
Dream Jeans

I was chatting with my new friend in Barrington Rhode Island about the many possibilities with our new global health and wellness business. Then another friend was telling her how great she feels and looks since starting on the product only about a month ago and my friend said, "Oh so you are wearing your dream jeans?"

"Dream jeans?" I asked.

"Yeah, dream jeans, you know, your dream jeans." She replied.

"No I don't know," I said, "What are dream jeans?"

She explained that years ago in Venice Beach, California she bought her dream jeans and she still has them in her closet, hoping she will fit into them one day.

I told her I had never heard of dream jeans but I love love love "dream jeans" versus "skinny jeans."  I'm a sucker for dreams and magic and manifesting.

The words we use matter. The thoughts we think matter. Our intentions matter.

So dream on!  Whether it's about jeans or true love or travel or saving the world.  Dreams matter - and dreams get shit done. John Lennon was right. 






Now, THAT . . . THAT is True Love

Yesterday my handsome husband, Philippe, said to me, "What are you doing?" as he watched me use a toothbrush dipped in baking soda to clean out his sink (we have two sinks in our master bathroom).  I said with a smile, "I'm cleaning your sink with baking soda and an old toothbrush . . . I do this every morning when I wake up at 4, after I brush my teeth.  And as I do it, I imagine light and sparkles and magic and all good things surrounding you.  Now THAT . . . THAT is true love."

You might argue that that's the tendency of a Virgo (cleaning a sink first thing in the morning he he) . . . but I'm goin' with Love, True Love.  He didn't know I did this until he saw me do it, and every time I have done it, I was kick starting his magical and love-filled day, as he slept.

There are so many ways you can love someone.  It doesn't have to be all the ways that are "traditional," although those are nice, too.  Find a way, today, to show love to someone, without them knowing you're doing it.  It's (even more) powerful that way. 


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Barrington Mamas

I was hosting a wine and app get together last night for our "Barrington Mamas" group -- the brainchild of my kick a** and wonderful friend Amy, who describes the intention of the group as, "sharing information regarding new, exciting opportunities in town for our kids and other resources - and perhaps even organizing some mama-venting nights . . . ."  When Supermom heard that, I of course offered to host a get - together.   Sister loves a party.  

What my guests didn't know was that it was the one year anniversary of my Mom passing away suddenly.  For me, it was the perfect way to honor my (Lake Bluff and Calabasas) Mama.  I even made mini cheeseburgers (and hamburgers for the dairy free crowd), like she used to do at our Lake Bluff shin digs.  I smiled as I put 'em out on the pretty white plates, because my Mom was right there with me.  She woulda loved those plates.

Life can be challenging at times.  We've all lived those times and perhaps you are living through something that sucks right now.  If you are, I'm sorry, and I get it.  Believe me, I get it.    

Life can also be magical and amazing.  

What I learned to do as a very young child was focus on the magic.  I noticed that if I did, the Universe would send me more of that stuff - the magic - and less of the crappy stuff.  I did live through some seriously crappy stuff but as I focused on the other, the other got bigger, and more frequent.  

Some might think it would be hard to host a party on the night of the one year anniversary of your Mom passing away suddenly.  For me it was the opposite.  It forced me to focus on what is magical and what makes me happy -- my new good friends in Barrington, Rhode Island, meeting new "Barrington Mama" friends, cleaning my house for a party (always a good distraction for a Virgo), making yummy apps and spreading light and love on this planet.  And when I lit the candles, one by one, I felt my Mom in my heart.  

Ya, I believe in magic.

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So Tomorrow Is Columbus Day . . . ,

So tomorrow is Columbus Day . . . What are you excited for?  What are you excited about?  What are you excited to do?  Where are you excited to go? Who are you excited to see?

How do you move into each moment of your life? How do you move into each hour? How do you move into each day?

I'm asking these questions because they are super important regarding how your life unfolds. You have the ultimate power regarding what you create in your life. Sometimes we forget this and get a little lost. Or maybe very lost. We forget that our thoughts, words and imagination create the world around us.

