
Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫 is Real...and Midwesterners Are Soooo Nice ✨🌟💫💛

When I was a senior at Calabasas High my parents moved to a different town.  I didn’t wanna move so I lived with my best friend.  Her parents had a small condo yet didn’t bat an eye before saying yes to me moving in for a year.  Her brother, sister and I made the space work and had a fun year together.

Fast forward 39 years.  My Sagey and I visited University of Wisconsin, Madison last weekend.  Said Calabasas High bestie is now a law professor at Madison - has been for a few decades.  She also went there as an undergrad.  

Kimmie and her Chickens 🐣🐣🐣🐣 showed us around campus, treated to lunch (and shots!) at a fun local bar at which her son works, checked out a basketball game, had ice cream, walked around the lake and answered our every question.  

You know how you can go years and see someone and it’s as if you saw them yesterday?  Yup.  

Celebrate those friends, appreciate them and be grateful for them.   

Some observations from Sagey about “people in Wisconsin”:  

  • soooo nice

  • down to earth

  • wholesome

  • great listeners

  • smart

  • helpful

  • fun

  • laid back

  • chatty

  • don’t care much about material things

  • don’t care much about labels

  • don’t care much about fancy cars

  • great accents

  • soooo nice (bears repeating)

This of course made my heart sing… born and raised - till age 12 - in Lake Bluff, Illinois.

Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫 is always at work and you’re going to attract that which you put out there.  That said, I do think the people in the midwest are soooo nice.



Be Grateful for this Moment. This Moment is your life. 🙏🏻💫❤️

Yesterday I was  practicing Prana Power Yoga ✨🙏🏻✨ in a dark room at the W NYC. 

My baby girl slept peacefully in a hotel crib and my HH slept on the king size bed. 

I had tears of joy as I asked myself, ”Is this real? Is this really my life?” I felt so appreciative. So grateful. 🙏🏻💫❤️

Wait, that was 17 years ago….😳😳

It feels like yesterday is such a cliche so I’m gonna say it feels like today. 

On Sunday my 18 year old girl slept on one of the queen size beds. We were in Madison Wisconsin on a college tour. 

Most of my coaching clients come to me trying to get a happy life. I explain that a happy life is only a string of happy moments. Be here now and enjoy it. 

There! That’s a happy life. ✨🌟💫💛 Now repeat. 

Be grateful for this moment. This moment is your life. 🙏🏻💫❤️



Wow, Waku…now THAT’S a Magical Sychronicity. ✨🌟💫💛

Wow, Waku…now THAT’S a Magical Sychronicity. ✨🌟💫💛

Last night my HH brought in a case of beverages which had been delivered to the happy white pineapple 😊✨🌟💫🍍. It was Waku, a prebiotic tea.

“Where did that come from?” he asked.

“A Public Relations firm reached out to me and asked me to write about it. I get a few of those requests daily and usually don’t respond because it doesn’t feel in alignment. This did for some reason so I said, ‘Sure, send me some samples.’

Philippe was silent for a moment and then asked in awe, “Do you know whose company that is?”

“Nope.” I responded.

His colleague at Brandeis is the cofounder of Waku.

I had no idea.

The magical synchronicity of alignment. When you reach for alignment things like this will unfold all day in your life. It’s so fun. And it's all about fun.

Waku is good, btw. I like it, and so do my Chickens 🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣 and HH. My favorite is the Passion Fruit. I’m passionate so no surprise there. 😉 This could be the next kombucha…which, btw, I was brewing in my kitchen at The White Castle 20 years ago, waaaaay before the craze. Good stuff, but I’m over it now. Onto something new, as always. Maybe it’ll be Waku.🤔



I Manifested The Professor From Gilligan's Island ✨🌟💫💛

Once upon a time I was a little girl in Lake Bluff, Illinois who loved to watch Gilligan’s Island. I loved loved loved the Professor. I had a crush on him. Didn’t everyone?

Fast forward. I am filming a yoga video for my yoga teacher and the producer moves me from my regular spot…front and center…to the right side of the room. I was slightly annoyed but followed her guidance and as I laid my mat down I looked to my right and said, “Oh my God, I had a dream about you last night!” to the dude next to me. To which he responded, “So I am, quite literally, the man of your dreams.”

That was my HH. ❤️

We have done lotsa stuff together over the last 22 years and we’re just getting started. Most recently, he has become a Professor of the Practice at Brandeis University, teaching, of course, entrepreneurship and business. This. Is. His. Dharma. His students adore him. He loves loves loves it. I am over the moon ✨🌙 proud and happy for him.

