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Integrity, With a Capital I

Our white castle in Newton, Massachusetts is for sale.  We are serial entrepreneurs and so of course, thought we could sell it ourselves (laughing out loud as I type).  Hey, being trail blazers has it's benefits, and uh, it's drawbacks as well -- as everything does.  I like to say that everything has cracks . . . it's where the light gets in.

But I digress.  

We recently decided to hire a realtor, and not just any realtor, but a kick a** realtor.  After doing research, talking to people and meditating on it, we met with two people.  The heavy hitters so to speak.  Both of them are lovely.  God speed and kudos to both.  

But Philippe and I had a clear preference.  And today, we were going to tell him how we felt, until . . . drum roll please, he said, no, thank you, to the job.  (!!)  Yes, you read that correctly . . . a realtor said no to a (high end, big commission) listing and, by the way, with the utmost sincere integrity and grace, ever.  I said to him, "Matt, I know a lot of people and talk to a lot of people and I love (almost) all people.  I'm a people person!  And I have had and continue to have a lot of adventures in my life.  And I rarely - if ever - have I had my mouth drop open with surprise - and it just did.  I'm so inspired and so admire what you just said to us, and how you said it, I'm going to write a blog about it, and name your name."

Matt (Montgomery), high integrity kick a** realtor extraordinaire, said that his plate is so full for the fall so he cannot take on our house and do the job that he is proud to always do.  He said he would love to, but he can't with integrity.  

Is this for real?  Yes!  And so is he.  

People with integrity still exist and in fact, are all around you.  One of the cards from my inspiration card deck reads, "My thoughts determine which people come into my life, and how they behave once they get there."  I've clearly been doin' my cards and walking my talk for quite a while now, to attract a dude like Matt into my energy field.  Here's to the law of attraction, integrity and grace.  

And btw, if you wanna buy our house, it's still for sale (65 Bellevue Street, Newton, Massachusetts, 02458).

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After 19 years . . . I caved and bought (3) nerf guns at a yard sale on Saturday

My first born turns 19 tomorrow.  Sigh.  Blink of an eye.  

When I had her, I stopped watching TV.  I knew she'd follow what I did and am a strong believer in walking your talk.  That lasted for about 14 years . . . I honestly never missed it.  TV snuck back in when someone told us about Modern Family and we watched it once or twice on Hulu.  Then it became an addiction, as did The Goldbergs.  We still don't watch a lot (and I'm not anti TV, or anti - anything . . . remember, when you shout "NO!" at something, you include it in your vibration), but I do love a good snuggle on the couch with my five chickens while watching an episode of either of these well written shows.  I like to watch only one episode though, even though it does pull you in to watch more.  One episode feels fun, two, for me, makes me feel a little disconnected.

My first two children were never interested in guns - it never came up.  Then I had Phoenix, age 9 now, and he asked for a nerf gun from time to time, and the answer was always no. He never pushed it.  

Dakota and Montana, now six, asked once in a while too.  "Nope," I would say.  "I don't believe in guns or violence."  I didn't waiver. 

Then on Friday night my brother was visiting our new home in Barrington, Rhode Island for the first time and nerf guns came up somehow and my boys told him that I wouldn't let them have them - or any type of guns.  My brother was cute and said, "Well, they aren't that great anyhow."

Saturday I was at a yard sale and there they were, three nerf guns, for a buck each, annnnnd . . .   I bought 'em.  When I got home, and presented them to my sons, well, there's really no way to describe their elation.  Phoenix was shaking as he described how he'd been on the internet all morning researching nerf guns (synchronicity) . . . and he was looking at the exact model I'd bought him (for a buck).  He said, "Mommy!  It costs $86!"  (Score!  I love yard sales).

In the hours that followed, I watched those boys get more joy outta those two one dolla nerf guns than I could ever dream possible.  Hours and hours and hours, they ran through the yard and played, and it continued till night fall.  As I watched them, I wondered why I had paddled upstream for so long around this topic.  Why I'd been so adamant that they could not have this toy.  I am all about peace and love, but when I forbade the oh so elusive nerf gun, they used sticks to pretend the **** anyhow.  

The intention of this blog is not to start a big political debate (although if it does, that's ok too), I am simply suggesting that it's important that I (read:  we all) take a look at whether we are paddling upstream in our lives, and if so, why.  Maybe we make a slight adjustment, maybe we bend a little, if they result might just be -- pure joy.



