
Just A Reminder ✨🌟💫💛

Just a reminder that you can be, do and have anything that you want.  It’s all you. It’s all you.  It’s all you.  It’s all you.  Only you can think in your mind.  And it’s all about the power of the focus of your mind. ✨🌟💫💛

Even if you're not where you want to be it doesn't mean you're off your path.

Often we’re one tiny vibrational shift  from where we want to be. 🙏 💫

-Go easy on yourself.

-Give yourself permission to just be you.

-Give yourself permission to slow down.

-Give yourself permission to honor where you are.

-Give yourself permission to chillax.

-Give yourself permission to do something just for fun.

-Give yourself permission to live unapologetically in alignment.

-Give yourself permission to live in full abundance.

I believe in you. 🌈💫❤️😊🙏🏻 

Blessings🙏🏻Love❤️Joy😊Gratitude💫Happiness🌈and Infinite Inner Peace☮️  


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I Am So Happy and Appreciative That . . . .

I am so happy and appreciative that there are people who love the beach…there are people who love the city…there are people who love the desert…there are people who love the mountains.

Everyone gets to love what they love and do what they love and choose what they love. Everyone can be, do and have anything they want. It’s all about the power of the focus of their mind. Only they can think in their head.

I used to have a complicated relationship with social media. I’m not going to go back and explain because I don’t believe in complaining or explaining…or going back. That was then and this is now.

Now I love social media and all the things it gives and honors and offers. I love that people post photos from the beach, the city, the desert and the mountains (in alphabetical order because no one place is “better” than another, it’s all about desire and focus). I love that I get to vicariously enjoy the mountains and skiing through my friends who do that, even though it’s not my jam. I’m not gonna go into why it’s not my jam because that brings the vibration down, can you feel that? I choose consciously and mindfully my vibration.

I love that I get to vicariously enjoy the desert through my friends and family who visit and live there (my sister lives in Santa Fe).

I love that I get to live on the beach in Barrington Rhode Island and go to the beach every day, usually multiple times a day, and feel rejuvenated and inspired by it and all it represents to me.

Here’s to social media and all the things we all get to experience that we may not have otherwise experienced because of our propensities, desires, wishes, circumstances, etc.

I am so happy and appreciative that there are people who love the beach…there are people who love the city… there are people who love the desert…there are people who love the mountains. And I get to experience it all, in my own way, as it feels best to me in any moment.

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"Oops, I Forgot How To Walk." ✨🌟💫💛

When I work with my coaching clients, we move energy concurrently by walking or doing cardio (or putzing around the house if neither of those things are possible).  I had a vision of this decades ago while in graduate school for Psychology.  I told my HH that I was going to do this with my clients with the intention of moving energy while concurrently releasing endorphins and serotonin, two of our brain’s most wonderful chemicals for lifting depression, easing anxiety and kicking “the blues” to the curb.

Last week was pretty brrrr in Barrington, Rhode Island.  Like 11 degrees my friends.  So I did my coaching calls on cardio instead of walking to and from the beach.

Yesterday the temps rose and off I went to the beach while coaching.  As I was walking, it was so odd, it was like I had “forgotten” how to walk.  Not really, of course, but it felt awkward and herky jerky.  Not my usual flow.  I usually walk really fast and it just feels like breathing. In time, I got my groove back.  

This is not unlike our thoughts.  We create grooves in our brains with the thoughts we think most and those thoughts are just easier to tap into and ride.  I call it “lazy” or “sloppy” thinking.  The easiest thought to think is the the thought you’ve thought the most.  Importantly, however, it’s not the *best* thought to think as it may be a shitty one. It may make you feel badly.  Yet we go to that topic and that thought like a magnet if we’ve been thinking it a lot.  Or if we feel a “need” to think about it.  We feel it’s a “responsibility.” 

