove.

I woke up this morning at four am to practice Prana Power Yoga ✨🙏🏻✨ and whoa, I was so out of it because I had had the worst dreams.  So unlike me.

Yup, you get what you think about.   

I got on my mat and breathed away the resistance and then meditated and felt better.  After I saw my 6:30 am client and got my Chickens 🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣 on the bus I met my good friend for a beach walk in the rain.  She said, “Oh look!  A windbreaker I have never seen!  I can wear this!” (She found it in her trunk, her husband’s car.  He does lighting for movie sets).     

What was written on the black windbreaker?  “THE BOSTON STRANGLER”

I immediately blurted out, “Oh, I wouldn’t wear THAT wind breaker….” She comes back with how it’s not hers and she’s never seen it before and why does it matter?  You can imagine what I said (Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫 101).

Then I caught myself and said, “Whatever, let’s let it go and move on.”

Half way through the walk it hits me!  The Kevin Hart movie!  (It was called “The Man From Toronto”)  The nightmares!  And now…”The Boston Strangler” windbreaker!    

The Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫 is always at work.  I am obsessed with it (since age 5) and I teach, coach and write about it daily and I missed it!  For a moment.

My friend and I had a good laugh and the contrast taught me, as it always does.

Contrast is fertilizer for growth.  It is a jumping off point for clarity.  Don’t you just love that? If you can embrace the contrast, you have reached Step 5!  Wahoooo!! 😊🌟✨💫   

👆🏻*If you want to learn how to live this way as well - 90-95% of your life in ease, joy, love, excitement, happy expectation, satisfaction, relief and peace, otherwise known as “The Vortex” - message me to hear about my Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫 Coaching.  I have a wait list but slots open up regularly and also, as part of my coaching practice and to give back I offer one Pro Bono Coaching session per week to someone who comes to me in meditation. LMK if you would like to be put on a wait list for a Pro Bono Coaching session.



Meet George Jetson!  Jane, His Wife….” 🌟💫💛

Ever watch “The Jetsons?”  I’m dating myself which is freaking awesome because every day I am on the planet I (and you) get better and better and things get better and better and things are always working out for me (and you).

Born September 16, 1965 and proud of it!

But I digress….

So on “The Jetsons” which I and many watched in the 70’s, George Jetson flew around in his car and talked on the phone on his watch and/or on a little hand held screen.  Big shout out to Steve Jobs for the second two.  The car is on the horizon.

So when my friend Beth texted me “We’re in NYC charging our car!” en route to launch her son at Purdue, I giggled as George Jetson popped into my mind.

Well I just recharged my vibration, in 30 minutes.

Very George Jetson! ✨🌟💫💛

Wanna know how?

Sure, you got it.  Happy to share.  As always. 😉 😉

Back story:  I was totally in the Vortex and flying high and I went for a walk with a good friend mid day at Barrington Beach and we talked about some stuff.  It wasn’t low vibe because, dude, I know better than that.  I have been playing this BEST LIFE EVER✨🌟💫💛Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫  game for too long (been obsessed with the Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫 since I was five!  Been coaching Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫 since 2002!) to do that.

Nevertheless, after my beachy walk with my good friend, I was like, “Whoa, that was an energy whack.”  My body felt depleted.  My mind unfocused.  I was out of the Vortex and, just exhausted (very unlike me).

Again, it wasn’t my friend, or the beach…it was the topic we discussed.  The topic was not toxic or gossip or upstream (again, I know better than that); however, it was retelling an experience from about a week ago and … drum roll please…your inner being never looks back.

So, for you Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫 fans and students (I consider myself both as I learn all day every day more about Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫 and love it ✨💫🌟🌈 and find it all fascinating and fun), even if you’re talking about something *somewhat* neutral (this story started out intense and ended on a happy note), your inner being is always forward looking, so it’s gonna drain you.

I am so well versed in this **** that I knew what to do when I realized what had gone down:  have a snack and take a nap.

“What?!”  You ask. “In the middle of the day?  Don’t you have other stuff to do Taylor?”

Um, yes, I do. And that’s exactly why I took a 30 minute nap - a recharge - to tune back in so I could jump back into action once I was IN the Vortex.