Be Careful What You Ask For . . . .

My 12 year old daughter always wanted to get to middle school early last year when we lived in Newton, Massachusetts.  We have 5 kiddos - and always many balls in the air in our different health and wellness businesses - and, well, it didn't happen all that often.

We now live in Barrington, Rhode Island (hurray!) and have the BNE* (Best Neighbors Ever), who kindly and lovingly drive our girl to school every morning (unless they bike together, wow, I still pinch myself that all of this is really real).  They are OTB* (On The Ball) and are always on time (read: a bit early) and so guess what?  Sagey gets to school early every day now.  Ya Sagey girl!  Way to manifest, girl.  

But . . . she's now the new kid at school so not EXACTLY sure if this is a huge hit (yet), so this morning, we were laughing at breakfast, as I reminded her how powerful her thoughts, words, and intentions are, and what a powerful manifester she is . . . and to "be careful what you ask for."

Has this ever happened to you?  You're like, "I really, really, REALLY want this (fill in the blank) and then, low and behold, the Universe delivers it -- in SPADES -- and you're like, "Oh, uh, I didn't mean it like THAT!"  

I always laugh when this happens.  It's better than the other option . . .  and I always have a choice how to see a situation, which means I (and you!) have the ultimate power.  




The Wasps Nest

My handsome husband has been dealing with some wasps at the New White Castle in Barrington, Rhode Island.   Every day he is out there spraying them and it seems every night he's going off to Home Depot to get another can of spray. Man, he's gone through several cans of that spray.  But they keep coming back.

Today he got a different product which just closed up the hole into which they were flying.  Poof! They're gone.

This reminded me of a lesson we all seem to learn - again and again. Deal with the cause - not the symptom. Go deeper to see where that behavior is stemming from instead of eradicating the behavior – white knuckling it.  The white knuckling will work, for a time, but it will always come back. Just like the wasps did.

I find it so cool and amusing that the Universe is always putting lessons in front of us, through the seemingly mundane events in our lives, like dealing with a wasps nest.




The Trader Joe's Chicken

I love Trader Joe's. I love it for a myriad of reasons, one of which is that it is not overwhelming to shop there. They also do some things extremely well. We found this one chicken that we loved loved loved. It was a dark meat teriyaki chicken and I would throw it in the wok with broccoli, cauliflower and carrots and serve it over Trader Joe's microwave brown rice, would is also quite good. I would serve it with a homemade Caesar salad – man that was good. 

Until it wasn't.

I overdid it. It was so good that I went overboard and served it too often - now none of us can even look at that ****. 

I love a good thing and I love systems and I love order (Virgo). So sometimes I find a good thing, make a system and then swing to the extreme and overdo it. Do you ever do that? I sure do.

Thanks to my daily early morning yoga practice and my biggest teachers in this lifetime (my 5 kids), I am steeped in self-awareness at this point, and so I do recognize when I have done something in.  When I have gone too far. I then tend to swing the other way for a bit and then eventually find balance. Moderation, as the Buddha suggested.

I have also noticed this with systems with work. As we all know, to be efficient, productive and successful we need to implement systems. But what I have noticed is that while we need systems, we need to switch them up almost daily, to maintain the freshness and newness of the energy. So we have a baseline, a foundation of a system but we change it up.  

The best example of this that comes to mind is Madonna. Sister is always reinventing herself and so she remains fresh and new. She is a master at this.

Where in your life do you need to switch up your systems? Where do you need some fresh energy? Where can you redirect your energy so that you will be more efficient and productive – and happy?

Because that's what it's all about isn't it? Who cares if you are productive and efficient… If there is no joy? The energy dies out when it is not fresh and alive, and so does the joy. Restart, reboot and ramp up that energy to tap into the joy that is your birthright.



Why Can't We All Just Get Along?

I've said it before, I'll say it again and I'm saying it here now:  my 5 kids are my biggest teachers (and our new puppy, Aspen).  

I adore my kiddos and they are super sweet, kind, smart and wonderful.  I'm super proud of them and love them so much and honestly, there's no one else with whom I would rather spend time.  Philippe feels the same way.  We love love love being their parents.

That said, sometimes they bicker, and I'm like, "Kids, why can't we all just get along?  Life is so magical, and your life is so magical, and you can be, do and have anything that you want, so lighten up man and get along!  Now (insert name of child here), please say you're sorry, give a hug and let's all begin again."