For this reason, I wrote a card that says, "I am so excited to…" And on the other side it reads, "I am so excited for…"

As we find things to be excited about, that energy pervades our aura and the moment and attracts that positive energy back to us in the form of people, places and things. And the more good energy we put out, the more comes back to us. The more we celebrate the moment, the more the Universe sends us things to celebrate. 

You don't have to be perfect – no one is – but begin to be aware of this, and see what happens.

I'm rootin' for ya!



"So I Am, Quite Literally, The Man of Your Dreams."

Sixteen years ago on my birthday I was filming a yoga video for my yoga teacher in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and the producer moved me from my "regular spot" in the studio - front and center - (who, me?) all the way across the room.  I was pissed.  I was going through a painful divorce at the time and was, eh, on shaky ground at best.  That spot represented safety and consistency -- things I was lacking at the time.  

I walked all the way across the room, threw my mat down and looked to my right.  "Oh, my God," I said to the dude next to me (who I'd never seen, never met before), "I had a dream about you last night."

To which he replied, "So I am, quite literally, the man of your dreams."

Two years later we got married.

After that fateful day - September 16, 2000 - things moved REAL FAST.  We got engaged, opened a yoga studio, filmed a yoga video, got pregnant with our first child -- all within 9 months.  Well . . .  they moved real fast once I surrendered to the process.  I was at first quite resistant -- despite Philippe's brilliant first line, great energy, and the obvious soul mate connection between us.  

But I was in the midst of a painful life transition and had sworn off love for this lifetime.  It was just too damn painful to go through THAT again.  I had decided and declared to all who would listen that I was and would be a "happy single mom," with my beautiful three year old daughter.  It would be her and me in our little apartment, taking on the world and many fun adventures with joy and love and good energy.  I knew that a child only needed loved and good energy - not a family that looked a "certain way."  I had seen far too many marriages that weren't full of love and good energy and I didn't want to emulate this for my kiddo.  Ya it was just her and me. I was a happy single mom! 

And this -- this did NOT fit into that plan.  This dude -- this "man of my dreams" -- was not on the menu, so I ran for the hills. 

I was in that studio every.  Single.  Day.  Yoga saved my life, and for that I am eternally grateful.  When I saw Philippe in the studio, which was pretty much every time I showed up (stalker, he he), I moved my mat, went to the bathroom and never came back, and so on.  This went on for three months.  Then Philippe (who prides himself on having a superpower of being relentless -- or some might say stubborn) had had it.  He moved on.

Then in mid December I snuck to the yoga studio for a much needed practice after my three year old had been sick for a few days.  I was sleep deprived. disoriented and had her throw up in my hair, but I didn't care . . . off I drove to Cambridge.  Man, I needed that practice.  I put my mat down and began to breathe.  

Philippe showed up to that class synchronistically (I don't believe in coincidences), a class he normally never took, and put his mat down next to me.  I was so tired and beaten down by everything, that I surrendered.  At the end of class I let down my guard and all my resistance and talked and talked and talked to this guy, who sat there cross legged, looking into my eyes and listening to me in a way no one in my whole life ever had.  I told him how I had throw up in my hair and I hadn't slept in days and other such glamorous stuff, and he smiled and listened, eyes sparkling.  

That was it.

And here we are, sixteen years, five children, five yoga studios, a raw vegan restaurant (sold it, thank God), a siberian husky puppy, and many travels and adventures later . . . more deeply in love than ever . . . and we're just getting started.

What are you resisting in your life that's being presented right there in front of you?  Can you see it?  Are you open to it?  

Let down your walls - your resistance - and trust a force more powerful than you or me and has it all lined up for you.  If you have faith.  If you trust and let go.  Let go of what you think "should" be and allow everything to unfold as it should.  




When You're 50, You Can Do What You Want

I was eating handmade soft tacos at my friend Lee's house on Sunday night and he said something I just loved, "Hey, I always say, when you're 50, you can do what you want . . . . "  This was in reference to something I forget now but I loved the gestalt of what he said.  And I want to take it a bit further (who, me?).