Yet according to the Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫, our responsibility is to choose a better feeling thought, and focus on that.  Our “responsibility” is to allow all the things we’ve asked for to flow into our lives, which will not and *cannot*  happen if we’re focused on or abiding in a “thought groove” that feels shitty.  You can’t get there from there.    

My clients ask me, “But Taylor, what if it’s true?”  

Well, my friends, ask yourself, “Is this truth something I would like to perpetuate?  Is this something I want to give energy and steam to?  Do I want to put another engine on that train going toward that ‘truth?’  Do I want to be creator or a regurgitator?  Do I choose to be a creator or a historian?”  

I personally choose - teach - and coach to be a creator.  I coach to choose to create people, places and things through the power of the focus of your mind.  The power of the focus of your mind which chooses the feelings which you believe the people, places and things will engender.  You only want the people, place or thing because of the way you believe it’s going to make you feel.  So the route to it - all of it - is the feeling. Embody it first.  Master that embodiment.  Then the people, places and things you’re wishing for - you are wanting to manifest - will come, with ease. And you’ll create your BEST LIFE EVER✨🌟💫💛.

A belief is just a thought you keep thinking.   Choose - and focus - wisely.



Tug Of War ✨🌟💫💛

Have you ever played “tug of war?”  It’s pretty intense!  This was at Sankaty on Nantucket once upon a time.  During “Fun Day,” named appropriately,  as fun was had by all. ✨🌟💫💛 

What many don’t know is that this tug of war is going on most of the time…in your own brain.  It goes something like this, “I want it, but....”  You are arguing against yourself a lot of the time, and the thing is, you don’t even know you’re doing it.  It’s like the dishwasher…it becomes background noise that you no longer notice.

How can you become aware of it?  Get into alignment first.  Then, notice how you *feel.* When you’re in alignment (meaning a high level of connectivity with you inner being), you feel good.  When you are out of alignment (connected with your inner critic instead) you feel bad.

Is it really that simple?  


Is it easy?

No.  Not at first that is.  Because you have momentum.  Momentum with that tug of war.  Momentum with your inner critic ruling the show.  Pulling against your dreams.  Pushing against your desires.   Keeping you in a seeming standstill.  Keeping you in that feeling of “stuck.”  But the fact is, there is no such energy as “stuck.”  Doesn’t exist.  Only a reality loop in which you are participating.  Only a tug of war, in your own brain. You against….you.  

But in time, with practice, it becomes easy.  I promise. 

Then it becomes what you know and things begin to flow into your life with ease and joy.  By law.  The Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫  

No exceptions.  

Sending Blessings🙏🏻Love❤️Joy😊Gratitude💫Happiness🌈and Infinite Inner Peace☮️  



Abundance vs. Lack Mindset ✨🌟💫💛

Here are two of my favorite people on the planet ❤️❤️- and two of my best teachers - last night in Barrington Rhode Island.  They’re 11 years old.*

*Per request of Dakota and Montana after this blog was published, I have swapped out the photo originally published on this blog from that night for this photo of them as littles holding my pregnancy tests - yes I kept them all and still have them. They’re 11 after all and are requesting privacy from now on. And of course I respect and honor that.

I took this photo last night because we as a family were watching a movie and Dakota and Montana were doing their own thing on the floor, totally engaged with each other and their activity, happy as clams.   That’s them:  Happy happy happy - content.  They need nothing to be happy, they just are.  And as a result, they attract everything to them that’s wonderful. 💫💫I’ve never met two humans so naturally happy no matter what the circumstances and/or surroundings.  And even when asked specifically, “What do you want for Christmas from Grama?” 🤔🤔They respond that they have everything they want.  💫💫

And they mean it.