They abide, and we begin again and all is well, but this reminds me of a very important lesson - that we are all human.  If these sparkly sweet beings who are all love get pissed off, you gonna too - and it's okay.  It ain't the end of the world and there's always a chance, an opportunity to begin again.  Again and again.  

I love people and I love to talk to people - everywhere - (ask my husband, who patiently waits while I chat it up with people at Trader Joe's or wherever), and I hear again and again the judgment with which you are approaching your lives -- judgment of others, yes, but moreso judgment of yourself.  The question constantly looming, "Am I doing this right?"  Or other flavors of this question, such as, but not limited to:  "Did I say the right thing?"  "Am in in the right job?" "Am I smart enough?" "Do I have the right friends?" "Am I wearing the right clothes?" "Am I funny enough?" "Am I old enough?" "Am I young enough?" "Am I small enough?" "Am I big enough?" "Am I pretty enough?" "Am I wealthy enough?" "Am I successful enough?" Oh, man, the list goes on and on.  And on.

We forget that we are exactly where we need to be.  That this moment is as it should be.  That things are unfolding in perfect order, as they should.  We forget to let go of the illusion of control and let The Universe take care of the details.  And then we **** it all up - by standing in our own way, and in the way of a force that creates worlds.  And in the midst of all this, we get a bit, uh, crabby, shall we say.  And we bicker or fight - or worse.

Come back to your center (however you do that -- I like yoga and flooding my bloodstream with 35 fruits and veggies a day with capsules I love), begin again and remember that you are wonder, greatness and pure magic in a physical body.  That said, you are human, and will therefore have human moments, where you are coming from a lower place than your higher self. And that's okay.  Just reboot, restart, and smile and laugh at yourself (and at me, too - I do all the time) because we all go through it, and we're all in this together.



I Wanted to Grow My Hair Super Long . . . .

I wanted to grow my hair super long.  I asked peeps what to take and do.  I googled it.  I took the supplements I was supposed to.  Nothing happened.  

Fast forward to a few months ago when a Prana Power Yoga student and customer of our global health and wellness company wanted to trade her purple (Vineyard Blend berry) gummies for more red (fruit) and green (veggie) gummies.  I was down and excited because we hadn't ever had the purples.  I started munching on those as snacks, and man are they delish.

Over the last week I've been noticing that my hair is so friggin' long - and so are my nails.  Then this morning while running I had the aha moment - and connected this to my purple gummy consumption.  (Nothing else has changed.) There's actually a whole "Mermaid Cleanse" that people in my company in Australia swear by.  They challenge people to simply take (just the) purple gummies or capsules for 4 months and watch - and document-  how their hair, skin and nails get super healthy.  THE POWER OF BERRIES!

Who Knew?



You and Only You Have the Ultimate Power

I love the sound of birds singing, don't you?  

I wake up at 4 am every morning to do cardio and write, practice Prana Power Yoga, cleanse and clear my energy and aura, send blessings of love, and set my intentions for the day.  It took me a long time and a lot of focus and intention to get to the point of doing this every day (waking at 4 am) because I was a night owl, but it's now a habit and I love love love it.  Habits are extremely powerful.

Back to the birds . . . when I wake, it's dark and no birds are singing.  It's fun to hear them start to wake up and sing.  I live in a dreamy town call Barrington, Rhode Island and there's an owl in our neighborhood who I hear every morning as well.  Love that owl.

This morning there was a bird singing I had never heard before.  It was a sorta weird sound -- piercing, you might say.  It didn't bother me.  It was a bird singing, after all.

Then it came to me -- the incredible power of habit and conditioning.  We are conditioned to love the sound of singing birds for various reasons.  Hearing sharp piercing sounds like the squeaky toy my sister sent our puppy, is a different story.  (I'm gonna get her for that . . . she also sent my kiddos yodeling pickles a few years ago, which somehow got lost within a few days. ;) 

On my mat, listening to this bird sing, I smiled as I realized that the bird's song was not much different than the squeaky puppy toy which has been the bane of my existence since it arrived.  The only difference is conditioning - habit.

Today as you walk your path on this planet, notice your habits.  Notice how you have been conditioned.  And if something doesn't feel great, set the intention to create a new habit.  To recondition yourself.  Fresh start.  Rewire.  

You get to choose the thoughts and beliefs you keep active.  And that means you and only you have the ultimate power.   