How about, we can ALL do what we want . . . NOW . . . why wait till you're 50?  Meaning how 'bout we all walk this planet as our authentic selves and accept each other as just that.  How about we all know that it is not our job to change or "fix" others, but to just co-exist in harmony with all of our wonderful differences.  Because they make life interesting -- and fun!  How about leaving all of the details up to the Universe and just having fun with each other -- and not judging?  

On my path so far in this lifetime, I have noticed that I feel a huge sense of relief when I remember this and just live and enjoy and breathe and love people where they are.  We ALL get stuck sometimes on the oh so unpleasant (and unsuccessful) path of trying to change or "fix" someone else . . . it happens without us knowing or realizing most often -- it's just a human "lower self" reaction -- hey, we all have 'em.  It's about noticing, reframing, and beginning again.  Again and again. 

So for today, when you are tempted to judge someone or something, use this sentence and insert the proper words:  "Hey, when you're (insert the number here), you can do what you want.  So I'm just gonna accept and embrace (insert name of person here) where she/he is and smile and breathe and move on."



Buy Your Appliance From This Guy

We moved to Barrington Rhode Island on June 23rd. We love it here. We love our house. We love the community. We love our yard. We love our new friends. We love the beach. We love the schools. We feel very blessed and happy.

So much good . . . and then, after we did one load of laundry, the dryer broke. I focus on what I want - not what I don't want - so you haven't heard me talk about it. 

We asked my new BFF where to buy a new one and she sent us to John at Barrington appliance.

Done. Bought the floor model and saved some cabbage.

Last week our fridge bit the dust. It was leaking everywhere and also it was very small compared to our last fridge, and with five kids you go through food very quickly.

Off we went to Barrington Appliance . . . a mile from our house. Talked to John again and explained to him what was going on. He told us how much a new fridge costs, and then . . . talked us out of buying it. 


He knew the floor model of our fridge from selling it to the owners before the owners we bought the house from and confidently told us that all we needed to do was defrost it and replace the produce drawer - for $20.


We went home, did what he said, and he was right. He had also told us that our fridge is actually bigger than our fridge in Newton was . . .  it's just an optical illusion. So I re-organized our fridge and indeed, he was correct.

John talked us out of a $1200 sale. He knew, he remembered (!!) the model number of the refrigerator he sold to a family over a decade ago.

Buy your appliance from this guy. He is the real deal, another example of the law of attraction - what you put out comes back to you, including (and especially!) in the field of sales.



Just Buy The Book

My husband Philippe and our son Phoenix (age 9) went to a lecture by Harvard Law Professor Cass R. Sunstein last Tuesday night at Harvard.  It was about his book, "The World Acccording to Star Wars."  Phoenix is a BIG Star Wars fan, as was yours truly at age 9 - the year it came out I took my 9th birthday party to the movie.  

At the end of the lecture, the author said, "Okay, let's sign some books," and the fifty or so people in that Harvard hall filed out -- without buying the book.  


I wrote a book and an inspiration card deck and went on a 160 venue book tour a few years ago, so I get this.  Man, do I get it.  I would do my thang at a venue and people would (seemingly) love it.  I would give my heart and soul and then . . . (some) would ask many questions about the law of attraction, how I've done all I've done, how they can do it, too, and again, I would give my heart and soul, and stay (waaaaay) too long doing so (I loved every minute and didn't think twice).  Then, they'd walk out - without buying the book -- for $19.99 or the inspiration card deck for $11.99.  Several hours of my time (for which I would get lotsa money for for coaching) and they wouldn't buy the book (or deck).  This was of course not the case for everyone -- I did sell some books and decks on tour he he -- but there were a few times when no one did.  


Just buy the book.

This blog isn't about books or book tours really -- it's about integrity -- doing the right thing (even when no one is watching). It's about the balance of energy -- energy in, energy out.  It's about karma.

