
Expectation, Knowingness, Satisfaction and Excitement ✨🌟💫💛

The 3 most powerful emotions to manifest anything are expectation, knowingness, satisfaction and excitement.  No exceptions.  It is law.  The Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫.

This morning in meditation it came to me that I am now expecting, knowing, excited about and feeling utterly satisfied that Frankie (“Frank Sinatra”) will find his way home.  In his own time.

This is faith.  This is belief.  This is focus.  This is walking my talk.

I will still of course allow the grief to surface and release.  I missed him this morning on my  yoga mat and during my meditation…and/but my focus will remain expectation, knowingness, satisfaction and excitement.

And guess what…those emotions feel good.  A lot better than the alternatives.

I coach my clients to reach for the better feeling thought, to find a thought that brings relief, that every thought that brings relief is a productive thought.

Will Frankie make his way home?  That’s up to him and the Universe.  Will I focus my mind like a Jedi on expectation, knowingness, satisfaction and excitement?  Hell yes.  Will I still cry when I miss my boy?  Of course.

And if I cannot find expectation, knowingness, satisfaction and excitement when thinking of Frankie, I will find it elsewhere and the Universe will deliver in kind. It doesn’t have to be about “that” subject.  Just emanate out the feelings you desire and they will be returned to you.  In spades.  In spades!

It’s all about the power of the focus of your mind.



What Frank Sinatra Taught Me* ✨🌟💫💛

*My kitty, not the singer.

Frank Sinatra taught me that I can be, do and have anything that I want. In a myriad of ways.

17 months ago I told my baby Chickens that we were going to manifest a rescue kitty. First we saw a kitty food bag on the beach (!!), on the cover of which was an orange tabby.

Then someone had a kitty cage out on their driveway to give away. We snatched it up! Preparing for the rescue kitty we were manifesting.

Then we kept seeing an orange tabby as we were driving around (looking for our rescue kitty)…it was someone else’s orange tabby. I kept saying, “Our kitty is coming, see all the signs?!”

Then I was on the app “Next Door” which is unusual in and of itself, and I saw a post about Frankie. I responded and said we’d love to take him and give him a home. 10 other people responded as well. I was first (everything is about timing) so sweet Frankie was ours that evening.

Frankie brought me inexplicable joy for 16 months. He was on me like white on rice from 4 am when I wake up every morning to practice Prana Power Yoga till I went to sleep at 8:30pm. Right by my side. Sat on my mat with me while I practiced, sat next to me while I meditated, in the kitchen while I prepped food, always meowing to let me know he was there...etc.

A few days ago Frankie was looking out the windows a lot and crying, as if to say, “I want to go see what’s out there.” He seemed to be longing to go out. Then he kept trying to get out when I walked out the door to coach a client as I walk to the beach. I wondered, “Does he want to go out? Am I hindering his freedom? Am I being selfish and keeping Frankie from his true desire?”

We’re all here for three things: Joy, Freedom and Expansion. I coach all day every day to cultivate these things - and I walk my talk. I wondered if I was inhibiting Frankie from his Joy, Freedom and Expansion.

Sunday we had family in town for Sage Wells' graduation from Barrington High School. Someone accidentally left the dining room door open as we were leaving for the ceremony. Out Frankie went.

Frankie is now free. Living true freedom. He’s where he wants to be. That was his desire - and Frankie got his desire. We can all be, do and have anything that we want.

Last night my boy Chickens and I drove around Barrington for over a half hour, windows open, eyes peeled, calling Frankie’s name. It was precious , sad and heart warming all wrapped in one. I was so proud of my boys as they hopped in the car without hesitation to help me find our boy Frankie.

The number of people walking in Barrington who asked us what was going on, how they could help, when Frankie had gotten out, etc. was incredible and heart warming. The love and compassion they emanated palpable. I was and am so appreciative. Frankie brought all this to us. Frankie taught us through these “random” people we saw on the streets of Barrington (no such thing as “random”).

Several of my good friends reposted my LOST KITTY post without me asking them. Again, love and compassion on fire. I am so appreciative of my dear friends. Frankie brought all this to us. Frankie taught us through my dear friends.

Did I have and am I still experiencing grief? Sadness? Am I missing Frankie?

Hell yeah.

Is this contrast?


But/and I am in step 5, not step 1:

Step 1: You ask (when you experience contrast).

Step 2: It’s given in vibrational form, put in your Vortex (not your job).

Step 3: You allow it in by feeling ease, relief, joy, satisfaction, excitement, etc.

Step 4: You get really good at Step 3. Become a master.

Step 5: You’re in contrast and you don’t beat yourself up for being there. You know you’re in contrast and you take the bounce. You feel the (tough) feelings and you acknowledge and honor them and ask, “What’s the lesson here? What do I need to learn? What do I need to do differently?” And you KNOW, you EXPECT that on the other side of this bounce, life will be even better. The BEST EVER.

Last night as I was really missing Frankie while lying in my bed trying to sleep, I realized that I was looking for Frankie where he WAS, not where he IS.

So I looked for Frankie where he is NOW. Now he is and always will be in my heart. In that instant my heart filled with love and light, and I (finally) fell asleep.