Last night I kept saying, “Alexa announce…Maca (my nickname for him), come down and watch ‘WeCrashed’ with us!” He wasn’t responding. Odd. Then he finally said back on Alexa, “I am grading papers.”

So this morning in meditation it comes to me…”I manifested the professor from Gilligan’s Island!” It blew my mind.

All day every day I teach, coach, and write about… and continue my obsession with the Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫 , which began when I was five. I noticed, at age five, what I focused on and gave my attention to got bigger. Whether I liked the thing or not. I began practicing focusing on that which I wanted (liked) and ignoring the rest. Every single thing in my life I have created in this way.

I know we all have Vortexes in which all of our hopes and dreams live, in vibrational form. I know that we don’t/can’t even understand the expansiveness of this Vortex. I know this. Yet, my mind is blown every day with realizations like this.

I had totally forgotten my crush on the Professor. My HH was not a professor when we met … or for 20 years of us being together. (However, he just told me that when he worked at Bain Capital, his nickname was “The Professor.”)

It came to me, not surprisingly, in meditation. Why? Because in meditation we let go of thought and tune into the vibration of our inner being, the vibration of our Vortex. And then, we get a glimpse. A glimpse of what is in there and what is coming…if we allow it. We allow it simply by feeling good.

I just told my HH that I manifested the Professor from Gilligan’s Island and he laughed (we laugh a lot) and said, “Yup, that sounds about right. And I am looking like him more and more.” I didn’t know what that meant.

Then he came back in (I was on my mat) laughing and said he thought I was referring to the Skipper, and so his joke was that he was looking more and more like him (not that there’s anything wrong with the Skipper).

You get what you think about. You have a Vortex. You have your version of the Professor - or whatever - in your Vortex that is waiting to surface in your life…when you allow. How to allow? Feel good. How to feel good? Well, you gotta figure that out my friends, but I have lotsa tools I can teach you. ✨🌟💫💛



Energy is a currency more valuable than money.  How are you spending yours?

Energy is a currency more valuable than money.  How are you spending yours? ✨🌟💫💛

Focus.  Focus.  Focus.  On what are you focusing?  

How does it make you feel?

Let’s back up.  First there is focus.  Then there is your perspective or belief about that which you are focusing on.  Then there is thought about this thing… and then there is a feeling/emotion.

This happens in a split second.

From this train of momentum comes your vibration, the most precious commodity you have.  Your energy is everything.

Most people are trying to jump way to the end…to money or things or people or places, but you gotta start at focus.  Your focus is where it all begins. 

What is your focus and is this something you want to create?  Don’t face reality, create it.  Don’t regurgitate, create.  Don’t be a historian, create.  

You can be, do and have anything that you want.  No thing is too small or too big. It’s all the same.  It’s all about how you feel…think…belief…and focus.  



The Middle Way ✨🌟💫💛

25 years ago I gave up TV.  I was pregnant with my first child and decided - overnight - I’d do it for her.  It was weird for about a week.  I missed Seinfeld.

Then, as with all things, I got used to it and it just was.  

Other people had a harder time with it than I… ”What?!  You don’t watch TV?  What do you DO?!”  They would get kinda mad.  Oddly.

“Lotsa stuff,” I’d reply.  

17 years ago I stopped cooking my food and eating animal products.  I did it overnight, like the TV thing.  It stuck for 7 years, during which my whole family ate “raw vegan.” I opened a raw vegan restaurant because it was so labor intensive to make the food and I wanted to bring this amazing way of eating to the Community.  “How hard can it be to open a restaurant?” I asked.  😉

Today I eat and drink anything I want whenever I want and I watch TV.  My favorites are Seinfeld, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Ted Lasso, Shark Tank and Sex and the City.  I also love documentaries, especially about athletes, entrepreneurs and masters of anything.  

I still don’t know how to turn on the TV or find shows.  My Chickens 🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣 do that for me because I never watch alone.  For some reason I find that depressing.  Not sure why and don’t wanna analyze it.  (Even and especially after doing many years of training in Psychology and accruing many degrees, the last thing I wanna do is analyze - go back.  I choose instead to live in the now and tend to my vibration.)  

After we eat family dinner every night we chill together and watch something.  

Today in meditation it came to me to write this blog and to teach myself how to turn on the TV and change channels.  Not sure why but I always follow intuition. 

The middle way.  The Buddha talked about it.  Not all the way THIS way or all the way THAT way, but the middle way.  I keep finding it, again and again, after swinging big time THIS way and/or swinging big time THAT way.  

No mistakes, no regret, no remorse.  Don’t believe in ‘em.  Just a path filled with learning, joy, and freedom.  Free to choose on what I focus.  Free to choose how I want to feel.  