"Just buy the book" is a metaphor.  Where are you not "buying the book" in your life?  Where are you taking taking taking - and not giving back?  Today - and this moment - is a new beginning, so start again with bells on!  Give back, and feel how good it feels.  Feel the balance and the joy of giving (and receiving, in balance).

P.S.  Philippe bought the book for Phoenix -- and Mr. Sunstein signed it, "May the force be with you."  Love that, and am confident that the force is with Phoenix -- and will be with you as well, if you do the right thing moment after moment.   


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Don't Let the Sun Go Down On Me

I love Elton John.  Can you say legend?  I've seen him a few times live and he's the bomb.  I grew up listening to him in the 70's -- Funeral for Friend, etc. -- and my tennis coach used to call himself "Benny" and his students "the Jets."  Brilliant coach.  He also used Star Wars terminology to get us inspired -- he was all about Luke and the Force and beating the dark side.  Man, that sh** worked.  

But I digress.

I was listening to "Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Me" while practicing on Tuesday morning and these words hit me in a new and poignant way -- after all these years:  "I can't light no more of your darkness. . . . frozen here, on the ladder of my life . . . too late, to keep myself from falling . . . I took a chance, and changed my way of life."

Those may not be the EXACT lyrics and I ain't gonna google it on purpose, because the psychologist in me wants to write what I personally heard.  So Rorschach.

I did (recently) take a chance -- moving to Barrington, Rhode Island, and leaving behind decades in Newton, Massachusetts.  Although I loved my life, my husband, my friends, my yoga studios and of course, my chickens, I did did feel frozen on the ladder of my life for various reasons, too personal for even me to post. I did feel that I was tired -- tired of lighting the darkness (also too personal to go into details here).  It was too late to keep myself from falling, I'd fallen in a few ways -- but this was actually good.  Good because it kicked my a** and opened me up to the possibilities . . . when I talked to my friend Pammy about her global health and wellness business and when I then called my friend Lee from Brown about the business, just a few days before Christmas 2015.  Lee told me about Barrington.  And my spirit just knew.

We live in a Universe so magical that we can listen to the same song over and over again for 40 years (!!), and then one morning, hear our story in it, feel the spiritual epiphany and smile, knowing we are on the right track.  Knowing this moment is as it should be.

Yeah, I believe in magic.  If you are open to seeing it -- and taking a chance.

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I Woulda Brought You Wine, But You Don't Drink Wine

My brother was visiting us last weekend during the Brown Alumni weekend and we had a blast.  Love him!  As he and his wife were leaving (love her!), John said, "Sorry we didn't bring you anything . . . I woulda brought you wine, but you don't drink wine.


I most certainly do drink wine,  I love it.  

When John and Clare were over for dinner a few weeks ago they got caught up at Brown unpacking my nephew Oliver and were a few hours late, and so when they arrived, I had already had a glass of wine and lotsa apps so I didn't want anymore wine.  John deduced from this that I don't drink wine.  (Laughing).

Don't waste yo' time and energy trying to convince people about anything, most certainly, who you are.  Either they get you or they don't and it's a big fat waste of time and energy that you could be putting toward creating your destiny.  This example is a good one because my own brother obviously knows me quite well; however, from one experience he deduced something that isn't true.  

Or, maybe he just didn't wanna buy me a bottle of wine (which could also be true, knowing him - he he - even though two buck Chuck is just fine with me).



A Love Story, Part Deux

Please read my blog from yesterday, "A Love Story," before you read this.

A few of you wanted to know . . . what happened next?!  So here's what went down after our oh so romantic hero danced with his true love from across the room -- 200 people between them.

The very next day he was driving and noticed the woman he'd "danced with" the night before walking into a tea joint.  Yes, he looked left and spotted her.  Sigh.  He noted to himself, "Ahhhh, okay, she goes for tea at 4pm after work."  I stopped him here - mid story - and asked why he didn't hang a U and go in and talk to her -- STAT.  That's what I woulda done!  (But I'm a bulldozer).  He smiled, ignored my (rude but well meaning) interruption and continued his love story.