No amount of action can make up for misalignment.

Alignment first.  Alignment first.  Alignment first.

(Hilarious and fun and synchronistic aside:  as I typed the above sentence about action, I received a notification from Columbia University where I did my M.A. and M.Ed. entitled, “Take Action!”  LOL 😂😂 )

Back to napping.  I have NEVER been a napping person - except when pregnant (5x), during which I napped every single day at 2pm.  Before learning about this awesome kick ass Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫 tool to get you back into alignment and hit the “reset button,” I erroneously thought those who napped were…”lazy.”  Gasp!😳😳 I shudder at this now because (in my humble opinion, take what you want and leave the rest as always) there is not anything you can do besides a successful meditation (successful meaning you quieted your mind during at least part of it), that is more efficient and productive.

“What?” you ask.  “How is napping productive and efficient?!”

Well, once you hit that reset button while napping (which happens because while you sleep, all resistance, all momentum and the Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫 subside) you have a clean slate, a blank white canvas, on which you can paint anything and you can be, do and have anything that you want.  Until you (not your cat, not your partner, not your kids, not your friend, not your sister, brother or parents) do that thing you do that throws resistance on your trail, again.

So the next time you feel depleted, get thrown out of the Vortex, can’t focus or think straight and/or are just in a bad mood…try a 30 minute reset.  Try a 30 minute nap.  Very George Jetson!



The Charlie Horse ✨🌟💫💛

Have you ever had a Charlie horse? Wow so painful. I get them very rarely maybe once a year and it’s always when I stretch in bed right before my alarm goes off.

When you get a Charlie horse the key is to breathe and relax. If you tense up and resist the pain it gets worse and worse and tighter and tighter.

This morning it occurred to me as I was doing box breath to release the Charlie horse, this is such a metaphor for life. When there is resistance and pain do not push against and resist it more … it will get worse. Relax, breathe and let go.



“There Is Nothing As Humbling As Publishing A Book.“ ✨🌟💫💛

When we lived in the White Castle in Newton Massachusetts, our beloved next door neighbor, “Samuel Shem” (his pen name), author of the classic “The House Of God,” said the most amazing thing to me when I published my first book:  “There’s nothing as humbling as publishing a book.“

He then told me that once he was at a book signing at Barnes and Noble after he published “The House of God” and he was sitting at a table all proud - waiting for the hordes of people to come rushing up. Well, no one came. He sat there and he sat there and he sat there. Then a few hours in, his heart leaped as he saw someone look at him from across the room and walk toward his table. He stood up excitedly and the person asked, “Do you know where the bathroom is?“

“Samuel” (who called me “four-thirty” after he learned that I taught a class every morning at Prana Power Yoga ✨🙏🏻✨ Newton at 4:30 am), my HH, his wife and I laughed about this - a lot.

On Saturday August 27th I went to a workshop in Boston with my biggest teacher (besides my five Chickens 🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣 )- Infinite Intelligence (a.k.a. Abraham). On my mat on Thursday morning it came to me that I would go. I had deleted the email and not thought about it, even though one of my coaching clients told me she is going in Atlanta - and also posted it on my page.

But I always follow divine guidance.  That’s how Prana Power Yoga ✨🙏🏻✨ was born.

The workshop was phenomenal and afterwards I was in the Copley plaza parking lot looking for my car, Sparky. ✨🌟💫💛  I name all our cars and houses. That sounds like we have a lot of cars and houses LOL.  We have one house (the happy white pineapple 😊✨🌟💫🍍) and 2 cars.  That’s another blog all together.

Well when I parked before the workshop I had written down 3-D after parking sparky — the level at which we parked - which I knew I would remember since I feel like I live in 5D; however I had not written down the color… did not know there were different colors.

So that parking lot panic set in - have you ever felt it?  There’s a Seinfeld about this.  Couldn’t find Sparky.  So this really nice man found me.  He came up to me and was helping me. He worked there - this is his job - to help panicked people who cannot find their cars.  This angel helped me find my car - it was in red by the way not in blue. Yet even when I was in red I could not find Sparky on 3-D so he took my keys and hit the panic button and it started beeping.  Brilliant!  Just to give you a pro tip (I did not know to do that.)