💫 Our biggest power lies in how good we feel and how well we can maintain that feeling. 💫

Are you swinging one way or the other?  Are you finding the middle way?  On what are you focused?  And does it feel good?



The Magical Colonoscopy  ✨🌟💫💛 

Once upon a time we were born.  We came here for three things:  joy, freedom and expansion (growth).

Again and again in this lifetime and all lifetimes we experience - or choose not to experience - these three things.  No thing or experience is too small or too big.  You can be, do and have anything that you want. ✨🌟💫💛 

Yesterday I had my colonoscopy.  Thank you to all who’ve reached out to ask how it went.  Here’s my answer. 😊

It was magical.  Start to finish.  Was if fun start to finish?  Nope.  Was it magical?  Yes.  Why?  Because all things contain contrast if you are in a physical body.  If they did not then we would be in nonphysical, which we are not.  😉

In the physical we will experience *some* contrast.  It is meant to show us what we don’t want so we can know what we do want.  That’s it.  We’re not meant to dwell in contrast.  We’re not meant to talk, blog, complain, kvetch, go on and on and on and on and on and on about contrast.  That keeps it right there with us. What we shout no at gets bigger, not smaller. 

So there will always be contrast.  The question is, how will you respond to it? 

Ideally you live 5-10% of life in contrast and it is mild.  Most people are living 90-95% of their life in contrast and it is intense.  How are you living your life?

The wonderful and magical things about my colonoscopy?  My HH and my baby Chickens 🐣🐣 drove me to the Doctor.  A fun early morning ride.   Felt the love, felt the support.  Loved it.

The woman who checked me in had the exact same gold glittery nail polish I wear.  I commented on it.  We laughed.  We bonded.

There was a bathroom right there in the waiting room.   😉

The second woman to check me in was wearing so much glittery bling I couldn’t keep my eyes off it.  She also had the same sparkly cross that I wear and the exact same pink sparkly pen my HH gave me years ago.  I commented on it all.  She giggled and said she had just brought it in this morning and everyone was asking, “Where’d you get that pen?”

My nurse was named…Madison Tayla.  She looked like my BFF Jackie’s daughter and was brand new at the job.  Adorable.

After they rolled me into the room with the doctor, he was chatting with me - and hilarious.  He missed his calling - should’ve been a comedian.  He asked me what I did and I said,  “I’m a coach.”

“Oh, for Brown?” he asked.

“Nope, for the Universe.” I replied.  

He asked what I meant and I began explaining about the Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫.  He had never heard of it.  One of the assistants, named “Rocky” (my favorite movie of all time), said she knew what it was, and began explaining it to the Doctor as I drifted into twilight.

I’ll just say I understand why Michael Jackson became addicted.

But wait there’s more magic….I opened my eyes and it was done - felt like a nano second.  The exiting nurse’s name I don’t know because I was so stoned on twilight.  She kept saying, “Don’t fall asleep!”  I kept falling asleep anyway.😊

She rolled me out to my dear friend Beth’s car, and apparently we chatted all the way home to Barrington. I have zero memory of this.

Once home safe and sound, I ate a lot (not supposed to but did anyway), slept for three hours in pure twilight and then re-emerged into my life, a new person.

Why?  Because I have new found appreciation for … everything.  I am so grateful to be able to drink and eat anything I want when I want to. I am so grateful to be able to have the energy I always have.  I am so grateful that I have the most amazing supportive family and friends who were there for me.  I am so grateful that my colon was sparkly clean and healthy.

I’m not gonna talk about the contrast.  Why?  Reread above…you get what you think, talk and write about and what you focus on gets bigger.

What are you focusing on?



The Colonoscopy: Everything Keeps Getting Better ✨🌟💫💛

Seven years ago I had a colonoscopy.  I had to eat a special “diet” for five days prior.  All white foods.  No fruits or veggies or fiber or anything healthy.  No bueno.  

But the hardest part of the process was that the day of the procedure I couldn’t any drink water.  No bueno.

The procedure was a breeze.  I loved it.  I apparently talked all the way through it (asking questions) and at the end when awake said, “I feel so good!  Can I do this again in a year?”

Well it’s been 7 years (5 plus COVID) and this morning on my yoga mat as I contemplated drinking only chicken broth and gatorade and eating yellow jello manana, the day before the procedure, it came to me:  Everything keeps getting better - even my colonoscopies.

Last time I had to eat an all white food/no fiber diet for five days.  This time I don’t.  It’s just the day before that I need to alter what I normally eat.  That’s a lot better!

Also, once upon a time, I elected to drink only liquid green juice (“Taylor’s Green Lemonade” from our restaurant called “Prana”) for days.  Once for 13 (!!) days, when I was creating “The Prana Cleanse.”  