The very next day, he showed up to that tea place at 4pm sharp, and there she was!  He waved to her from the back of the line.  The rest is history.

I paused, and wondered aloud if this was stalking - or sweet.  There seemed to be a fine line.  But looking at this couple, so clearly madly in love - and their four beautiful children - I confidently went with sweet.

True love and love at first site exists.  This amazing couple (and Philippe and I!) are living proof.  

If you believe.  



A Love Story

I was talking to friends at a pool party at my new BFF's last night and I asked them how they met.  I love asking this question and hearing the fun story.  Makes my heart sing.  So he was telling me how they were both at a bar in Venice Beach, Cali dancing on a big dance floor and he noticed that he and she were the only ones smiling, the only ones having fun.  I asked what he meant and he said that everyone else was wearing dark glasses and clothes and "posing," and they, on the other hand, were both smiling and actually having a great time.  I asked him if he walked across the floor to dance with her (so John Hughes, loved those movies in the 80's) and he said no . . .  so I asked why not.  He said, and I quote, "We were dancing togetha Tayla (he's got a kick *** British accent), there were just 200 people between us."  


I told him I would remember every word of this story because it's a beautiful love story - and I did.

What's in and on your mind today?  What are you remembering? Thinking about?  Talking about?  What's the vibration of the story you just told?  Just take note and be aware, because what you think about comes about.  What you talk about appears in your life.  What you focus on becomes what you live.  You are creating your reality one thought, one emotion, one word at a time.  

And isn't that cool?  Think about the power you have, in any moment, to shift and create anything you want!  Perhaps a whole new life!  I did.  Many times.  

Anything is possible, if you believe.



What If Today Were Your Last Day on Earth?

I knew I'd get you with that title, he he.  But really, what if it were?  Would you say that?  Think that?  Do that?  Be that?  

I'm all about the positive and focusing on what you want; however, I do believe in a good dose of awareness on a daily basis - actually, several times a day on a daily basis.  My five chickens give me this.  Find someone/something that reminds you who you are and why you are here and stay with that person or thing because they are PURE GOLD.  Even if they push yo' buttons.  ESPECIALLY if they push your buttons.

I don't believe in regret, remorse or mistakes, just learning.  Learn learn learn and then learn some more.  Have so much fun finding a better way.  Try, fall, get up, try again.  Stop chasing perfect.  But always with the awareness of who you are (your Spirit, not your ego) and why you are here on Earth.  Our zen teachers remind us of this all the time.  They are sometimes confused with annoying people at the supermarket or in traffic.  They are also confused with frustrating people who don't get us.  They are also confused with family members who really piss us off.  These are our "soul mates" too.  They are here to teach us.  And we are here to learn.  And begin again.  Again and again.

So today, ask yourself, if today were my last day on earth, would I be doing/saying/thinking/being this? 



Oops! Helen Had a Wedding on Saturday . . . .

I met two great friends while looking at real estate in Barrington, Rhode Island.  I looked at their brother/uncle's home - and that was it.  These two are real sparklers.

They helped me walk the path to my destined home.  A place so magical that now I finally feel like I'm "home."  Took 51 years, but all good.

We've been trying to schedule a time to have wine and apps and a house tour with these two friends since we moved in, and had it lined up for last Saturday September 17th - perfect because we could continue celebrating my birthday which was on Friday September 16th.  Then on Thursday Helen was like, "Oops, I thought we were doing Friday the 16th . . . I have a wedding on Saturday."  I didn't skip a beat -- simply switched what we had planned on Sunday to Saturday and they came over on Sunday instead.  A few decades of yoga has taught me well to go with the flow, not resist and trust it - and that the timing and unfolding is for the highest good of all.

And it was!  Yet again.  Turned out, another new BFF in Barrington, Rhode Island invited us last minute to her husband's kick a** 50th birthday party on Saturday the 17th.  It would not have been possible had the original plans not changed.  We had a blast, met amazing people, ate great food, listened to great tunes -- magical all around.