The Q School Crasher

I did marketing for a catering company in the late 80's and early 90's between Brown undergrad and Columbia graduate school.  Once I suggested to the kitchen that we put grilled chicken (or steak) on a salad -- on a Caesar salad (my fave).  They were like, "What!?  Grilled meat on a salad?!"  I said, "Yes maam and sir!"  My kids laugh because I swear I invented the grilled chicken caesar.  They laugh at me, a lot, and I laugh at myself a lot, too.  It keeps me young, as do my 5 kiddos - and brand new siberian husky puppy.

In my early 30's I had an intuition to eat more meat, more eggs, more fat, and lay off the pizza, pasta and pancakes (which is mostly what I ate, along with lotsa veggies).  So I did this -- for a few years.  I always listen to my intuition.  Always.  Then with time, I felt more in balance and could incorporate more of "the 3 P's" back into my diet.  Only years later did I realize that I had been doing a famous "diet" that was popular at the time (I don't read news media, intentionally, to keep my vibration high and create more peace and love in the world).  Again, my kids laugh.

I have many, many stories like this (I used eat pretzels with white chocolate in the 70's -- now you see white chocolate pretzels everywhere) . . . and they don't all involve food, he he.  In 2002 we opened our first Prana Power Yoga™ studio.  We were immediately very successful and opened four more.  14 years later that market is now saturated and I'm happy it is, because more peeps are doing yoga, which was my intention.  

I have noticed that I tend to be a first - mover.  I have very little fear because I had to do that personal development work at a very very young age because of a challenging childhood (please see my blog called "Good News?  Bad News?  Who knows.") - so sister usually JUMPS.  And thinks later.  Or don't think at all, some you might say, he he.

Last Thursday I arrived at my global health and wellness company's "Q School" in Tennessee.  I was over the moon excited.  It's a privilege and an honor.  That night, as I introduced myself to Missy, who assists the creator of the school in her many endeavors, she was like, "Oh hi!  Taylor . . . wait, Taylor?!  Taylor Wells?  Who?!  Did you, uh, . . .  register?"


Now I'm a Virgo and sister crosses her t's and dots her i's.  I used to read all the reading in college and grad school, and highlight -- it ALL.  I was one of "those" in the class.  So to not even be "on the list," to see the surprise and confusion in this poor woman's eyes, was tantamount to that nightmare people have being in front of a room of lotsa people with only their underwear on.  

But thanks to Missy's amazing character, integity and grace and ability to go with the flow in a difficult moment, along with a lot of personal development work and letting go, I was able to shrug, laugh, and -- blame my husband.  ;)  He was, after all, supposed to make the travel plans and set me up in this school.  We are a great team, complement each other amazingly well, and that's his domain.

I was ever after dubbed "The Q School Crasher," and loved loved loved my name. I'm psyched it will stick (it will).  It was on my name tag after that night, along with my new state, Rhode Island (we moved June 23rd).  I wore both proudly.

I wrote Missy a text thanking her for everything and her amazing response to what could've been a difficult moment (she had to order food for each meal, etc. and didn't know I was coming) and she said some really nice things and then said, "You were my first crasher!"  To which I responded, "No surprise, because I have a tendency to be a first - mover, and this is no different."

What are your tendencies?  What are you creating - again and again?  Take a look -- a good look  -- and if you don't like it, change it!  Restart!  Begin again.  We're all beginning again, in some sense, all the time.  In fact, every single morning we get a FRESH.  NEW.  START.



Some Inspiration From a Surprising Source

This was a post on Linkedin by a contact - Hesham Elmahdy - which I love love loved:

At age 5 his Father died. 

At age 16 he quit school. 

At age 17 he had already lost 4 jobs. 

Between ages 18 & 22, he was a railroad conductor & failed. 

He joined the army & washed out there. 

He applied for law school was rejected. 

He became an insurance salesman & failed. 

At age 20 his wife left him.

He became a cook & dishwasher in a small cafe. 

At age 65 he retired and decided to commit suicide because he had failed so much. 

Then he realized there was one thing he could do better than anyone — he could cook.

He borrowed $87, bought & fried up chicken using his own recipe, and went door to door to sell them in Kentucky. 

 At age 88 Colonel Sanders, founder of KFC was a billionaire. 



How Do I Work The Law of Attraction to Create What I Want?