Now the thought of even one day on only green juice is, um, not appealing.

Not that there’s anything wrong with it (juice fasts) - or anything. It’s so awesome that we all get to want what we want and do what we want and choose what we want and it’s all good.    We get to focus and think and feel and choose and live and learn and experience contrast and … do it again, but this time even better.  Because it all just keeps getting better.  

Even our colonoscopies.



💫 You Create Your Own Reality. So Why Isn't Your Dream Life Showing Up?  💫

💫 You create your own reality.  💫

Yeah, yeah, yeah, you’ve heard this before.  But why isn’t it happening? Why isn’t your dream life showing up?

Creating your reality isn't just about setting an intention for what you want, making a dream board, yada yada yada.  This is only the first step.

You must be in the receiving mode for what you want. ✨🌟💫💛 

What is the receiving mode?  Well, first of all, it’s the opposite of the asking mode.   One is problem mode (asking) and one is solution mode (receiving).  Einstein said it like this, “You cannot solve a problem at the level at which it was created.”

In most simple terms, the receiving mode can be described as:  when you feel good.  

So ask yourself, where is my tuner set?  On what frequency am I receiving? It’s a lot like a radio. If you’re tuned to 105.7 you’re not going to hear music from 100.7.  The frequencies don’t match up.

You are always receiving something, so if you're not receiving the reality you want, what do you need to do differently for that to change?  What do you need to change inside of you to allow that reality into your experience?

The answer lies in where you are tuned.  At what frequency are you broadcasting?  What you put out comes back to you. It is law. No exceptions. You get what you think about. 

If you're like most people you unconsciously practice resistance around receiving what you want.  You unconsciously are tuned to a frequency that does not allow you to receive.  You’re on 105.7 but you wanna be on 100.7.  Only you can tune the receiver. I can talk till the cows come home but only you can think in your mind.  In this photo, Montana (left) is on 105.7 (asking/problem mode) and Dakota (right) is on 100.7 (receiving/answer mode).  Our emotions are our perspective indicator.  

In my coaching practice I see many unconscious resistance patterns.  Here are a few:

  1. Getting what you want feels unsafe.

  2. Getting what you want will lead to consequences.

  3. Getting what you want will alienate you.

  4. Getting what you want won't last (so you'd rather not risk it).

  5. Getting what you want is unknown - which feels unsafe.

  6. No one else in my family got what they wanted.

  7. I am not worthy to get what I want. I am not good enough.

  8. I am stuck and powerless so I cannot get what I want.

  9. It has to be HARD to get what I want.

  10. If it’s easy to get what I want then I will not be able to relate to everyone else, most of whom relentlessly talk about how hard everything is.

Not a single one of these statements is true. But if you believe in any of them your receiving mode is being compromised.  You’re tuned to 105.7 not 100.7.  

If you feel like this might be the case for you check out my podcast from last Tuesday.  Scroll down on this page to can access it or drop a comment on this post and ask me for the link and I’ll hook you up.  

I believe in you. 🌈💫❤️😊🙏🏻 



✨ Step Out of The How 💫

Your mind is programmed to think linearly. If it does not see a path to what you want you create resistance which prevents manifestation. 

When your mind is unable to figure out the how, your belief in the possibility of the manifestation diminishes.  You feel doubt.  When you are in doubt, it’s no bueno for manifesting.  

Whether you're new to the game of co-creation and manifestation or you've been doing it for a while, get excited because greater and greater things are on the way. You can unlock potentiality in ways you've never experienced before.

The key?  It’s so simple, as most things are.  Manifest the feeling of that which you want.  Don’t worry - or even think about - the path.  Don’t try to figure out the how. Just feel the feeling that you believe this person, place or thing will deliver to you.

That’s it!



You're An Addict! ✨🌟💫💛

Talking about our problems is our greatest addiction. Break the habit. Talk about your joys instead.

Why?  Because we get what we talk about.  We get what we think about.  We get what we expect.  We get what we focus on.  No exceptions.  It is law.  The Law of Attraction. ✨🌟💫 

How to break the habit?  Easy peasy! 😊  

  1. Focus elsewhere. Like you distract a toddler from something dangerous or breakable, jingle the keys metaphorically and train your mind to focus on something else. Something that feels good. Focus, focus, focus like a Jedi.

  2. Go general about that problem. Get really general. (i.e. “Things are always working out for me.”) The more specific you get the faster the momentum so the more that problem will grow/speed up. It’s not personal. It’s law. The Law of Attraction. ✨🌟💫

  3. Meditate daily. 15-20 minutes. I teach mediation in my coaching practice because it’s easier to quiet your mind than to change thoughts that have a lot of momentum.