Good News?  Bad News?  Who Knows…. ✨🌟💫💛

There’s a Chinese fable that goes something like this.  A farmer had a stallion who ran away.  His neighbors said, “Very bad news.”   The farmer said, “Good news, bad news, who knows….”  The farmer’s son found the horse!  While riding it home the stallion bucked his son and his leg was broken.  The neighbors said, “Very bad news.”  The farmer said, “Good news, bad news, who knows….”  A war began and the Army came to get the farmer’s son to fight.  He had a broken leg and could not fight.

Good news, bad news, who knows….

I was featured on a fun ZOOM last Wednesday sponsored by Kim V on which I chatted about my obsession and love and dharma:  the Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫 and manifesting your BEST LIFE EVER✨🌟💫💛. People loved it!  So did I.

After my oh so fab host posted it on my personal page on FB, 6 people “unfriended” me.


Now, you might think that that would smart just a bit.  Feel bad.


Why?  I am a master at focus. I am a master of the Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫. I know that there is only attraction attraction, attraction.  There is no assertion.   I know I attracted this.  And I know I attracted it for a reason.

We only attract those who are in alignment with our vibration.

So if people “get off the bus” so to speak, let ‘em!  Don’t resist.  Send ‘em light, love and sparkles - and keep goin’.  Keep being your badass self.  Your authentic rockstar self.  If they got off the bus, you weren’t in alignment.  7.5 billion people on the planet, and no matter what you do…NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO…half will love you and half won’t.  If you change to please the half who don’t love you… and act out of alignment with your true self and your authentic self…it will just flip.  Now the half who had loved you will not!

So may as well be you and do you.

And it feels so good!  You will love it! ✨💫🌟🌈  True freedom and joy.  Two of the three reasons we’re here on the planet.  Can you guess the third reason?  Drop a comment below with your guess!

FUN FACT:  you can have a max of 5000 friends on FB.  (That’s how I knew that 6 people unfriended me, because I abide at the limit).  After my ZOOM on Wednesday several new friends who loved the ZOOM sent me friend requests.  I was only able to accept 6 of these requests (the 6 slots which had been opened up from being “unfriended.”).  So to make room for the other friend requests, I went through my friends and found some friends who had de-activated their accounts.  Easy peasy! 😊  

Back to the “unfriending,” good news, bad news, who knows….  The people who friended me are more in alignment with what I’m up to and that’s the BEST EVER.

And, everyone is allowed their perspectives and beliefs.  Mine are not “right” and theirs are not “wrong.”  It’s All good! ❤   Choose on what to put your focus based upon how it feels.  You can’t get it wrong and you never get it done.

In all things there is balance, when you get into alignment first and follow your heart.



Madonna once said, “My children keep me grounded.”

Madonna once said, “My children keep me grounded.”

I would revise that to say, “My Chickens 🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣 keep me grounded.”

No matter who you are, what you do, what you look like, what you’ve done, what you’re doing, who you know, who you don’t know, how much dough you have, how many material things you got…no matter what, the first time you do something, it’s scary.  The end.

Madonna is no different than you or me.  She’s just a person.  Doing her thing.  We’re all just people, doing our things.  Madonna is more focused than most…she knows on what to focus to manifest.  Madonna is a master at the Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫 and manifestation.  Anyone who is a master of their craft is.  Madonna doesn’t have thoughts like, “But I can’t because….”  Yes, Madonna is a master of the Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫 and manifestation and you can be, too.  It’s all about the power of the focus of your mind.

I was in my kitchen after a big new thing I had just done, making a yummy kale wrap.  My first born Chicken 🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣 walked in and I said, “I’m shaking.  My body is shaking.”

She (and all of my Chickens 🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣) knew about the big thing, I talk about everything with my Chickens 🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣.

Her response was, “Why?”

She was on to the next thing, she was in her day, she was like, whatevs.

After I did my very first event on my book tour (at 41 North in Newport, Rhode Island) I got back to the suite apartment they’d gifted our family for the weekend (hey now Lily Scott!) and my Chickens 🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣 didn’t wanna hear about the event…they wanted me to make them mac & cheese.

Madonna once said, “My children keep me grounded.”




My Definition of “Supermom” ✨🌟💫💛

My definition of Supermom is:

I do my best, with breath, and I begin again, again and again.

I am open to the learning and teachings of my Chickens 🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣.

I am appreciative.

About 15 years ago I launched a website called “”  It was after the Raw Spirit Fest in Sedona Arizona where my friend David Wolfe was speaking about raw vegan nutrition and (more so) about being a Superhero.  My HH said to me, “You’re Supermom.”  And I said to him, “You’re Maca Man.”  I also started calling him “Mac” (pronounced “maaaak”) so people sometimes think I’m from Long Island and his name is “Mark.” 😊 😊

My HH got the domaine that night.  I created the website the next day, and began to blog on it.

As one part of every month I asked a Mom to be my “Supermom of the month.”  Do you know what every.  Single.  Mom.  I.  Asked.  Said?

“I’m not a Supermom.”