I was so appreciative I just wanted to hug him! Because of Covid I thought that was not the best move and not very respectful so I opened my trunk and said, “I want to sign my book for you and gift it to you!” I was so excited! ✨🎉✨

That angel from heaven who helped me find Sparky didn’t skip a beat…he smiled and said, “No thank you.”

Huge lol! 😆😅

“There’s nothing as humbling as publishing a book.“  - Samuel Shem



"I Was Joking And. . . It Came True" Part 2 ✨🌟💫💛

0h my God I had the hugest epiphany. I went to an Abraham workshop in Boston Massachusetts on Saturday. Four straight hours of bliss. That’s my Disney World. 💫💫

One of the big things that infinite intelligence is talking about now is (for those who are ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to hear it… those on the leading edge of thought…as always take what you want and leave the rest): you don’t have to obliterate all the other stations on the radio to listen to the station you want to listen to. You just need to tune to that station.

Whew! 😊 That’s a relief!💯💫

Some of you who study Abraham are like, “That’s not new. Infinite intelligence has always been saying that.“

Yes, it has; however, here’s the new piece.  There are a lot of well-meaning people out there trying to teach others how to release resistance. The issue with this is that there is no law of assertion - there is only a law of attraction. Therefore when you focus on releasing resistance you only make it bigger.


So the key is to decide how you want to feel, choose your station, and focus on that. Then the resistance must go dormant - it is law.💫💫

Again, the gestalt is if you focus on releasing resistance the resistance will get bigger.

Remember the resistance is not gone totally - it can’t be.  It has gone dormant. The reason why it is not possible to obliterate it is every thought that has ever been thought - every word that has ever been spoken - still exists in the Universe. You get to choose on what you focus-what you tap into. There are rivers and streams of thought. What are you choosing to tap into?

I trained - I studied - I put a lot of energy and time into learning a lot about psychology at Brown, Columbia and Harvard. I also spent a lot of time dealing with my past, unknowingly attempting to release “blocks.“ Now I understand decades later that there are no blocks. Energy cannot be blocked because energy can only move - energy must move.  Google quantum physics. Sometimes you might feel like it is blocked because you are in a reality loop, creating more of the same.

Yesterday morning on my yoga mat as I contemplated the decade I spent studying and analyzing psychology and attempting to release resistance and help others do the same, I asked the Universe and my inner being, “Why did I do that for 10 years? I am usually a quick learner. Why 10 years?“

Let me be clear that I do not believe in regret, remorse or mistakes. I only believe in a path and learning. A journey. You never get it done and you can’t get it wrong. Contrast shows us what we do want. It is fertilizer for growth.

So it was not coming from an icky donut hole in my stomach feeling it was coming from “What’s the lesson here? What do I choose to learn? What do I choose to do differently?“

Then it occurred to me after meditation… My inner being was buying time… My inner being was distracting me with other stuff because my handsome husband was not ready for me yet. And I was not ready for him. Plus I was also with my first love.

Things had to play out. Wheels were in motion. And retrospectively the Universe was peppering our paths with synchronicities. One of many examples:  When I graduated from Brown in 1987 I went to Europe for 10 weeks with two friends. We went to 10 countries. My first love also went to Europe. He was there for six weeks. We decided to meet up once. We picked a “random“ city and country. We met up in Basel Switzerland. That is where my handsome husband is from and he was living there at the time. 😳😳

I was destined to walk that path and then to walk into that yoga studio to film that yoga video on my birthday 🥳 on September 16, 1999.

It was my destiny to look at the guy next to me and say, “Oh my God I had a dream about you last night!“

To which he was destined to reply, “So I am, quite literally, the man of your dreams.“

Why am I telling you this story? ( I know many of you have heard it before.) I am divinely guided to do so and I always follow divine guidance.

Some of you will get it - some of you won’t. Some of you will like it - some of you won’t.  It’s all good! ❤ I don’t take any of it personally.