I believe in you. 🌈💫❤️😊🙏🏻 And I’m rooting for you!



The Currency With Which You Pay For Your Manifestation is Belief. ✨🌟💫💛

When I was five my Poppy took me to see Santa in Lake Bluff, Illinois at the fire department. They flew him in on a helicopter.

After sitting on Santa‘s lap he gave me a red plastic stocking filled with candy. I smiled a big smile, said thank you to Santa, then took Poppy’s hand and we walked home.

Poppy asked, “How was it hon?”

“He’s just a big fake,” I replied without skipping a beat.

Poppy smiled with a twinkle in his eye as he always did, “Really? But you were chatting with him telling him what you wanted.“

My response (5 years old): “I have noticed that those who believe get more than those who do not.”

50 years later I am teaching and coaching these 14 words, worldwide. And writing about it.

You can be, do and have anything that you want. The currency with which you pay for your manifestation is belief. Manifest the feeling and the person, place or thing must come. It is law. No exceptions.


Happy Valentine’s Day!! ❤️❤️  Let Go Of Your Attachment To What It "Should" Look like ✨🌟💫💛


Happy Valentine’s Day!! ❤️❤️ Let Go Of Your Attachment To What It "Should" Look like ✨🌟💫💛

The first day of orientation week at Brown University I met my first husband. It was love at first sight and I declared to my whole freshman hall (I have always been bold), "This - this is the man I am going to marry."

And I did. Seven years later.

But not before some drama unfolded.

After we had been together for over six years, we introduced one of my best friends to one of his best friends. A few months later they were engaged.  Yes, I said months.  😳

Now please remember I was 24 years old - “young and dumb” as my friend Jenny Z likes to say.  😊 I wouldn’t go back to my 20s if you paid me - gasp. 😝 That said, lemme tell you that my reaction (reaction, not response - this was pre-yoga🧘‍♀️) was not admirable. I was pissed! I was like, “Why are they engaged after two months and my douche bag boyfriend is still dragging his feet?”*  😳

(*One could argue that he was "dragging his feet" because we were a bad match.  We split up 11 years later after 18 years together.) 🙏

Back to age 24. I was genuinely happy for my friend even though I knew it was not right. How did I know? Her response to my congratulations was, “The ring is so pretty I just couldn't say no."  💍😳

She broke it off three weeks before the wedding.

What WAS upsetting to me was that I had been waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting to get engaged and married. I just wanted to be together. I didn't give a rip about money or being "established" before we did so. My boyfriend/ex husband did. He was working at Merrill Lynch and wanted to feel secure before we got married. Looking back it's all there. All of the reasons we were not a good match. But I was “young and dumb.”

I am so happy and grateful we did get married and have a beautiful child. And we are friends today.  I am grateful for the good times. I am grateful for the contrast. I am grateful that the contrast showed me what I did want.  I am oh so grateful for our beautiful girl who is now 24. 💕

Years later another friend got engaged. I was so happy for her and her fiancé. While talking with another friend I asked if she was OK. She was like, "What?"  I explained that I understood that it is hard to hear about an engagement – a quick engagement at that – when you have been dating your boyfriend for many years. I told her my story.

She laughed and said she was totally fine. And she meant it. She explained that she and her boyfriend were in a great place in their relationship and there had been countless friends who had gotten engaged and while at times it was difficult, this time it was not. 

I laughed as I heard this and realized that the big P was present:  Projection.  I was projecting my story.  She had a story I knew nothing about.  99% of what we project onto others is INaccurate.

Notice today how often you project your own feelings and experiences on to others. Especially on a day like Valentines Day.  It's pretty astonishing. 

Just with this awareness, we can walk through the world as an even better friend, partner, spouse, parent and sister. We can be the love even more, which is what Valentines Day is all about. 💕 So let go of all the attachment to what Valentines Day “should” look like…and just be the love as often as you can today.  And that love will come back to you, multiplied.  It is law. 💕

No exceptions.

Be the Inspiration. 



“What To Do When Your Teenagers’ Energy is in The Toilet and You Lose Your Good Feeling Vibration?” ✨🌟💫💛


“What To Do When Your Teenagers’ Energy is in The Toilet and You Lose Your Good Feeling Vibration?” ✨🌟💫💛

“What To Do When Your Teenagers’ Energy is in The Toilet and You Lose Your Good Feeling Vibration?”

Many of my coaching clients have teenagers so I get questions all the time about how to maintain alignment when living with a teenager.  Whether you are living with a teenager or not, these tools will be helpful to you, provided you are attracted to this information.  If you are not attracted to this information, scroll right along and Have the BEST DAY EVER! ✨🌟💫 If you are attracted to this information, as always, take what you want and leave the rest. 