Please reread my definition of Supermom above, and from this moment forward, I declare you, Supermom.  ✨🌟💫💛



Yoga Stoned ✨🌟💫💛

When we had 5 Prana Power Yoga ✨🙏🏻✨ studios in NYC and Massachusetts it used to blow my mind how after class, I would find a few pairs of shoes in the entry way once everyone had left.

People left in bare feet and left their shoes behind.  Sometimes in cold weather (!!).

How do you explain this?  Two words:  Yoga stoned.

After practicing at Prana Power Yoga ✨🙏🏻✨ students would be on such a high…it was so magical to watch.  They’d walk in all stressed out and walk out all blissed out. 



Have you practiced today?



The Running Water ✨🌟💫💛

I was chatting yesterday at 6:30 am with a coaching client and she told me that her condo had been flooded. There was a leak from the condo upstairs. We talked about the possible Spiritual indications around this type of thing. I knew that water leaks and damage were significant but was not quite sure the significance so I googled it, read and remembered what I’d heard and read before and sent what I learned to her.  Don’t ya just love google?

This morning as I was meditating (RPM - rise pee meditate - I meditate first thing in the morning at 4 AM) I heard a sound I don’t normally hear. I stopped the timer and walked all around the Happy White pineapple to find this sound. And there it was… (so satisfying to find it!)…the toilet in my boy chickens’ shared bathroom was running. You know that sound? It keeps running and running and running and running and running. I felt relief, jiggled the handle and it stopped.

The Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫 is real. What you think about comes about.  It was less than 24 hours earlier that I had been talking about water damage and leaks with my client so that was in my vibrational craw, even though I wasn’t even thinking about it.

So what was that thought you just had? Is it something that you want to create? If not, tell a better feeling story. Clean up your vibration. It matters.

If you want tips and tricks on how to do so email me at

I believe in you! 🌈💫❤️😊🙏🏻



After 42 Years, I’m Officially Outta Sales ✨🌟💫💛

When I was 13 I lived with my tennis coach in Sarasota, Florida and trained to go pro.  My dear friend from Chicago was already on the tour and doing really well (#3 in the world) and she wrote me and said, “Get out.  I hate it.  You won’t like it.  Go home and be a ‘normal’ kid.”

I listened.

After a year at Nick’s I flew “home” to Calabasas, California .  It wasn’t home to me, yet, as we had moved from Lake Bluff, Illinois the year prior so my dad could “make it” in Hollywood as a screenwriter.

That’s when I began to sell.  Not on purpose, it just happened.  It was in the flow.  People would see me playing tennis on “our” court (we lived in condos and there was a court and a pool and jacuzzi and no one ever used that court but me pretty much) and inquire, “Do you teach lessons?”  The answer that came out of my natural entrepreneurial mouth was, of course, “Yes, I do.”  Within a short period of time I was booked - had a wait list.  Teaching adults and kids, at $50 an hour.  This was 1980.  That was a lot of money then.  Still is!

My mom used to put her hand over her mouth and laugh After 42 Years, I’m Officially Outta Sales


When I was 13 I lived with my tennis coach in Sarasota, Florida and trained to go pro.  My dear friend from Chicago was already on the tour and doing really well (#3 in the world) and she wrote me and said, “Get out.  I hate it.  You won’t like it.  Go home and be a ‘normal’ kid.”

I listened.

After a year at Nick’s I flew “home” to Calabasas, California .  It wasn’t home to me, yet, as we had moved from Lake Bluff, Illinois the year prior so my dad could “make it” in Hollywood as a screenwriter.

That’s when I began to sell.  Not on purpose, it just happened.  It was in the flow.  People would see me playing tennis on “our” court (we lived in condos and there was a court and a pool and jacuzzi and no one ever used that court but me pretty much) and inquire, “Do you teach lessons?”  The answer that came out of my natural entrepreneurial mouth was, of course, “Yes, I do.”  Within a short period of time I was booked - had a wait list.  Teaching adults and kids, at $50 an hour.  This was 1980.  That was a lot of money then.  Still is!

My mom used to put her hand over her mouth and laugh🤭 when recounting one dad who approached me about teaching his daughter.  He pulled up in his Rolls Royce and asked how much I charged per hour.  I answered without hesitation, “$50.”  He balked.  I looked at his car and then looked back at him and asked, “Do you have a problem with that?”

I taught his daughter Whitney for four years until I left for Brown.

Thus began my selling career.  I have always sold from an open heart, only things I believed in.  Except for that first job out of Brown selling computers.  Oh.  My.  God.  I was so bored.  I didn’t care about the computers or the trainings and it was a slog for that reason and so I didn’t last.  Six months later I was looking in the Boston Globe want ads for another job.  The people were super nice though.  Very kind people.  But I was bored.

I’ve sold catering, skin care, health and wellness products, wine, my book, my inspiration card deck, our 2 DVD’s and, of course, yoga.  The key, though, is that I never actually “sold” yoga.  I lived it.  I continue to do so.  Words don’t teach, or sell.  Walking your talk does.✨🙏🏻✨

Now because we sold our Prana Power Yoga ✨🙏🏻✨ studios I get to just enjoy my own practice at 4 am every day with my rescue kitty Frank Sinatra.  We practice in our happy kitchen at the happy white pineapple 😊✨🌟💫🍍 because my HH snores a little which distracts us.  😉

The Universe has always been doing the work for me, it’s just that now, after being obsessed with the Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫 since I was 5, I am fully giving up the reigns to the law, the Universe and my inner being. I live each day in the flow, doing only what I love and my coaching clients come to me effortlessly and joyfully.  I enjoy every single minute of talking with them.