If we/you/I can operate from the perspective of “I have everything that I want,” we are in abundance mindset and the Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫 loves that ****.  It will throw you more more more more of it Wahoooo!! 😊🌟✨💫  

If, on the other hand, we/you/I operate from a place of lack (“I want/need that thing to be happy” and/or “I want/need that person to behave in a certain way to be happy”), we can’t get there from there.  The Universe says, “Here’s more! (lack) Here’s more! (lack)  Here’s more! (lack)”😳😳

The Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫 is extremely fair.  It is extremely consistent.  It never waxes or wanes.  No exceptions.  It may not be “even,” but it is fair.  🙏🏻🙏🏻

Look around you at all you DO have - at all the blessings in your life.  Focus on those:🙏🏻💫💕💯

1.  You will feel Great! ✨💫🌟 

2.  The Universe will send you more blessings.  It’s law.  No exceptions.   💯💯


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No Such Thing As Perfect ✨🌟💫💛


I remember taking this photo - I remember what the day was like - I remember the weather - I remember this actual moment.  And it feels like yesterday.  

It was about 11 years ago.

Do I feel sad and nostalgic looking at this photo?  Nope.  I feel happy and grateful and my heart feels full and sparkly.  I feel grateful for *this moment* - the one I am living right now as I type this - because this moment is my life.  

*Be grateful for this moment, this moment is your life.*

Did I do “it” all perfectly?  Nope.  Can anyone?  Nope.  Is there even such a thing as “perfect?”  Nope.

You never get it done and you can’t get it wrong.  So get up in the morning and get into alignment first (message me if you don’t know what this means, it’s easy to explain) and then…show up and do your best, with breath.  Show up and smile.  Show up and sparkle.  Show up and shine.  No matter what you’re “showing up” to.  Show up and mess up.  Show up and laugh - laugh at messing up.  Laugh and then ask yourself how you can do it again—even better.  For the fun of it- not because you sucked.  But because for fun, you want to try to do it better.  If you’re having fun, the energy will be high, your vibration will be high, and the Universe will return that good energy and high vibration back to you - in spades!  It will come in the form of people, places and things.

My entire life is a reflection of this - of finessing the magical Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫.

Sending you Blessings🙏🏻Love❤️Joy😊Gratitude💫Happiness🌈and Infinite Inner Peace☮️  


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Let The Universe Create It - It Does a Better Job Than We Ever Do. ✨🌟💫💛

I am so in love with the unfolding of things and how the Universe does a better job than I ever do in lining things up.  Lining up my BEST LIFE EVER✨🌟💫💛 With precision.  With ease.  With sparkles. And always….always…with a sense of humor (if you can be light enough to see it).

Once upon a time, I met this lovely lady through an entrepreneurial adventure.  Now I know that I took that path - walked that journey of entrepreneurship which turned out to not be such a great fit - to meet this sparkling bright light.

PROTIPS for creating your BEST LIFE EVER✨🌟💫💛:

  1. Get in alignment and then….

  2. If you don’t feel like doing #1 remember that it doesn’t matter if you vacuum the whole house if you don’t plug in the vacuum first. ;)

  3. Once in alignment, listen to inner guidance by doing what feels best. Did I just say that?! Did I give you permission to have fun?! ✨🎉🌈🎈 Yup. This is UNLIKE any other (or most other) New Years Posts you will see which tell you to GET GOING AND MOTIVATE YOURSELF! I am all about inspiration - not motivation. Inspiration works.💫❤️😊🙏🏻

  4. Relax and breathe and know that this moment is as it should be and things are unfolding as they should.

  5. Smile and emanate that energy out. Pulse it out to the world. The Universe will take care of the rest (as long as you’re in alignment…see #1).

Sending you Blessings🙏🏻Love❤️Joy😊Gratitude💫Happiness🌈and Infinite Inner Peace☮️   

Happy New Year!🎉💫🌈🙏🏻 

I believe in you. 🌈💫❤️😊🙏🏻 



I Wish This For You ✨🌟💫💛

This morning my 5 AM coaching client had to reschedule at the last minute because she woke up with a bad headache and neck pain. She said she was embarrassed and felt badly and would pay me for the session.

I told her that these things happen and all is well and she need not pay me for the session - we will find another time when she feels better.