STEP 1:  Do your practice every morning before you encounter another human - especially a teenager.😉 If you don’t have a morning practice, start one. What’s a morning practice? Anything that puts you in alignment.  What’s alignment?  The state of feeling good.  All of your power lies in your ability to feel good and to maintain that good feeling.  It *does not matter* what the cause of your good feeling is.  The Universe doesn’t say, “Oh, she feels good about that silly thing so that doesn’t count.”  All that matters is that you feel good.  Do what makes you happy, whatever it may be.  It’s the Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫.  It’s about your vibration and your vibration can be gauged by two things:  how you feel in this moment and what is unfolding in your reality.  If either of those things are in the shitter, look back at how your vibration was created:  

  1. Your Focus

  2. Your Perspective/Belief about said Focus

  3. Your Thoughts about Said Focus

  4. Your Feelings about 1, 2 and 3.

I coach to use meditation as your morning practice or part of your morning practice.  Just 15-20 minutes will do.  In 20 years of coaching and 56 years of living, I have learned that it’s easier to quiet your mind than to change your thoughts.  And as you learn to quiet your mind, your thoughts will gently and organically change.  Without forcing it.  Force doesn’t work.  We’re talking subtle easy shifts here.

In your mediation flow the words “ease,” “relief” and “satisfaction” through your body from your crown chakra to your toes, surrounded by the white light.  In your meditation you are getting ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to flow through your day at the vibration of your inner being.  Your inner being is your highest most authentic self.  You - 6.0.  In meditation you are also quieting your mind to receive thought instead of thinking thought.  You will know when you receive thought.  It feels very different.

Any time you feel negative emotion,  you didn’t screw up!  It’s contrast and contrast shows us what we DO want by showing us what we DON’T want.  Negative emotion is a perspective indicator.  Your inner being feels differently about that topic…your inner being’s perspective is different.  So you have disconnected from your inner being (and so are therefore out of alignment).  That is all negative emotion is.  Don’t freak out about negative emotion.  Don’t mask it.  Don’t put a happy face sticker over it.  Don’t do an affirmation and try to stuff it. Notice it and take note.

STEP 2:  After doing your morning practice and getting your vibration as high as you can, flow through your day until it sucks😉 and then note, “Ok, I am out of alignment. I am in contrast.  What was the thought I just had?  On what am I focused?” Be easy about it.  Be gentle with yourself.  Don’t freak out.  It’s all part of the aligning process.  And you’re doing really well!

Your job is to be in alignment.  The rest is up to the Universe and the Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫.  

STEP 3:  Your teenage Chickens 🐣🐣 are watching you.  When you make being in the Vortex/feeling good a priority and you care about how you feel and get out ahead of it and catch it in the early subtle stages (Ouch!  That stove is hot! What thought am I having?) and pivot or change the topic or focus, you will maintain your vibration longer and this and only this is how you can help your teenage Chickens 🐣🐣.  You cannot solve anything through your mind.  Your mind goes to the problem and lack.  You cannot get there from there. When you come from lack or problem energy, you are not in the energy of the solution and abundance. You cannot solve anything from force. If you’ve been trying that, how’s it going so far? 😉

STEP 4:  Say this Mantra:

It’s all me.  It’s all me.  It’s all me.

Your power lies in how good you feel and how long you can maintain that feeling.  

You create your vibration.  Set your vibrational set point.  Then flow through your day.  This is the essence of your power.

STEP 5:  While your teenagers are sleeping😉 think about all you love about them and think of them as happy and free and content and satisfied.  Hold them there as long as you can.

This is the work and #youvegotthis 

I believe in you. 🌈💫😊🙏🏻 



The Time It Takes To Manifest Is Speeding Up. ✨🌟💫💛

I’ve been obsessed with the Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫 since I was 5.  It’s a pretty simple concept but so profound in its results when you know about it and create on purpose - when you deliberately create instead of creating by default.

I’ve been coaching utilizing the concepts of the Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫 for 20 years.  What I have noticed in the last two years is that the time it takes to manifest is speeding up. The gap between what you are putting out through your vibration and what is coming back is much smaller.  

If you understand the Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫 and have mastered your alignment and tend to your vibration daily like you would tend to a garden, you are thriving more than ever.

If you are unaware of the Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫 and the importance of alignment and your vibration, you may be struggling more than ever.

What you put out is and always will be what you get back.  There’s no running away from your vibration.  There’s never been a time in history when your alignment and vibration have been this important.  The quality of your life is now more than ever a direct reflection of your vibration.*

(*Wanna do a quick easy vibrational audit?  Ask yourself these 2 questions: How do I feel?  What is coming to me in my reality now?  These two things are a barometer of where your vibration is right now).