You are on a path and it is unfolding exactly as it should. This moment is as it should be. And things are only getting better.  All you need to do is figure out what feels good in this moment and focus on that. One moment at a time.



“I Was Joking And. . . It Came True.”   ✨🌟💫💛

When my husband Philippe was in his 20s and early 30s and people would ask him when he was going to get married, he would joke, "I'm waiting for the second round."

Philippe is very smart and funny and quick-witted, and this would of course engage the person to ask more. So he would explain that he was going to wait for someone who had married once, learned what she wanted and didn't want, and was ready to have the best marriage ever – hence, "the second round."

He had a very positive energy and lightness about it, and he said it consistently.

And look what happened.  Best ever! ✨🌟💫💛

The law of attraction is always at work and what you say and think are important and powerful. Be mindful about what you are creating.  Create your life deliberately.  Be a deliberate creator.

Does what you are saying right now and thinking right now reflect your hopes and dreams?  Does it reflect your BEST LIFE EVER?✨🌟💫💛   

You get what you think and talk about.

Now what was that thought you just had?  🤔🤭



5 Reasons Why I Love Contrast 💫💫💫💫💫

I tend to do things in fives:  5 Chickens 🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣.  5 Prana Power Yoga ✨🙏🏻✨ studios.  5 Reasons why I love contrast.

  1. I know I always go higher once I know the lesson. For me at this point in my Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫 journey, it is a max of 24 hours and sometimes it is one hour or even one minute. As you learn more about the Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫 and how to deliberately create the time you spend in contrast gets less and less. My goal for my coaching clients (who are 100% successful) is 5-10% of life in contrast. Most people are living 90-95% of their lives in contrast. No bueno! BTW this doesn’t mean that contrast doesn’t feel shitty when you do experience it…it is contrast after all. But it does mean the time in contrast is less and less, eventually just 5-10% of life. The more attuned you get the more feeling out of alignment feels bad and just unacceptable because when you know how good it feels to feel good, and, well, anything else is just not kewl.

2.  I get to see where my vibration was and why I attracted the contrast. Contrast is all about me and my vibration.  I am in my power and I know that.

3.  I see what I was putting out there to attract the contrast and I get to clean up my vibration utilizing the fun awesome easy tools I’ve created since age five when I became obsessed with the Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫.                                                                                                                                                                                     

4. Contrast is why we’re here. It is one of the triad of reasons we’re on the planet. One is growth. Two is expansion and three is joy. So I am fulfilling my birthright by experiencing this contrast. Wahoooo!! 😊🌟✨💫

5.  It’s exciting and fun to be in Step five, knowing that I am in contrast and *not* beat myself up for being so - and be light and easy about it, knowing #1 (see above).

If you are experiencing some contrast right now see if you can relax into it.  Breathe.  Try not to push against it.  Remember, whatever we push against gets bigger.  See if you can ask yourself, “What’s the lesson here? What do I need to learn?  What do I need to do differently?”  Ask yourself where your vibration was to attract this person. place or thing (this contrast and how it is manifesting in the physical).  See if you can utilize some of the tips and tools I offer in my blogs to clean up your vibration in this NOW moment.  If you’d like some help with tips and tools with your contrast, drop a comment below.  And finally ask your inner being (your highest most authentic self - you 6.0) how he/she/they see this.  Ask how you can see it from excitement and fun and ease instead of the dreaded drop in the stomach feeling…that ugh doughnut feeling that always means one thing and one thing only - your inner being sees this person, place, thing or situation differently and will not join you in that low vibration place.

I believe in you 🌈💫❤️😊🙏🏻 and I’m rooting for you!!



Frank Sinatra Continues To Teach*  ✨🌟💫💛

August 9, 2022

*My kitty, not the singer

9 weeks ago my beloved kitty Frank Sinatra got out. We rescued him from the street in February 2021 and he was an indoor kitty. I have written a couple blogs about him here (scroll down to catch up if that sounds fun).