See how the Universe works?  Surrender to the flow today and let it all unfold as it should.  



No Child Should Be Left Alone

You may have heard me mention once or twice lately (he he) that I love Barrington, Rhode Island. We moved here on June 23rd and every single day are surprised - and delighted - by something else we love about this place.  It just keeps getting better.  The middle school is no different.  The community has an amazing Facebook page on which people post thought-provoking tidbits, and there is massive - and I mean massive - engagement.  I'm impressed.  By how engaged - and thoughtful - these parents are.  

The first dance (called "Sports Night") was Friday September 9th, and before the dance a parent posted this:

Tonight is the first sports night for many. I went to sports night growing up here. I remember the groups and cliques well. Please keep in mind that there are children at this age that my feel left out. Maybe they weren't included in a group etc. I think it is important to remind all of our children that if you see a child standing alone and seeming to feel left out to check on them. Ask them to join your group etc. No child should be left alone."

I got the chills and was teary reading this.  "No child should be left alone."   Such wisdom and basic human love and decency.  Things that are often sadly absent these days as we witness instead an attitude that implies, "I'm in this for me and only me and will take care of myself and ignore you and your needs.  The end."

One Super-mom left this comment to the sports night post above, " I have asked my daughter to look for AT LEAST 1 child that may appear left out. To reach out and ask them to join her. Her job is to come home and tell me what new friend she made... IMAGINE if everyone did this?!?!"

She later updated the group that, " I just got a call from the bathroom at BMS! My girl found someone that got ditched by her friends andthey are 'hanging out together' proud parent moment . . . ."

Another Supermom chimed in, "I just had this conversation with my kids. Reminded them that for many kids this is their first sports night and that there are bound to be some kids whose friends didn't show up." <"

Then these two Supermoms were conversing on comments and said, "It seems like just yesterday we were talking about this very day arriving before we know it and here we are. I'm so glad you posted this today in anticipation of our children gathering tonight. It's ironic, because I was just discussing the anti bullying post I wrote last year with someone who asked me to re-post it. I think I'll do so, as we're commencing on a brand new year with so much hope and anticipation for all it will bring. Each of our sweethearts deserves to feel happiness and comfort right where they are and for who they are! Thankfully we have amazing parents like you to help guide the way. The more parents who bring the importance of acceptance and kindness to light in their own homes the better we will all be. Cheers to a wonderful year ahead! And I do love my village." :

And yet another Barrington Middle School Supermom's comment:  "I gave my boys the job of finding some 'friends' who may be wandering or 'drifting' looking for a way in. :) "

I commented to these involved and caring parents that I was blown away by their posts and that I would write a blog about them because, well, this is the Law of Attraction at work.  When you put out positivity and care and love, it is returned to you - in spades!  In spades.  

How many of us could've used that support when we were in middle school?  I thought so.



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Full Circle

In 1980 I would drive from Calabasas High School to Encino to get coconut frozen yogurt at lunch -- and get back just in time for Chemistry with Mr. Rosen.  God, I hated Chemistry.  Man, I loved that frogurt.

Now, 36 years later (!!) the frozen yogurt craze has hit the East Coast (or "Back East" as we called it in the Valley), and yours truly got to celebrate my 51st birthday yesterday with my 5 chickens with, yes, you guessed it, coconut frozen yogurt.  It wasn't until the woman helping us recommended I taste the coconut that I got the sychronicity and laughed out loud.  I was tasting peanut butter, cake batter and oreo and she was like, "The coconut is reallllly good."  "Oh M Gee," I thought, "I ate and LOVED LOVED LOVED this **** 36 years ago in the Valley and here I am, eating it again in my new town - Barrington, Rhode Island."  And not only am I eating it, but eating it in a frogurt place that is painted happy pink and green with polka dots everywhere.  Pink and green (and purple) are my favorite colors and if I had a nickel for everything I have with polka dots, I'd be able to buy you all a frogurt every day for a year.