We have a global health and wellness company that helps many, many people design better lives in many ways — health, wealth, community and happiness.  This blog is not about that.  But it’s important information in order to understand the gestalt of this blog.I really believe in, and work, the law of attraction. It’s a daily practice.  A moment to moment practice.  We all forget . . . we are human and we get caught up in the moment and what is right in front of us and we forget that we are in essence pure light and love and can be, do and have anything that we want as long as we get out of our own way and focus on what we want - and ignore the rest.

Every.  Single.  Thing.  I have and have accomplished in this lifetime so far is by virtue of using the law.  I was not born with a silver spoon.  In fact, I had some serious sh** go down even as a little little kiddo, but I knew intuitively to focus on all I wanted and ignore the rest as best as I could.

A really easy way to remember to do this is to ask yourself in the moment, “Does this feel hard?  Am I paddling upstream?”  Anything too complicated don’t work.  The end.

We ran out of the fruit and veggie gummies my kids mow down joyfully every day (see info above about our global health and wellness company), so I was trying everything to get those 32 fruits and veggies into their little bloodstreams till the new order arrived. We eat super healthy and my kids love fruit and veggies and don’t think twice about eating homemade caesar salad, baby carrots and steamed broccoli with dinner every night - the gummies are in addition to this, to bridge the gap, because no one gets all the fruit and veggies their bodies want and need - no-body.  

Oh boy I tried everything and man, it was - not - workin’ (hello, upstream).  I tried opening the capsules and pouring them into their mouths. I tried having them chew the capsules (I do this and love it, it tastes like candy and gets my digestive enzymes going).  I tried teaching them to swallow the capsules (gasp!  Bad idea).  I tried blending them into chocolate Complete shakes. I tried blending them into chocolate raspberry Complete shakes. I tried blending them into Complete vanilla shakes.  I tried blending them into vanilla mango Complete shakes.  I tried blending them into vanilla blueberry Complete shakes. I tried blending them into strawberry vanilla Complete shakes.  I tried blending them into vanilla banana Complete shakes.  Oh - my - God - I’m tired and frustrated just typing out the many things I tried . . . and I’m laughing at myself too because I cannot believe I actually tried so “hard” and paddled UPSTREAM for so long.  

The lesson?  Paddle downstream.  Check in each moment, how does it feel to do this?  How does it feel to say this?  How does it feel to have this conversation?  How does it feel to make this expression?  If it feels bad, stop it!  Try something else.  I read a quote I love even though I don’t use the “m word”:  “Your best teacher is your last mistake.”  

I wrote a card in one of my inspiration card decks that reads, “What’s the vibration of the story I’m telling?”  The other side says, “I only talk about high vibration things.”

Another *fun* lesson in this adventure (which is now over TG . . . the shipment of gummies arrived, big sigh):  my already OTT strong belief in my global health and wellness company is — even stronger.  Mom - on - a - mission.





I love to clean. I love to organize. I love order. I love systems. I am a full fledged Virgo - with a capital V. 

However!  All in moderation. Too much of anything - cleaning, cooking, baking, running, working, talking, writing, teaching, being alone, being with others, sleeping, eating, drinking  . . . even going to the beach . . . is -- too much. 

Ahhhhh, yes moderation. The Buddha's wisdom again. Again and again... I learn this lesson.



Dude, Ya Gotta Feel Dem Feelings

I've said it before, I'll say it again and I live it . . .  Every. Single. Day.  "My kids are my biggest teachers."

The end.  (Just kidding).

When Phoenix, age 9, was a toddler, he's always say "dem" instead of they and it just sorta stuck.  Hence the title of this blog.

I'm a Supermom of 5 kiddos, ages 6, 6, 9, 12 and 18.  When I say "Supermom," do I mean perfect? Hell no.  I mean that I do my best, with breath.  I begin again - again and again.  I walk my talk.  I show my kiddos how to be awake, alive, mindful and expect the best.  I teach them to treat others well and not to judge - to understand that that person has a story you know nothing about.  I teach them how to pick up after themselves and recently taught them how to dust, sweep and mop their rooms and their "chosen room" of the new white castle and clean their bathroom (one of my biggest and proudest accomplishments to this day - I'm not joking). I tell them all day every single day and night that they can be, do and have anything that they want.  I teach them about the law of attraction.  I love them with a full open heart.  I hug and kiss them, a lot.  I tell them they are amazing, because they are.  Am I perfect?  Hell, no.

Last Friday a friend was describing her Mom with tears in her eyes, saying that she never once saw her Mom get mad - that she did everything for everyone all the time . . .  that her Mom was basically a Saint (not her words, I am paraphrasing).  This was a big "aha moment" for this Supermom.  It hit me that I have heard several people over the last few decades describe their Moms in this way -- say things like:

~ "I never once heard my Mom swear."