On Sunday night August 7th we returned home to Barrington, Little Rhody from lots of travel:  Europe for three weeks, home for a little, then ACK (Nantucket) for 2 weeks. While in Switzerland I came out of a massage and had the intuition to look at my phone, which was unusual since I was off my phone for 3 weeks except for coaching.  And there it was…a text saying, “ Frankie is here!“ ✨🌟💫💛

My eyes filled with tears of joy. 🥲

The happy text was from my new friend in Barrington, Rhode Island who had texted me weeks prior after seeing my post on the Next Door app.  Frankie had been showing up at her house to eat and drink the food and water she puts out and to hang out with her kitty Leo, nicknamed “Leigh Leigh.”  Synchronistically Leigh Leigh was my nickname growing up in Lake Bluff, Illinois.😳

Well Frankie had shown up at her house again. And…drumroll please:  her house is a white colonial like our house.  It is about a mile away from our happy white pineapple 😊✨🌟💫🍍.  Frankie thought it was our house.

When we were home between Europe and ACK my new friend texted me at 6am and said that Frankie was there again!  I walked to her house and there he was!  FRANKIE!!!!  🐱 He started coming toward me as I squatted down and called him, then when I stood up and moved toward him he backed off.  I let him go.  I have read this is quite common.  Especially with an un-neutered male.  Frankie has a girlfriend he likes more than me!! 🐱🐱

The following morning at 5am I laid down my yoga mat and block on my friend’s patio and put out a bowl of food and practiced.  Frankie used to sit on my mat while I practiced every morning at 4am.  My friend and her family were at the beach for the weekend and she suggested I come in the early morning when he comes for food.

I had the most magical delightful practice outside on her patio with the birds and the trees and the salt air.

Frankie didn’t come that morning.  But I knew he would come.  In his own time.

Fast forward.  We are now back from ACK.😎⛴ I haven’t heard from my new friend but I will.  Frankie is not home but he will be. I expect it.  I am excited about it.  I know it. And I am satisfied in the knowing of it (EEKS:  Expecting, Excited, Knowing, Satisfied).

It gets more interesting . . . I have an appointment this Thursday August 11th for Frankie to be neutered and the vet emailed me to confirm.  It takes many weeks to get in to see a vet.

Hmmmmm…no Frankie yet, but a vet appointment in 48 hours…we’ll see what the Universe and Frankie have in store.

Stay tuned! 💫✨🌟

Frankie is a big teacher to me.    And to you, if you can hear his message:  Divine timing my friends.  Divine timing. 🙏🏻💫🌈😊  What you want/have asked for is coming.  It’s already done in fact.   99.99% of our manifestations are done before they come into the physical.  if you allow them in.  If you let go of your resistance. If you know the vibrational code. Do you? 🤔🤔

I believe in you. 🌈💫❤️😊🙏🏻



Law of Attraction Parenting Strategies ✨🌟💫💛

Struggle is not part of the natural order of life. So it does not have to be part of parenting either. If we choose to utilize the Law of Attraction intentionally we can experience a happier and more peaceful and respectful home.* Yes! This can even mean eliminating toddler tantrums and teenager standoffs! Remember, the LOA is always at work, whether you are creating deliberately or not. Making LOA a lifestyle means you are choosing to be a deliberate creator. You are creating, not regurgitating. You are creating, not being a historian.

*If you are reading this blog, you are attracted to this information, so we are in alignment! This information is for those who are attracted to it. As always, take what you want and leave the rest. Two questions I ask my coaching clients when they feel resistance upon hearing this Law of Attraction take on parenting are, “How’s it going so far?” and “What do you have to lose by trying something new?"

What is Law of Attraction Parenting? Understanding that everything is attraction - there is no assertion. So just like with everything else (the formula is always the same), the behavior we experience in our home we have attracted to us by our focus, perspectives/beliefs, thoughts, feelings and actions.

5 Law of Attraction Parenting Tips:

Here are 5 parenting tips that can positively transform any household of chaos, frustration and stress into ease, relief, satisfaction, happiness, harmony and peace. Ahhhhhh, doesn’t that sound amazing?

Law of Attraction Parenting Tip #1:

Be gentle with yourself. You’re doing the best you can and want the best for your kiddo. Every step of the way you have done the best you could with what you knew at the time. Breathe in, breathe out, relax your shoulders down your back (really do this) and smile and know this in your heart. Feel this in your heart before you read on.