After water, food, shelter and clothing, if you want to lead an abundant life filled with ease, satisfaction and manifestations you choose - if you want to be a leading-edge creator (vs. a historian or regurgitater), alignment needs to be next in line in your priorities.  Food and exercise impact your physical health.  Alignment and vibration impact your physical manifestation health.

Have you meditated today?  



A Story About Socks to Explain How Momentum Works With Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫

A little while ago I posted questions on Facebook about warm socks:  What are your faves?  Where can I get them?  

My intention was warm feet; however, my propensity to not love shopping kicked in - as well as my belief/perspective which has gained a lot of momentum over many years (this photo of shopping was almost 12 years ago). 

I didn’t buy socks.  I forgot about the whole thing.  

This is a very simple Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫 principle:  things which have momentum will go in that direction unless you focus elsewhere or change the belief/perspective.  So “those things” that you have talked about or thought about for a long time which aren’t budging…it’s always for one reason only:  resistance.  Your resistance.  You’re doing that thing you do around that topic that keeps what is in your vibrational escrow from manifesting in your reality.  It’s already created.  You don’t even need to attract it, you just need to allow it.

Back to the socks.  I love to tell stories to my coaching clients all day long because that is how we remember things.  Especially if the story is not about us - or “that thing” that we really really want.

Key sentence so far:  “I forgot about the whole thing.”

Yesterday I opened a care package from my sister.  She lives in New Mexico and is the best big sister ever in a myriad of ways.  She’s always giving me stuff:  towels, sheets, robes, tee shirts, bowls, mugs…the list goes on.  She sends the Wells Party of 7 care packages.  

As my Chickens 🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣 unpacked the care package, guess what was in there?  Warm socks.  I’m wearing a pair right now.

The Universe hears what you feel not what you say.  If you say “I want warm socks” and concurrently have a strong feeling/belief/momentum of “I don’t like to shop, I’m not a shopper,” you can’t get there from there.  No socks are coming anytime soon so you better develop some patience.  

I don’t teach patience. I teach focus and deliberate creation.  I teach how to shift beliefs and perspectives to allow what you have already created.  You already created that thing (socks) in the moment you had the desire (Step 1).  

Step 1 is you ask.  Step 2 is not your work, the Universe provides immediately. (It doesn’t judge, it doesn’t say, “No, she hasn’t been working hard enough, she doesn’t ‘deserve’ socks,” the Universe gives immediately.)  Step 3 is you allow it into your experience.

How?  How to allow?  If it feels fun to think about socks - the socks that are coming - think about the socks.  By all means!   Bask in the thought of the socks.  Enjoy the feeling of how the socks will feel on your feet.  Think about how good warm feet feel.  Expect the socks.

I could’ve just clicked the link that @missylash sent me but I didn’t…why?  Too much momentum on the train going in the opposite direction of socks, too much momentum in the direction of “I am not a shopper.  I don’t like to shop.” 

So back to the how of allowing…if it feels good to think about the socks you want, go for it.  If it feels icky to think about the socks then get off the topic of socks.  Pivot and focus elsewhere.  Use your Jedi Focus.  I cannot focus in your mind, only you can.  

And, you can.  

Often my clients ask, “Taylor, why did it come when I gave up?”  And I explain that you didn’t give up, you focused elsewhere and then without doing that thing you do to keep it away (resistance), in it came!

My socks are so comfy and cozy and warm. I love my socks.



Welcome to The Rest of Your Life ✨🌟💫💛

Hi and welcome to the rest of your life.  It starts now, now, now, now, now…now.  Not yesterday - irrelevant - not tomorrow - illusion - now.  What do you wanna create?  Do you want to be a creator - or a regurgitator?  A creator or a historian?

I coach my clients to be creators so if you’re not down with that, all good! ❤  We all get to be, do and have whatever we want and we all get to have our very own perspectives and beliefs.  I’m not here to change or fix you.  That’s not my job and even if it were (it’s not), I couldn’t do it anyway.  Nor would I want to.  So not my jam.  And, you can’t get there from there.  So if it’s not resonating to create instead of regurgitate what’s happening in front of you and/or what he/she said, scroll on my friend.  I wish you all the very best.  Continue with that path as it continues to work for you (if it is) and if it isn’t working at any point, circle back with me here.  I’ll be here, talking about the same stuff because I’m obsessed with Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫.  I am consistent in my writings, teaching, coaching and path, like the Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫 is consistent.  It’s always fair, although sometimes it feels it’s not even.  But once you know the rules, and apply/utilize them, it all evens out and with remarkable speed.  Check out “What People Are Talking About” on my website to hear it from many, how these processes really work:

For those who want to create anything they want…the best news you will hear all day today is that you create your reality.  All of it.  Not your partner.  Not your employer.  Not your sister.  Not your friend.  Not your kids. Not your dog.  You.