~ "My Mom never got mad, not once - not ever."

~ "My Mom was a Saint."

~ "My Mom always gave to others, never thought of herself."

And on and on.  These are just a few examples.  

I remember when my friend said her Mom never swore, I thought to myself, "Wow, really?"

So, what was the "aha moment?"  After EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THESE PEOPLE DESCRIBED THEIR MOMS IN THIS WAY, they then told me that their Mom had passed away from cancer, or had had a stroke.  Gasp.  This is my super sciency, extremely well documented, double blind 2 decade study (not) . . . but hey, there does seem to be a pattern here.

Dude, ya gotta feel dem feelings.  Feel 'em, talk about 'em, speak yo' truth, get mad, be real . . .  and then move on.  Don't dwell (law of attraction is real and is always at work), but be authentic.  Don't make yourself (literally) sick by faking it - or anything.  

We are all human.  No one is perfect, and if they seem to be, they are fakin' it - or you are projecting.  (Tangent: which I do a lot if you've ever met or talked to me:  On the same day that this friend told me about her Mom who always gave and never took care of herself - and had a stroke - another friend told me that her friend thought I was a "perfect Stepford wife."  I laughed so hard.  That made my day.  Ahhhhh, projections are the bomb.  I ain't perfect and I surely ain't a Stepford wife, although The ORIGINAL Stepford Wives was filmed in the town next to my hometown outside Chicago and my Dad knew Peter Masterson (the dude who played the evil husband)!  That's my only connection to the Stepford Wives.  ;) ;) 


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Good News? Bad News? Who Knows . . . .

When the Boston Herald "suspended" my blog a few months ago because I wrote about a student who had a terrible experience with a toxic birth control (recommended by her doc - gasp), with the intention of spreading the word to all the other Sisters so they will not do the same, I cried for 30 minutes.  I love my editor and was surprised and disheartened by his reaction and all of the disgraceful baggage behind it.  Then I got up, dusted myself off, and continued to write -- for my own website only.  I haven't missed it one bit.  Meant to be.

When I lost "our house" in Barrington, Rhode Island after going back and forth for 2 excruciating weeks with the sellers in what can only be described as an odd and painful real estate experience, I cried for 30 minutes (with my kids surrounding me and hugging me), and then I got up, dusted myself off, taught a free yoga class for our new global health and wellness company, and moved on.  I found our actual house the very next day, put a bid in the next time we looked at it and the deal was done about a day or two later.  A purely joyful experience.  Meant to be.

Yesterday we biked past the first house that I (erroneously) thought was ours, and Phoenix, age 9, declared, "If we had bought that house, I would've slept outside every single night!"  He believes it is haunted.  ;)  ;) 

Good news?  Bad news?  Who knows . . .  there's an old Chinese proverb that tells a tale like this about a farmer whose stallion runs away.

Ya never know, so ask, trust, believe, and keep your heart open because the Universe is sending you exactly what you asked for -- but actually, even better.  

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I Was Looking For Sox Tix

I got this from a reader who now finesses the law of attraction to create her BEST LIFE EVER:

"I was looking for Sox tix cuz I have my kids this weekend So expensive -- I didn't want bleachers.  Didn't get em. My boyfriend texted me, 'Hey one of my customers gave me 4 tix for the sox on Sunday would you like them for you and kids?'

Would I ever...wow. He didn't even know I was looking or thinking of going.

I love the law of attraction and all you have taught me!"

✨ 🌟 💫 ✨





I'm obsessed with lighthouses.  My very favorite in the world so far is the Sankaty lighthouse in Sconset, Massachusetts.

Philippe just came home from the post office with these lighthouse stamps. Please see above.



Jedi Training

Sometimes when something is annoying -- or infuriating -- it's challenging to turn the other cheek. To focus on something else. 

Do it anyway. 



Karma Strikes Again

My BFF told me a story that's quite extraordinary. It involves karma striking again. 
Remember karma will always find you. So do the right thing man. 
Here's the story in her words:




One of the inspiration cards in my BEST LIFE EVER inspiration card deck reads, "I have all the time that I need. I do things in a relaxed and focused manner."  I wrote this card because most people are living with a time scarcity mentality. And if they/you can shift this mentality, their/your world will shift dramatically.