If you’re reading this you’ve likely experienced some contrast with your child and that's OK! You didn’t screw up! Contrast shows us what we do want by showing us what we don’t want. It is a natural part of life. The important thing is that you focus on that which you DO want and not what you DON'T want. Most of my clients are focusing on what they don’t want...telling stories about it over and over again to anyone who will listen, explaining it to others, complaining about it, analyzing it, posting about it, blogging about it, etc. I teach and coach to instead focus on that which you do want…the feelings you wish to experience, such as ease, relief, satisfaction, excitement, knowingness, expectation, happiness, harmony and peace.

I like to give very hands on tools. A concept is a concept and that’s fine but if I had a nickel for every person who knows many a concept but doesn’t utilize them, well…..

Start with you and get into alignment first. That means taking time for you to get into alignment — meditate, practice yoga, go for a walk, journal, take a bath, take a shower, drink tea/coffee intentionally, read, garden, bake, etc. Getting into alignment also means not listening to your inner critic who will blame and judge. Getting into alignment means taking your inner being off the bench and listening to your inner being instead. Your inner being never judges or blames, you or another. Your alignment = the level of connectivity with your inner being. How do you know if your inner being is speaking? It always feels good.

You have a brand new moment - NOW - during which you can begin again with your child employing these Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫 parenting strategies! You have a blank canvas in front of you - this moment - on which you can create anything you want. What are you going to paint?

Law of Attraction Parenting Tip #2:

The people around us, especially those closest to us (like our children), reflect and respond to our own feelings and actions. As much as we would like to blame our kids for their behavior (especially when they are pushing every button we have, plus some we never knew we had!), generally our kids mirror what is going on within us.

Some questions to ask yourself:

- How am I contributing to my child's behavior? (Gulp!)

- Is my child responding to my lack of patience, my feeling stuck and powerless, my feeling unworthy and/or not good enough, my feeling frustrated, my feeling that life is hard and my stress?

- Is my child wanting quality time with me because I haven’t been giving her/him much one on one time lately?

- Is my kiddo no fun to be around because I am no fun to be around lately (another gulp!)?

Answering these questions truthfully can quickly get to the root of your child's behavior.

Law of Attraction Parenting Tip #3:

You are modeling for your child how to behave each moment of every day.

Children watch what we do more than they listen to what we say. Words don’t teach. So if you yell at them to be quiet, push them to do what you want them to do and use a disrespectful tone when frustrated—you only teach them how to treat you. So stop and take a breath and make a commitment to walk your talk. Model for your child how a happy, healthy and in alignment person looks, talks and acts. Then watch her/him follow your lead!! And when you are out of alignment, take a break, walk away and get back into alignment before you interact with your kiddo again. Be clear about it, again modeling for her/him: “Hey, I am out of alignment so I’m going to take a break and get back into alignment and then I’ll be back!"

Law of Attraction Parenting Tip #4:

You are your child's most powerful self-worth mirror.

Your child seeks approval from you more than anyone else. You are the mirror that tells her/him how deserving or unworthy they are. She/he will believe whatever you reflect to them—positive or negative. Overt and even subtle put-downs can be devastating to her/his sense of self-worth and well being. When a child has low self-esteem she/he will often act out, misbehave and drive you nuts! By using the power of positive words and actions to encourage, rather than discourage, you can be a beacon of light illuminating your child's worth. This gift of positive mirroring can inspire your child to believe in herself/himself, follow her/his passions and ultimately be someone who is a delight to be around. Therefore, choose to reflect your child's brilliance, special talents and worth by being grateful for what she/he is and does.

Law of Attraction Parenting Tip #5:

The more you focus on the positives of your child, the more you will experience them.