The Universe has knocked itself out in this town for me, delivering everything I have been putting into my vibrational escrow for decades.  The street lights.  The town hall.  The wide beautiful streets.  The stone walls.  The people - oh my, the people.  Nicest.  Ever.  A BFF one could only dream of (soul sister from the first moment).  A group of kick *** smart, happy, funny, authentic, inspiring Sisters with whom I can laugh, connect, kvetch and celebrate.  The schools.  The bike path (like ACK but I like it even better).  The restaurants.  The coffee shops. The little small town market with delicious free coffee and great local eats (in the town next door).  The yard sales. The school bus.  The bus drivers with whome I am now friends on FB.  The kind neighbors.  The neighborhood kiddos.  The beach concert.  The beach.  The community.  The Y.  The runners, walkers and bikers who happily pass by our new white castle all day and night. The short drive to my alma mater which makes me so happy to this day, and the myriad of fun places in Providence perfect for a date with my handsome husband.  I can't stop myself, but I will . . . . 

My point?  Keep wishing.  Keep hoping,  Keep dreaming.  The Universe is taking note and creating it for you NOW - and putting it in your vibrational escrow.  Until that moment when it will all unfold, magically.  At the perfect time.  Everything in its perfect time.  People will call you an "overnight success," but you will know - you will smile to yourself as you acknowledge, "I've been dreaming this, creating this, my whole life.  And now here it is.  This is just what I asked for . . . complete with coconut frozen yogurt."

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It's My (Birthday) Party, and I'll Cry If I Want To

Today is my birthday and I'm not crying, I'm celebrating.  Celebrating being alive today this September 16th on this amazing planet.  Celebrating my five chickens.  Celebrating my handsome husband.  Celebrating my new BFF Jax in my new dreamy town - Barrington, Rhode Island.  Celebrating my new smart, fun, happy, inspiring, kick - a** girlfriends in Barrington whom my new BFF introduced me to at a (drumroll please), welcome to town brunch at her beautiful home -- Dena, Kathleen, Lisa, Margaret - and Midge, who helped me find our new white castle. Celebrating my strong, healthy, happy, energetic body, mind and Spirit.  Celebrating my focus on the positive - and on what I admire in others.  Celebrating my Brown University BFF's.  Celebrating yoga, which I found many years ago and still practice every. Single. Morning.  Celebrating my BFF's from Calabasas High School.  Celebrating our Prana Power Yoga studios, community and family.  Celebrating my friend Lee from college who brought me to Barrington, Rhode Island when I called him about my new global health and wellness business - and his wife, Beth, who didn't skip a beat when we popped into their home while looking at homes in Barrington.  Celebrating Pammy, who had the courage to call me back about a global health and wellness business she knew I'd love.  Celebrating my favorite job in this lifetime so far (see previous sentence).  Celebrating our new amazing community and school system and bus service (!!) in Barrington.  Celebrating our amazing community with JP.  Celebrating our new puppy.  Celebrating my siblings, who I love so much and with whom I am closer than ever (they don't read anything I write so they won't ever see this). Celebrating our new white castle, which has a huge yard and sport court, in and on which our chickens can run, run, run.  Celebrating the beach, which is across the street from our new white castle (!!). Celebrating that no matter what, I get my chickens to that beach daily, even if it's for 10 minutes to dip our toes in the water (good for "earthing" and restarting purposes - and magical to boot).  Celebrating that we can bike every day with our 5 chickens.  Celebrating that we do bike every day with our chickens.  Celebrating that a school bus picks up my kiddos every morning and delivers them home safely every afternoon.  Celebrating Terry the bus driver.  Celebrating my BFF's from growing up in Lake Bluff, Illinois.  Celebrating yard sales, which I hit with my chickens every Saturday. Celebrating that it's not my job to fix or change others -- and that I get this, FINALLY:  I DO NOT NEED TO FIX OR CHANGE OTHERS!  Whew!  What a relief.  Celebrating this moment.  I could go on forever, because there is so much to celebrate . . .  find it in your life.  And as you continue to celebrate, the Universe will send you more to celebrate.  Start where you are.  Baby steps.  This moment is all that matters, so it's never to late to begin again.  Never.  