There are two awesome and synchronistic things about this:

  1. Two days ago I said to another coaching client that I do not work in traditional ways even though I am trained as a psychologist. I explained that while I understand why cancellation policies are in place I choose to create my BEST LIFE EVER✨🌟💫💛 and go with the flow with my clients schedule-wise and in all aspects of our work. . . and it goes really really well. I choose to be flexible when life happens and I am proud and happy to do so. I used the example of not charging when there is a cancellation less than 24 hours before an appointment and BOOM! This morning my client offers to pay for her coaching session she is not attending at the last minute.

Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫 . You get what you think - and talk - about. 

  1. The second awesome and synchronistic thing about this is that in this moment, a moment in which I was slated to be talking to my client and I am not…I am genuinely wishing we were talking. I love writing this blog; however, aside from being with my chickens and handsome husband, there’s nothing I would rather do than coach my clients. One might guess that if a client canceled I might be relieved - or happy - to have that time “free;” but not so. And…I’m excited to talk to her tomorrow morning.

I wish this for you. That you get to do what you truly love so it does not feel like work. It feels like there is no place you would rather be.

Remember, you can be, do and have anything that you want.  It’s as easy to create a castle as a button.  And I believe in you. 🌈💫❤️😊🙏🏻 


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My Favorite Gift This Christmas🎄🙏🏻💫🎁

Once a dear friend of mine from Brown said to me, “You are an odd duck. I love you so much - and you are an odd duck.“ I was and still am flattered by this statement. 😊

I have never been like everyone else. And I have always been not only OK with it - but proud of it. 💫  I am into being proud of who you are, no matter who you are - or are not. 👊🏻

I don’t enjoy shopping. It’s not my thing. I know there are one or two of you reading this who share this sentiment. 🤔😉 We can have coffee sometime. ☕️ 

My family and friends know that I don’t shop and we laugh about it together. When my Fab Five and I went to Martha’s Vineyard last spring for a girls getaway they would plant me on a bench outside of said store and go inside to shop till they dropped. I would happily work and/or write on my phone until they were done.  I have zero desire to shop and I only do what I love.❤️🙏🏻💫

I also prefer to give gifts than receive them. So much so that my big sister has always said immediately upon giving me something, “Don’t give it away!” If you think about it, if I love to give more than receive and I don’t like to shop then this is the path of least resistance. 🙏🏻 Someone gives something to me - I enjoy it for a minute - and then I give it to someone else. I’ve done it all my life.*

*This does not mean that if you have given me a gift I have re-gifted it; however, there is a chance that I have. 😉 Just being honest. 🙏🏻  And if said gift was re-gifted, it is not because I did not love it, it’s because I love to give more than receive and so your gift really gave me even more than you had hoped for.  💝 

Yesterday on Christmas my 17 year old daughter Sage gave me a gift that blew my mind.  As I was opening it she said, “It’s just a little thing mom.“ And this - see photo - was what I opened. 🎁 

This gift blew my mind because: 

A. She actually wanted to take that photo with me the day after Thanksgiving on Nantucket and asked her brother Phoenix to take it. 😯

B. She thought about it 🤔and came up with the idea of printing it and framing it. 🔥

C. She knows how much I love love love photos. 💕

D. She actually went to Walgreens and printed it.😳


E. She blows my mind with how thoughtful she is and what a fantastic gift giver she is. And always has been since she was 4.💫

I admire and respect my girl Sagey for these gifts that she has - the gifts of thoughtfulness, wisdom, generosity and being an amazing shopper. 🛍

A long time ago I felt a tweak in my energy about shopping. There was a moment when I wished I could love shopping and be good at it. It was only a minute my friends because I am a master and expert at the law of attraction and I know better. I care about how I feel too much to allow a thought like that to get hold of me and gain momentum.

I chose a way back then to find a better feeling thought and let that thought gain momentum.

On this day after Christmas that chosen thought has a lot of momentum. I admire those who love to shop and give to others and I admire and relate to those who don’t love to shop and love to give to others. 