Your vibration is the paintbrush and the world is your canvas.  It’s blank in this moment.  What colors and textures are you going to paint on that beautiful clear white canvas of now?  What colors and textures are you going to choose from the beautiful multi-layered canvas behind you (your past) to put on your empty canvas?  You get to choose.*

*If you’re telling the story of why he pissed you off or why she let you down or how they aren’t paying you enough or how you feel disrespected, dishonored, unappreciated and unloved,  you are taking that paint and those textures from that canvas behind you (your past) and schlopping it on your clear white pristine now canvas and thereby bringing forward those vibrations and that momentum.  Question:  do you really wanna do that?  Just sayin.   😉

Once you understand the fact that you create your reality and the canvas situation, you understand that the process is way more fun when you’re in control of the paintbrush.  Life isn’t happening to you. It’s happening for you. Just one different word, yet quite a different vibration, yes?

What are your dominant sources of resistance?  Resistance = to push against, so resistance is the things that make alignment a struggle…the manifestation blockers most people don’t know they’re carrying because they’ve been around so long that they’ve become like background dishwasher noise.

Think of one thing you are wanting.  What do expect?  Where is your expectation?  This is an important question because you get what you expect.  No exceptions. 



It's All Right There - Inside You ✨🌟💫💛

Last spring my bff gave me a bunch of make up and makeup accoutrement. She’s so sweet and thoughtful and generous - always giving, always giving. Loves loves loves to give.

She knows that I don’t wear makeup really…well, just eyeliner and occasionally mascara. Throughout high school I didn’t wear any makeup (@sherihatch back me up here) except on Homecoming Day, when this guy did my makeup for the parade at Calabasas High. He offered to do so for free and take some photos because he wanted the practice - he was an aspiring photographer. I used one of those photos for the “Pig Book” at Brown, and it was hilarious because I was totally made up and it was so - not - me. Yup, they called it the Pig Book - it was the book of photos of freshman.

When I do put on mascara I use a toothbrush to spread out the mascara. My big sister taught me this.

This morning I noticed a really nice brush in the glass jar with my mascara. “Hmmmm, what’s this for?” I wondered. “Ohhhhh….it’s for brushing your lashes and guess what…it’s made for that, unlike a toothbrush which is made to, uh, brush your teeth not your lashes.” I giggled to myself at that wee hour of the morning whilst my 5 Chickens slept. As I brushed my lashes with ease I smiled and thought, “It was there all along. The mascara brush was right there in that glass jar next to my mascara - all along. For almost a year. Yet I didn’t see it.

This is just like everything really. We have it all - everything we want or think we want - inside of us. The person, place or thing that you are wanting now is because of how you think it/he/she will make you feel. And you have access to all of those feelings inside of you - now. Clarify the feelings you want to feel and then embody them. Then, by Law of Attraction the people, places and things you are wanting must come to you, it is law.

No exceptions.

Blessings🙏🏻Love❤️Joy😊Gratitude💫Happiness🌈and Infinite Inner Peace☮️



What Is Contrast? ✨🌟💫💛

What is contrast?  It’s a perspective indicator and a way to show us what we do want by seeing what we do not want.

The last two years have served up a big plate of contrast with a side order of WTF?😳😬 The question is, how do you view it and how can you transcend it?  🤔 How can you pivot and know - not think - but know:  This is happening for me (not to me). 🙏

Contrast is about empowerment.👊🏼 It’s about letting in more of who you really are.  It’s about becoming more in sync with your true self, your authentic self, the you that feels the best and most empowered ever. ✨🌟💫💛

Over the last two years many people have felt lost, confused, hopeless, misunderstood, afraid, stuck and at a loss for where to turn their focus.

Reminder:  the most powerful solution to any problem is found within.  It is found not in the energy of the problem but in the energy of the solution; therefore, you must move out of the energy of the problem and/or lack for the solution to appear.  (Hint:  Refocus).

Reminder: be consciously aware of where you are putting your focus and energy.  Tune into your vibration.  Do a vibrational audit:  how do I feel?  What is unfolding around me in my life?  (Hint:  If you feel great, rock on my friend!  Keep goin’!  If not, All good! ❤  Pivot and reassess.)

You can’t get it wrong and you never get it done.

And we’re all in this together.

Blessings🙏🏻Love❤️Joy😊Gratitude💫Happiness🌈and Infinite Inner Peace☮️  