We are about to launch our Inspiration Academy™  - September 2022 - which I had the inspiration to create 7 years ago.

The timing is now.  Divine timing my friends. 🙏🏻💫🌈😊

Oh…🤔did I just pitch you on our  Inspiration Academy™?  🤭  Well, momentum is strong and so is the Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫 and 42 years is a lonnnnggggg time. 😉 recounted recount one dad who approached me about teaching his daughter.  He pulled up in his Rolls Royce and asked how much I charged per hour.  I answered without hesitation, “$50.”  He balked.  I looked at his car and then looked back at him and asked, “Do you have a problem with that?”

I taught his daughter Whitney for four years until I left for Brown.

Thus began my selling career.  I have always sold from an open heart, only things I believed in.  Except for that first job out of Brown selling computers.  Oh.  My.  God.  I was so bored.  I didn’t care about the computers or the trainings and it was a slog for that reason and so I didn’t last.  Six months later I was looking in the Boston Globe want ads for another job.  The people were super nice though.  Very kind people.  But I was bored.

I’ve sold catering, skin care, health and wellness products, wine, my book, my inspiration card deck, our 2 DVD’s and, of course, yoga.  The key, though, is that I never actually “sold” yoga.  I lived it.  I continue to do so.  Words don’t teach, or sell.  Walking your talk does.✨🙏🏻✨

Now because we sold our Prana Power Yoga ✨🙏🏻✨ studios I get to just enjoy my own practice at 4 am every day with my rescue kitty Frank Sinatra.  We practice in our happy kitchen at the happy white pineapple 😊✨🌟💫🍍 because my HH snores a little which distracts us.  😉

The Universe has always been doing the work for me, it’s just that now, after being obsessed with the Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫 since I was 5, I am fully giving up the reigns to the law, the Universe and my inner being. I live each day in the flow, doing only what I love and my coaching clients come to me effortlessly and joyfully.  I enjoy every single minute of talking with them.

We are about to launch our Inspiration Academy™  - September 2022 - which I had the inspiration to create 7 years ago.

The timing is now.  Divine timing my friends. 🙏🏻💫🌈😊

Oh…🤔did I just pitch you on our  Inspiration Academy™?  🤭  Well, momentum is strong and so is the Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫 and 42 years is a lonnnnggggg time. 😉



Stay in Your Lane. Look forward. Keep Going. ✨🌟💫💛

I was at Dakota and Montana‘s Barrington Middle School track meet and Coach Gunness Larson said, “Hey don’t look at your neighbor. A girl was just running and looking to her right at the girl running next to her.Just look straight ahead and run and stay in your lane.“

Such wisdom. Such a metaphor for life. Can you take in what he is saying?

I love technology and I love social media and I love how we can all connect in so many ways… it’s super amazing.

One challenge we face is we have our nose in way too many people’s business. It distracts us from our joy. Comparison is the thief of joy.

Stay in your lane. Look forward and keep going.

I believe in you. 🌈💫❤️😊🙏🏻



The Street Sweeper ✨🌟💫

This morning I was chatting with my 6:30 am coaching client walking to the beach in Barrington Rhode Island.  She was telling me about some contrast and how after she was on a roll with the contrast, well, everything felt shitty.  This did.  That did.  This did.  That did.  It ALL felt shitty.  Even the stuff…people/places/things that usually feel awesome felt shitty.

My response was, “Of course it did!  If you did a vibrational audit (how am I feeling?  What is unfolding in front of me in the now reality?) your vibration would’ve been in the toilet and when your vibration is low, everything is gonna feel shitty.  The Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫 is like a street sweeper…it’s gonna sweep up anything and everything in its path and douse it with that vibration, that perspective, that belief.  And it goes both ways. If you’re in the Vortex flying high whatever you look at will look and feel freaking amazing!  That street sweeper…he’s gonna sweep up whatever is in its way and surround it with that vibration (high or low) and therefore that feeling. And then, since like attracts like, you gonna get more of “that.”  The Universe be like, “Here’s more!”

Before this morning at 6:30 am I had never used this metaphor.  I had never read it or heard it.  I just made it up in the moment like I do most things.  I operate best and feel best and happiest when extemporaneous.

3 HOURS LATER, as I was on a Pro Bono Coaching call walking to the beach in Barrington Rhode Island  (As part of my coaching practice and to give back I offer one Pro Bono Coaching session per week to one person who comes to me in meditation.), look what I saw in front of me (see photos).  I CAN’T MAKE THIS **** UP!  I am a Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫 master and expert, have been obsessed with Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫 since I was five, have been coaching for 20 years…and I almost fell over.   

I never ever tire or get bored with the amazing magical synchronicities which unfold in my life all day every day because of my alignment and the Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫.  It’s like a fun magical treasure hunt all day every day.

Your life can unfold this way, as well.