The best gift you can give yourself in this moment? Choose your focus. Choose your perspective. Choose your thoughts. And choose wisely. 🙏🏻💫What you focus on grows - and you get what you think about.

Merry day after Christmas!! 💕🎄💕🎄💕 

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Best Results Are Obtained With Long-term Use ✨🌟💫💛

I was reading the label of a supplement this morning and this is what it said: “Best results are obtained with long-term use.”

Isn’t that the truth for so many things?  I know it’s true for manifesting utilizing the Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫. It’s funny because as I begin to talk to people about the Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫 and coach my clients on how to manifest utilizing the Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫, they want it now now now without taking the time and energy to make Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫 a lifestyle.  

You don’t go to the gym one time and expect to look like Arnold Schwarzenegger.  Everything takes time and focus and practice.  Not effort, practice.  There’s a difference. 

I teach and coach that effort is fine but it will lead you to a mediocre life.  You can take so much time to move this from there and do this and that and it’s all fine but you get tired.  You are motivating yourself to do stuff not being inspired to do stuff.  Big difference.

When you tap in and tune into the energy that creates words, you can be, do and have anything that you want and when you’re in that energy, when you’re in the flow, it feels effortless.

Does this mean that I don’t take action?  Nope. I love action.  Action is divine.  As long as it’s coming from an inspired and aligned place.

And this takes practice.  I used to be a competitive tennis players so I like the metaphor, “Just keep hitting the backhands.”

Practice practice practice. 🙏

Did you meditate today? 🧘‍♀️



What Does Your WEALTH Have to Do With? ✨🌟💫💛

What does your WEALTH have to do with? 

  • Your education?

  • Your job?

  • Your social status? (what even IS that anyhow?)

  • How hard you work?

  • How much you strive?

  • How much you struggle?

  • How lucky you are?

  • How attractive you are?

  • How many children/grandchildren you have?

If you answered yes to any one of the above, I choose to humbly disagree … unless you chose the very last option 😉 ❤️🐣 my perspective - as always, take what you want and leave the rest).  I believe that your wealth is a byproduct of what you have going on inside of you…your focus, your perceptions, your thoughts, your beliefs, and your resulting emotions.

Feelings of effort lead to more effort.

Feelings of lack lead to more lack.

Feelings of struggle lead to more…you guessed it, struggle.

Beliefs that money needs to be earned gives you that physical experience.

Beliefs that money comes with sacrifice can only bring you money through sacrifice.

Every belief counts.  Every perspective you’ve bought into is reflected in your reality.  But that’s ok!  Because you’re a powerful creator.  YOU get to CHOOSE.  No-one can stop you from choosing a new perspective.  No-one can stop you from practicing a new belief.  A belief is just a thought you keep thinking. 

You have the power to do this.  We all do.  If you identify the perspectives that need to be shifted you will experience the unlimitedness that you are.  The fact that you are pure potential.  You will begin to cash in on the unlimited Vortex you have built.  The ONLY THING that can stop you is your own beliefs about what is possible for you.  The ONLY PERSON who can stop you, is YOU.  How’s that for ultimate power?



Manifestation is Easier Than You Think ✨🌟💫💛

I’ve said it once, I’ve said it many times and I’m saying it again:  my Chickens 🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣 are my biggest teachers.

On Monday Dakota and Montana (age 11, they are twins) and I went to the Supermarket in Barrington, Rhode Island.  Pretty exciting stuff, huh?😉 Well, to you perhaps not, to them, absolutely yes.  These Chickens 🐣🐣 are on the happiness train.  It doesn’t matter what they are doing, where they are, what their physical condition (hungry, tired, thirsty), these boys have fun.  Fun, fun fun! 👏🏻🌈🤸‍♂️💫!  They can and do turn anything into magic.  For 11 years straight, they have been doing this.  On this particular adventure, they were exploring those machines in the entry of the market that take quarters that have God knows what inside of them (I have never once taken a moment to notice, have you?).  Well, they were all hopped up about using the spare change from Sparky (my car) to score some goodies.  They became obsessed with the machine with the rubber balls and turned it into a whole thang.  The amount of joy these kiddos squeezed out of the experience was quite something to behold.  And now they have created games and contests out of those rubber balls. My boys are a vibrational match to joy so that is what they attract.  