One of the most powerful aspects of the law of attraction is that whatever you focus on gets bigger. So if you spend much of the day nagging about all the things your child isn't doing, or all the bad things your child is doing, you simply attract more of these frustrating experiences to you (and her/him). Instead, choose to take affirmative steps to create the behaviors you want by simply noticing and being grateful for what you do like. One of my favorite parenting gratitude techniques is the "Dog Factor." Dogs unconditionally show us love and affection—greeting us at the door enthusiastically, whether we‘ve been gone for two days or two minutes. Apply this approach to your child. Beam with love when she/he comes home or when she/he enters the room. Remember that no matter what you are experiencing right now with your family, there are thousands of people in this world (like those who can’t have kids) who would gladly trade places with you.

Parents often ask me about discipline. Discipline only teaches children to do better next time, when they feel better.

Discipline doesn't have to feel bad to be effective. In fact, most discipline based on punitive punishment (things like yelling and taking away privileges) teaches our kids to lie and not get caught next time. You reap what you sow. Thus, if your punishment is focused on rehashing all the bad things your child has done, you are attracting more of this bad behavior. It’s law. The Law of Attraction.

For discipline to really inspire your child to do better next time it needs to:

1. Be respectful

2. Focus on the solution (and how to do better next time)

By filling your home with gratitude for all you do have and with positive words and actions, you can begin to experience more pleasant interactions and actively create the family life of your dreams.

Now re-read Parenting Tip #1 so you remember that you’re a badass and doing the very best you can and …. you’re about to do even better! Not because you suck but because it’s so much fun finding a better way! Remember, your inner being is always satisfied where she/he is and reaching for more. This is the optimal state of being.

I believe in you. 🌈💫❤️😊🙏🏻



You’re A Sloppy Lazy Thinker ✨🌟💫💛

You’re a sloppy lazy thinker. So am I. So is everyone. Let me explain. I love to use simple every day examples because you can hear them and usually relate. If I talk about big drama stuff well, you get stuck in the big drama and miss the metaphor.  Plus I’m not into drama.

I went to grab my face sunscreen before walking to the beach and chatting with a Coaching Client and I opened the wrong drawer. Profound huh?  Hear me out. 😊   Yesterday I moved my face sunscreen to the drawer in which I have my sunglasses and lip sunscreen. Yet just now I went to the old drawer - out of habit.  Out of sloppy lazy thinking.

And so we are with our thoughts. The easiest thought to think is the thought you have thought the most - even if it feels shitty.  Even if it feels like you’re putting your hand on a hot stove!  You reach for that thought out of habit, just like I reached for my sunscreen in the wrong drawer.  That was my habit.

You get what you think about. Choose wisely.  Create new habits with your thoughts.  Tell a better feeling story.  Starting now.  Remember, that was then and this is now.  That’s a good mantra for you - and for me.  Teach yourself how to create, not regurgitate.

I believe in you. 🌈💫❤️😊🙏🏻



Let’s Get You Up To Speed   ✨🌟💫💛 (Copy)

You know how you sometimes feel like it’s your “responsibility” or “duty” to “get someone up to speed” with some crap that has unfolded in your life?  So you go back and dig it up and talk about it and describe it and explain it and complain about it…all because you felt it was your “job” to get them
“up to speed?”

Stop it.  Stop it, now.

It doesn’t work and in fact, it backfires.

Getting someone up to speed on something that you don’t want to create more of is in fact, according to the Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫, guaranteeing that you’re gonna get more of said thing. 

My suggestion?  (As always take what you want and leave the rest)…let it go and move on and focus on that which you do want.  Talk about what you do want.  Tell the better feeling story.  This is how you can win the game of Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫.  It’s not tricky.  It’s easy.   But it does require focus.  Can you focus? 

I think you can.



“Do you want it more done or less done?” ✨🌟💫💛

“Do you want it more done or less done?”

“I want it the right amount of done.”

I was making pancakes last Sunday and asked one of my Chickens 🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣, “Do you like your pancakes more done or less done?“ To which he replied, “I like them the right amount of done.“

There are 7.5 billion people on the planet. Not one of us likes our pancakes in the exact same way. Isn’t that awesome?

Everyone is allowed their perspective. Everyone is allowed their belief. Focus yourself on your perspectives, your beliefs and your energy . . . and keep your eyes on your own mat.

Happy FriYAY!! 💫😎🌈✨