How?  Get into alignment first.  That’s the first - and essential - step.  The best way to do so (and it’s free and easy!) is meditation.  15-20 minutes every morning first thing.  Don’t have time?  I won’t accept that.  Just do it.*

Gestalt of this blog:  You get what you think about, whether you like it or not.

*Hey, that’s another good saying I’ve never ever heard or read…. 😉



“Taylor!  I Have Too Many Balls in the Air and I Feel Overwhelmed!!”✨🌟💫💛

Does this sound familiar?  Sound like you? Sound like today?

First, take a deep breath in and a deep breath out.  Good.  Now do it again.

Next, hear this:  you are not alone.  

I have been coaching utilizing the powerful Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫 for 20 years and have worked with thousands of people.  This is what I see people show up with day in and day out:

  1. I feel unworthy. I feel not good enough.

  2. I feel stuck and powerless.

  3. I feel like it has to be “hard.” Everything is “hard.” And if it’s not “hard,” I feel like I’m not working hard enough. I feel guilty if it’s not “hard.” Love, work, money, respect, time, attention are/must be “hard” to get. I must work “hard” to get any/all of these things. And so I am overwhelmed all the time, working “hard” and trying to get “there.” Or if I am not working hard, I feel guilty. Ugh.

If any/all of these sound familiar please know that again, you are not alone.  And I can help.  

As always, take what you want and leave the rest.  My intention is for this information to reach those who are attracted to and in alignment with it.

I was talking to a client who felt overwhelmed.  She said she has so much going on and although most of it is good, she feels like she can’t handle it all.

I explained that it’s about alignment, not time.  It’s about alignment, not action.  No action in the world can make up for lack of alignment.

So your job, again and again, is to get into alignment first and then….

Email me at  

for tips on how to get into alignment.

When I’m working with my clients I use personal examples of the principle I am teaching because people can hear something outside of their world much more easily than something about what they are living.  

Here is one of my countless personal examples of how it’s not about time, it’s about alignment.  In a 12 month period of time I:

  1. Got engaged (May 2002)

  2. Got divorced (June 2002)

  3. Sold a house (June 2002)

  4. Opened a yoga studio (June 2002)

  5. Bought a (pink) house (August 2002)

  6. Moved into a pink house with the man of my dreams (August 2002)

  7. Got married to the man of my dreams in the yard of the pink house (October 2002)

  8. Filmed a yoga video (May 2003)

  9. Got pregnant the day after I filmed the yoga video (May 2003)

That may seem like A LOT.  It wasn’t. It was easy.  I was calm.  I was happy.  I was in flow.  Because I was in alignment.

This list is not to make you feel bad about yourself because you’re overwhelmed with doing the laundry today.  WE ALL GET OVERWHELMED.  This list is to illustrate that everything is relative, it’s all about alignment and you can be, do and have anything that you want if you are walking your path mostly in alignment, sending out that clean, clear, pure vibration of that which you want.  

If you’re in alignment you can flow with ease and joy and ride the waves.  If you’re out of alignment, you can’t.  You can’t get there from there.  You resist and everything feels (and is) hard and overwhelming.  

We are here for three things:  Joy, Freedom and Growth.  We are meant to spend 90-95% of our time in alignment feeling joy and freedom and 5-10% of our time expanding and growing.  Most people have this flipped.

So ask yourself, “Where am I giving my power away? “  Your power lies in how good you feel.  

First look at your focus.  Then look at your beliefs and perspectives about that focus.  Then look at your thoughts about that focus. Then look at your emotions.  Your vibration is made up of your:  Focus, Beliefs, Thoughts and Emotions. 

Your emotions are your perspective indicator.  If they feel bad (I feel overwhelmed) then your perspective needs a shift.  Your belief is in the way of you feeling good. (i.e. “Everything is hard.”).  A belief is just a thought you keep thinking so no worries! ✨❤️✨  You can change it.  By changing the thought.  

Then repeat.  It’s a process like anything else.  It isn’t complicated.  Only our brains make it complicated. It’s a simple formula.  And it’s the same formula, again and again.

It’s also a practice.  A moment by moment practice.  

You can do this.  I believe in you. 🌈💫❤️😊🙏🏻  



The Force IS With You 💫

13 years ago today I had a miscarriage.  I was devastated.  Devastated.

As I sobbed in the ultrasound room, my midwife cried, too, and said, “I know you are a very spiritual person and this is a deep spiritual loss.”

I stopped sobbing and said, “What?  What did you say?”

She repeated herself.

I sat up straight and strong and said, “This is NOT a spiritual loss.  This is a physical, emotional and mental loss.  The spirit of my baby Dakota is not lost.  He has gone back to the light to get his brother.  In 4 months I will be pregnant with twin boys.”

My midwife looked concerned.  I knew that look and said, “4 months.  Mark my words.”

Exactly 4 months later, on September 4, 2009 I woke up early like I always do. It was a big day.  We were opening a raw vegan restaurant in Newton, Massachusetts.  But that wasn’t the biggest most amazing thing…I was about to do pregnancy test that would change our lives forever.  

Yup.  Pregnant, with twin boys.

Contrast sucks.  No way around it.  That miscarriage was awful.  But in that contrast a miracle was born, or, rather, two.  Dakota and Montana Wells, age 12.