Manifestation comes with becoming a vibrational match.  As long as you insist on a specific outcome (“I must have X to be happy”), you are holding away the bigger and better possibilities, possibilities your brain cannot even conceive of.

Manifestation is not a mental process.  Everything exists here and now in your Vortex.  By learning to properly vibrationally tune into that thing, it MUST manifest.  It is law.  No exceptions.  You are only a few tweaks away from your BEST LIFE EVER✨🌟💫💛. From creating anything and everything you want.

You are a powerful creator.   You just need to tune in and tap into the vibration in which that creation abides.

I teach my coaching clients how detach from insistence on any specific outcome to let more manifestations in.  To stop limiting what they manifest.  

I teach my clients the art of vibrational fine-tuning.  I help my clients better understand the cycle of manifestation so they know when it’s time to sit back and allow and when it’s time to take inspired action.

It’s easier than you think.



One Word For This Monday ✨🌟💫💛

If you were to choose one word as your theme for today, this Monday in mid November in the year 2021, what would it be?

If it’s a word coming from your inner being it will most likely be one of the following:  alignment, focus, ease, happiness, fun, joy, and/or pleasure.

If it’s coming from your inner critic it will be very different words with very different vibrations, with the result of you feeling like: 

  1.  You’re not good enough

2. You’re not worthy.

3. You have too much to do and not enough time to do it. You are not where you wanted to be by now.

4. You are stuck and powerless.

5. It’s so hard. You have to try so hard.

6. You have to EARN everything and it’s so hard (see #4)

7. You are paddling upstream.

Our focus, perspectives, thoughts and feelings matter… a lot.  They are what create our vibration which, in turn, attracts people, places and things to us.

How do you know what your vibration is in any moment?  How you feel and what is unfolding in front of you.  If you feel great and things are going well, awesome!  Your vibration is high. If you feel crappy and/or things are unfolding in a way you don’t desire, time to take a look at your focus, perspectives, thoughts and resulting feelings.

There is only a Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫…there is no law of assertion.  So no one is doing anything TO you.  This is great news!  All the power is within you my friends.  

Blessings🙏🏻Love❤️Joy😊Gratitude💫Happiness🌈and Infinite Inner Peace☮️

To learn more about my BEST LIFE EVER✨🌟💫💛 Coaching, email me at  I am taking one more client.  



Where Did That Thought Come From?

When you are inspired - or motivated - to do something… when you feel compelled to do something… ask yourself this question, “Where is this coming from? Is it coming from guilt? Is it coming from obligation? Is it coming from a feeling of responsibility or pressure? Is it coming from angst or anxiety? Or is it coming from pure desire, joy and/or excitement?”

If you ask yourself this question before you move forward, you’ll have much insight on how it will unfold. If it is not coming from desire, joy and/or excitement it is not going to go well my friends. There’s never a happy ending to a crappy journey.

When you have the courage and faith to follow your joy, desire and/or highest excitement moment to moment (a happy life is just a string of happy moments) your life will unfold in ways that surprise and delight you. It is law.  The Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫 

The Law of Attraction is quite simple. What you put out comes back to you. Every single time. No exceptions. What you see unfolding in front of you in your physical reality is a reflection of your vibration.

So the first step is to acknowledge that the circumstances unfolding in front of me are a reflection of my vibration. The next step is to decide if you want to care about how you feel, and therefore choose on what you focus. If the answer to both is yes, game on!