Whatever you’re going through today - now - know that the force IS with you.  If you can allow it in.  If you can get in alignment in whatever way you know how, and allow it in.  

If you need suggestions of how to get into alignment contact me.  I can teach you the tools to get in alignment and allow in all the goodness waiting for you after you ride out this contrast.

May the 4th (Force) be with you.  💫



“Are You Excited For Your Baby Cousin?” “No, I AM THE BABY!”

When I was 5 my Aunt Jill moved in after she had her baby girl. I was fit to be tied. I happily heralded my throne as baby of the family and didn’t want anyone usurping me. 

Before Julianna arrived, my Aunt Jill asked me again & again, “Are you excited for your baby cousin to come and live with you?” hoping for a different answer; however, I have always been very clear about my opinion & not shy to say it & my answer remained the same.

When Julianna came you couldn’t get me outta her room (which was my room btw, they took over my room). I stared at that baby, I smiled at that baby, I held that baby, I helped bathe that baby, I helped get that baby dressed, I hugged & kissed that baby, I sang to that baby. I loved loved loved that baby.

What was going on from a Law of Attraction perspective? 

Before baby came, my inner critic (yes at age 5) was ruling the roost w feelings of scarcity & fear. I was afraid there wouldn’t be enough for me…enough love, enough attention, enough food (I was 5, I didn’t know she couldn’t eat food food yet & I liked my food). 

I love this metaphor because it shows how we are not weak, the Law of Attraction is strong. I had the thought once, it gained momentum & it became a “belief.” A belief is just a thought you keep thinking.

What shifted? When I saw that sweet baby, emanating all of her awesomeness & inner being-ness, I melted, was present in the now and forgot what I “knew” before. I began to live - & tell - a better feeling story. 

“THAT’S MY BABY COUSIN!” I would boast as I pranced about. 

I was bummed when they moved back to my Aunt Jill’s house. That contrast taught me more about focus…to focus on the fact that we could visit the baby, not on the “loss” of baby not being in the house anymore.

What story are you telling that keeps you where you do not want to be? How can you tell a better feeling story? When you do so, the momentum will change & so will your “belief” as you see people, places and things line up in ways that reflect your new better feeling story …and belief. 

You get what you think about. What was that thought you just had?

PROTIP:  Meditate daily.



The Hater & White Teeth  ✨🌟💫💛 

I could never remember the name of the amazing University a dear friend’s son attends.  I remember a lot of stuff, names aren’t one of ‘em.  So I’ve learned to pair things with names to remember. I remember his school by thinking of toothpaste.

Minutes after I figured out to do this, Colgate emailed me to ask me to try these products (!!).  Minutes.  Then they sent ‘em to me as an influencer. I can’t make this ****  up.    

I told them that only if I love them would I shout them out.  Well, I’m loving the products … and even more so the synchronicity of it all. The Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫 is always at work, like gravity. You don’t “use” the Law of Attraction, you are either finessing it, or not.  

How do you know the Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫 is at work on your behalf?  Synchroniticies.  Like this one, with Colgate.

And it gets even better.  Years ago when I wrote for the Boston Herald I had a hater.  She hated me because my teeth were too white.  Said I whitened ‘em.  I actually didn’t at the time.  But she gave me the excellent idea to do so.  I started dipping my toothbrush in baking soda while I brushed.  Boom!  Whiter teeth.  Appreciate her for that.  And for giving me the contrast to reach for more.  That’s what contrast does for us.

Everyone and everything is teaching you something.  Ask yourself, “Why have I attracted this?”  We live in a world of attraction not assertion.  Every person, place and thing is there because you attracted it.  

And isn’t that some power?  Yup. But you can’t change what you don’t own.  So own your power.  Focus on that which you want.  

And Colgate is not paying me to say this, but if you’re looking for a unique gift, maybe give your Supermom this kewl Colgate toothbrush for Supermom’s Day.  I love mine.  And I love love love the color!  I smiled when I opened it because it’s my very favorite color.  I’ve never used an electric toothbrush even though my HH always has.  (There’s a Seinfeld about that, Elaine trying to talk Jerry into an electric toothbrush).  It took Colgate sending me this Hum for me to try one.  I noticed immediately - while on cardio the next morning - that my teeth feel smoother, cleaner.  

Happy Mother’s Day to all the Supermoms out there!  Big shout out to  you for all you do. What you do matters.  #rockstars 🌟🌟 



“Yeah, I Don’t Think You’re Gonna Make It.”  ✨🌟💫💛

I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again (and again), you can be, do and  have anything that you want.

The only thing, and I mean only thing, that is stopping you, is you.  Your focus.  Your beliefs.  Your perspectives.  Your thoughts.  Your resulting emotions from all that I just listed.

The greatest news ever? A belief is just a thought you keep thinking.  You can change that thought, you can change that story.  You can tell a better feeling story.  And thereby change your life.  Now.

Every morning my HH and I walk our baby Chickens 🐣🐣 to the bus on Rumstick Road.  @Cathycabral is the magical bus driver of said bus.  This is one of my very favorite times of the day.  Although I love pretty much every moment of my day.*

This morning as we were chatting with Dakota and Montana at the bus stop, I asked Dakota if he had his running shoes for track practice after school.  I could tell by his expression he did not. The bus was to arrive in about one minute.  I asked him where they were, he hesitated . . . and I just took off sprinting to the happy white pineapple 😊✨🌟💫🍍 …I *was* wearing my Hokas.  😉 

As I ran down the street I could hear my HH in the distance saying, “Yeah, I don’t think you’re gonna make it.”

To be fair, there was no logical way I could make it home and back in time.  But I took off anyway. I jumped anyway. I knew the Universe would take care of it, somehow.

I sprinted into the house, grabbed the Hokas, sprinted back outside and saw the bus driving by the happy white pineapple 😊✨🌟💫🍍.  I waved the shoes in the air…and @Cathycabral waved back.  I kept waving the shoes …and she got it.  She slowed down and stopped the bus. 

I sprinted even faster to the stopped bus with chills running through my body.   She opened the doors and I handed the shoes to the bus attendant as Cathy asked, “Which one?”  

“Dakota,” I smiled. Then I squealed “YOU’RE THE BEST!” to my co-creator in a miracle that shouldn’t have been possible.  Even my HH, an amazing partner and co-creator in so many incredible things with me, doubted it.

Does this seem banal?  Trivial?  Are you asking “Who the hell cares about a pair of shoes you delivered to your kid who forgot them?”

If so, I totally get it. I was once like you.  Always forging ahead, working-working-working-grinding-grinding-grinding-hustling-hustling-hustling…to get “there”…to the happy life, to success, to “it all.”

But, you see, “it” is all here.  Now.  The shoes.  The wonderful bus driver.  The sprint to the finish line.  This is what matters.  

And btw all the “big stuff” is just the same.  And it will follow if you tap into the feeling now.  If you find the magic, the possibility, in this “normal everyday” moment.

*Be grateful for the little things.  For one day you will realize they were the big things. 



✨🌟💫Anything is Possible✨🌟💫

Anything is possible.  You can be, do and have anything that you want.  Harness the Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫 and you can do it very quickly, provided you don’t have resistance.

At age 44 I was told I *couldn’t* have a baby, let alone twins.

This photo was 10 days before Dakota and Montana arrived.

Yup, you can be, do and have anything that you want.

Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫 PRO TIP:  Focus on that which you want, not the lack of it.

And watch what happens.

I believe in you. 🌈💫❤️😊🙏🏻 



Meet Frank Sinatra ✨🌟💫💛

This Kitty Is In His Power ✨🌟💫💛 

Meet Frank Sinatra.  Kitty Extraordinaire.  Kitty Precious ❤️.  Scrappy Kitty.  Confident Kitty.  






14 months ago I “randomly” (no such thing) went on Next Door.  I was inspired to do so.  There was a post about a sweet kitty who a nice woman had found.  “Is this anyone’s kitty?”  she asked.

I promptly responded that Kitty wasn’t mine; however, we would love to give him a home if his owner didn’t show up.

Fast forward to now.  It’s all we have btw . . . the future never comes because it’s always now.  I can’t remember what life was like before this Kitty.  He wakes up with me at 4 am and lies right next to my mat while I practice Prana Power Yoga ✨🙏🏻✨.  Lies right next to my bath as I meditate in the hot water.  Watches at the window for me to come back when I go to coach clients in my gym or on a walk to the beach in Barrington.  Kitty is waiting for me as I walk in, meowing.  Frankie likes to talk- like someone else I know.  

The power of this kitty?  He knows who he is and what he wants.  Not afraid to ask for it.  Not afraid to ignore you if he isn’t in the mood to connect.  Not afraid of Aspen, our Siberian Husky, who, btw is a 5x Kitty’s size.

This morning after I coached my first client at 6:30 am I was eating breakfast with kitty by my side (Of course💫✨🌟🌈 ) and I was like, “What’s that smell?”  

Kitty pee.  Unmistakable.

It’s quite strong.  Have you ever smelled it?  Yikes.

It occurred to me that I didn’t do Frankie’s litter box yesterday.  Oops.
Man that smell was emanating throughout the first floor of the happy white pineapple 😊✨🌟💫🍍.  Big time.  Ewwwwwww. 


I am a master at Step 5 now* (*When you’re in contrast and you don’t beat yourself up for being there.  You see the contrast and the lesson and you’re light about it.  You know that we are here to experience contrast 5-10% of the time and it’s all good! Nothing has “gone wrong.”), so I was like, “Time to do the litter box.”   

I also realized in that moment the power of Frankie.  He is a big teacher to me.  Frankie is this little kitty yet he has the power to pee and make our whole first floor of our home stink.  Like really stink.  Frankie knows how to get his needs met and isn’t afraid to ask - or, errr, use other methods to receive what he needs.  

Good stuff.

Frankie has also been known to use the power of his very stinky pee to attempt to stop me from traveling.  I’m a virgo so I pack early and he took to tinkling in my packed suitcase in my walk in closet…showing his discontent with my decision to leave him.  Let’s just say I now close the door to the closet when I pack early.  And I bought that urine go away spray and used a lot of it.