I am accepting one more client in my BEST LIFE EVER✨🌟💫💛 Coaching Practice. I would love to work with you if you’d like to create your BEST LIFE EVER✨🌟💫💛   

Email me at 

Anyone can do this. I believe in you. 🌈💫❤️😊🙏🏻 



What Is Your Attraction Point?✨🌟💫💛

I always do an attraction point audit with my BEST LIFE EVER✨🌟💫💛 Coaching Clients. It’s easy.  Wanna try it?

Ask yourself these 4 questions:

  1. Where is my FOCUS?

  2. What is my PERSPECTIVE about this person place or thing?

  3. What are my THOUGHTS about this person place or thing on which I am choosing to FOCUS?

  4. What are the EMOTIONS I am experiencing as a result of 1-3?

BOOM! That’s your attraction point my friend. And you therefore attract people places and things in alignment with that attraction point. Or, said another way, based upon this energy you’re emitting, because of the Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫. It’s all about your energy.  No exceptions. 

You can’t have a happy ending to a crappy journey. And YOU get to CHOOSE. It’s all about the power of the focus of your mind. And you have 100% power over that. 

I’m accepting one more BEST LIFE EVER✨🌟💫💛 Coaching client and then starting a wait list. 100% of my BEST LIFE EVER✨🌟💫💛 Coaching clients are successful. No exceptions. It’s law. The Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫 

Email me here: 



You Get To Choose ✨🌟💫💛

Physical reality is an illusion, a projection of what your mind believes.  Knowing this, contemplate how important your focus is.  Your focus, your thoughts…and your subsequent emotions and vibration.  

Physical reality is a co-creation between you and your inner being - your highest version of yourself.  The all-knowing you.  So ask yourself if you are actively allowing your inner being to play a major role in the creation of your BEST LIFE EVER✨🌟💫💛.  Is your inner being on the field or on the bench?

Your inner being has a solution to everything.  Graceful, easy solutions.  Your inner being has a solution to every struggle.  Your inner being has a solution to every not yet manifested “problem” in your reality.  

How do you tap into this potential?  Your PURE potential?  You can hand the reins over to your inner being and allow the easy unfolding of your BEST LIFE EVER✨🌟💫💛.  Or you can suffer, struggle and work hard and live a mediocre life - at best.

You get to choose.  One path leads to a fun, easy, blissful life.  The other leads to effort, striving, drama and struggle.

The choice is yours.  

Choose wisely.

To learn more about creating your BEST LIFE EVER✨🌟💫💛  email me at to hear more about my BEST LIFE EVER✨🌟💫💛 Coaching. I now have one slot open.  I will honor first come - first served and then start a wait list.



Why We Live Contrast ✨🌟💫💛

We live in a physical reality so there will always be contrast. 

Contrast give us compassion and depth. We are empowered when we acknowledge that “those circumstances” are a reflection of our vibration. Contrast shines a light on where we are giving away our power.

My BEST LIFE EVER✨🌟💫💛 Coaching Clients ask me if they can have a life without contrast. The short answer is no. The long and happy answer is that when we came to this planet we planned on being in contrast about 10% of the time. Most people have it reversed and they are in contrast 90% of the time. Yikes. 😳😬 I live a life of only 5% contrast and the contrast is quite mild. This is possible for you and anyone. It’s all about the power of the focus of your mind. I can teach you.

4 reasons to lean into and embrace contrast:

🌟Contrast shows you where you’re giving away your power 

🌟Contrast helps identify your strengths

🌟Contrast develops resilience

🌟Contrast cultivates leadership

🌟Contrast shows you what you don’t want so you can focus 🧘‍♀️ on what you do want

What’s something you've learned from contrast?🤔🤔 Drop a comment below! 👇🏻

Please note:  If contrast continues, you haven’t learned the lesson.  Ask yourself, “What’s the lesson here?  What do I need to learn?  What do I need to do differently?”

I am accepting 2 more BEST LIFE EVER✨🌟💫💛 Coaching clients. I am honoring first come first served and then you will be put on a waitlist. Email me at to hear more.