We are more powerful than we know and our power lies in how good we feel.  And how well we can maintain that good feeling.

Frankie helps me to feel good.  Just looking at him brings me joy and makes my heart grow bigger.  If you’re a cat person, you get this.

What if we could do that with all people, places and things?  Feel that pure love for them no matter how they were showing up in our lives?  Well, then, we would be masters.  

And we’re on our way…one moment at a time.  One thought at a time. ✨🌟💫💛 



Money Isn’t Bad…or Good…It’s Energy.  ✨🌟💫💛  

“Where are the envelopes?” my HH used to ask me when I returned from teaching at our brand new hot yoga studio in Newton, Massachusetts in 2002.

“Envelopes?” I’d respond as I sat down to write a blog or return an email to a student.

“The envelopes with the money in them.” He’d reply.

After class we’d put the cash and receipts in an envelope and put the envelop in a cute white basket in the office.  We didn’t need a safe. No one had stolen yet.  It was still rainbows, unicorns and incense.  ✨🌟💫💛 

Day after day, after I taught a triple (he and I were the only teachers then and he still had his day job) I’d come home to the pink house without the envelopes.  It just wasn’t in my energy field.  I have never been focused on money.  Yet money has always found me.  More on that in a minute.

After noticing this for a while my HH started to swing by the studio on his way home from Bain and pick up the envelopes.  

Ahhhh, the magical compromises of a great marriage and dharma that morphed into a business and later an empire.

Back to “I have never been focused on money, yet money has always found me.”

This will sound irritating to some who are money focused yet the money isn’t flowing to them in a way they are wanting. From a Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫 perspective, the best place you can abide is happy where you are and reaching for more.  So if you are focused on wanting *more* money, you are focused on lack.  You are in problem mode.  You are in scarcity mode - the opposite of abundance. 

“But Taylor,” you say, “I want more money and so of course I’m going to think about wanting more money because I WANT MORE MONEY!  Can’t I just make a dream board or something?”

Here’s the deal.  If you want more money, rock on!  You can have it my friend.  You can be, do and have anything that you want.  

If you want more money and you expect more money and it makes you feel good to think about more money, think about more money!  Go ahead, make that dream board.

If you want more money and you are wondering where it is (aka not expecting it) and it makes you feel bad to think about it because, um, you’re wondering where it is if this Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫 is so freaking powerful…best not to think about it.  Best to focus on something else. (No dream board focused on money).

But it’s tough to *not* think about something.  Because you think about that thing you’re not wanting to think about.  😉 

So focus elsewhere.  Distract yourself like you would a toddler…jingle your keys.

So why has money always found me if I have never really been focused on it?  Because it was something I expected - softly.  Not focused on it, just assuming it would show up.  This has been the case for me because my Poppy (maternal grandfather) with whom I was super close, was the king of abundance and generosity.  The most generous, kind, funny, loving man I have ever known.  Always laughing always smiling and always easy about . . . everything.  

Poppy was always extremely generous with all of his grandkids, all of his kids and everyone, really.  Best.  Tipper.  Ever.  When we walked into a restaurant people would flock to our table to wait on Mr. Pendexter.  

Poppy gave me the incredible gift of seeing how he walked in the world.  Words don’t teach.  I wanted to be just like Poppy.  Still do.

All day every day I feel Poppy guiding me.  So much so that when I am given a gift, my sister says, “Don’t give it away!” because that’s what I usually do.  

What to do if you want more money?  Soften your intensity about it.  Focus on the things that you have in your life that are abundant.  Feel the energy and freedom of those things and put your thoughts about money on the back burner.  

One other Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫 PROTIP/tool for attracting more money with ease?  Put $100 cash in your pocket and spend it all day long - in your mind.  “I could buy that.  I could buy that. I could buy that.  I could eat at that restaurant. I could buy one of those shoes.”  😉 

And watch what happens.



✨🌟💫 I Left My Airpods on the Plane. ✨🌟💫 

Last Saturday we flew to Chicago O’Hare. College tour with my Sagey girl. ❤️

Sunday morning as I looked for my AirPods my stomach dropped. 

“Gulp.”  I left ‘em on the plane in that little seat pouch. 🤭😬😮😳 

I had a choice in that moment.  I could choose to feel like **** and beat myself up - or I could be in contrast and say, “Ok, this is contrast and I choose to find a better feeling thought.”

➡️This is Step 5. ⬅️

Step 1: You ask (contrast).

Step 2: It’s given (not your job).

Step 3: You allow it (by feeling good).

Step 4:  Get really good at Step 3.

Step 5:  Be in contrast and don’t beat yourself up. Be light about it. 

When Sagey woke up I told her. She was kind and compassionate.

“It’s all good!” I said. “It’s just a material thing. I will attract more money to buy another pair.  I have a choice and I choose to feel good now and distract myself from this by focusing on other stuff.”

What I taught my daughter was worth a lot more than a pair of AirPods. 

Later at breakfast I told Sagey, “Something really good is gonna come from this. And, I’m happy I left my AirPods in the seat pouch instead of my iPhone.”

Everything is relative and you always have a choice about your perspective. Your power lies in how good you feel and how well you maintain that feeling.  This is your true power.