I ❤️ my coaching clients. 😊



When a Circumstance Isn't Changing,  It's Simply Because Something in Your Vibration Isn't Changing. 

Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫 is law, like gravity.  What you put out, comes back to you.  The end.  No exceptions.

My coaching clients ask me, “Taylor, what do you mean ‘what I put out?’  What does that mean?”

I mean:  your focus, your thoughts, your perspectives, and your emotions.  You get back a physical reality experience which reflects these 4 things.  

When you feel stuck, when something isn’t moving or changing, it’s always one of those four things you need to take a peek at.

When a circumstance isn't changing,  it's simply because something in your vibration isn't changing. 

While it is “simple,” most people don’t know how to identify what “that” thing is and how to shift it.  It doesn’t mean **** if you have knowledge, my friends, if you do not APPLY that knowledge. If I had a nickel for all the people I know who have all the knowledge and all the degrees, but don’t apply it . . .  man, I would take us all to Cancun! ✈️💫🌈🌴

Here’s to you beginning again in this moment (in every moment the past is rewritten) and applying all that amazing knowledge you have and choosing to CREATE your life instead of regurgitate what’s in front of you or be a historian and retell what’s happened in the past.

Who’s in?  Drop a comment below!  Let’s gooooooo! ✨💫🌟🌈🤸‍♂️ 

ps  This is a photo of my dear friend Beth and I this morning before our Friday morning walk.  Beth has the Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫 NAILED.  Beth is a true co-creator and from the second we met, I knew we were destined to be lifelong friends.  Beth has the best energy ever and is always focusing on that which she wants, choosing thoughts and perspectives which serve her, and therefore, experiencing good feeling emotions most of the time.  I say most of the time because she is human, so there will always be some contrast.  But she is always choosing the path of least resistance…not no resistance my friends, least resistance.  It is possible to abide in the Vortex 95% of the time. I do and so does Beth.  Wanna learn more?  Email me.



Big Changes and Transformations and How To Navigate Them Easily and Joyfully

In my BEST LIFE EVER✨🌟💫💛 Coaching practice, I am seeing two energetic themes playing out lately:

  1. Big changes and transformations - breakups, separations, career changes, moving, etc.

  2. Lack of forward movement. The illusion of being “stuck.” I’m seeing many people having difficulty moving forward or making progress on a myriad of topics.

Action, effort and hard work are not where it’s at, my friends, to achieve moving out of this “stuck” feeling.  It’s all about vibration. 

For those of you who feel stuck and/or are in contrast and/or experiencing big changes and transformation, here are some basic reminders about the Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫 which may help you adjust your focus and your vibration and therefore your life:

     1. You are a creator.  Creation starts inside of you.  

  1. All of your physical reality originates from your emotions and perceptions.

  2. What you embody, you become.

  3. What you embody, you experience.

  4. What you embody, is up to you.

  5. Your power lies in your alignment.

  6. Your power lies in your ability to feel good.

  7. Your power lies in your ability to maintain that good feeling state.

  8. You get to choose where you put your focus.

  9. Your focus determines your thoughts.

  10. Your thoughts create your emotions.

  11. Your emotions are perspective indicators…if you don’t like the emotion, change your focus and/or your perspective.

  12. Contrast is a necessary part of physical reality.

  13. Contrast is the path to your up-leveling.

  14. If contrast continues, you haven’t gotten the message.

  15. Contrast sucks but it is leading you to something better.

  16. There is purpose in all of it.

  17. Everything that is not happening is because of resistance.

  18. Allowance is the opposite of resistance.

  19. The more you slow down the faster you will go.

  20. One person in alignment is more powerful than millions who are not.

  21. You can’t get it wrong and you never get it done.

I currently have 2 openings in my BEST LIFE EVER✨🌟💫💛 Coaching Practice.   Email me at to learn more.  I am honoring first - come, first served and then you will be put on a waitlist.