Yes, Technology Has Its Drawbacks, But Here's a Real Benefit . . . .

We all know the drawbacks of technology and social media so I ain't gonna go into 'em here because I walk my talk and know first-hand through many years of experience that when you shout "NO!" at something, you include it and its energy in your vibration.  I'm talkin' Law of Attraction.  It's real and working every moment to create your world so be mindful of your thoughts and words because they are POWERFUL.

Here's a real benefit to technology. My husband and I are serial entrepreneurs and have several businesses together.  We also parent our five kiddos together.  We spend all our time together and I wouldn't have it any other way.  Besides my five children, there's no one else with whom I would rather spend time.  #blessedandgrateful

That said, sometimes in business you need to deal with **** that's not so high vibration.  We have been cognizant of the Law of Attraction for many years now and are therefore mindful of what we put out to the Universe energetically; nevertheless, we are human and so we do attract some **** from time to time.  We immediately notice what we've attraced and trace it back to what we put out there.  It's so empowering to take responsibilty for your life.  Love it!

Back to technology and one of its many benefits, in the past, before texting and emailing, we would need to explain the **** that went down to one another verbally . . . now, I can just say, "Here, read this text," and it's explained, without the energy going into it.  Then we can calmly discuss it, make a decision, take action, and move on without dwelling.  That's the key to the Law people, of course you need to talk about what happened to move on, but then, for the love of God, MOVE ON!  Don't dwell.  Or dwell, and watch more of that **** come your way.

Just sayin.  



Ahhhh The Innocent Beauty and Grace of A Child's Confidence and Strong Sense of Self

"Mommy, Montana says the sun and moon follow him, but it turns out, it follows me." - Dakota Wells, age 6

When you were born, you knew. You knew a lot. You knew it all! Meaning you knew you were the center of the Universe - perfect, beautiful and sparkling in every way - in your own unique way. You asked for what you wanted without hesitation. You knew what you needed. You did not go outside of yourself and ask other people, because you knew. And if you did not get what you wanted you screamed until you did. Hey, not a great tactic as an adult, but you utilized your resources at the time – and it worked.


My son Dakota, age 6, said the above adorable quote to me last Wednesday during our nightly after dinner bike ride to the beach in Barrington, Rhode Island. (Montana is his six-year-old twin by the way.)

I just had to stop our tandem tagalong bike to write that quote down because it is so wise. It was not said with arrogance, it was said with wisdom - and pure innocence. According to Dakota, he is the center of the Universe - he is the bomb. He does not apologize for this or feel insecure about it. His actions do not reflect arrogance or mean-ness, just confidence, security and a positive energy that inspires all in his presence.

I teach people all day every day to be their authentic self. To be what they were born as – in that perfection– and to stop trying to convince - and please -others.  Hey, either they get ya or they don't, people.  No amount of convincing will work, ever.  In fact, it will push them quite the opposite way.  It's also wicked paddling upstream, which don't feel good.  

But Dakota has exemplified this teaching perfectly - in one sentence. Touché.




When You Dredge Up That ****, This is What Happens . . . .

I was going for a run on Wednesday chatting with my handsome husband about some not so happy **** from waaaay long ago . . . . dredging up some stuff from the past (yes, I know better, but it was a moment of weakness after pulling an all-niter driving my first born to Kent School, getting her room all set up, and then driving home).  The details don't matter, but the point is the energy was hellllooooow, super low vibe.  I was saying it with a high vibration, which can be confusing to some, including yours truly, but the positive energy was 100% from the endorphins, not the topic at hand.

So when we got home, I was putting some noodles in a pot with salt to boil for lunch and the pot tipped over the side of the sink and all the noodles fell into the disposal -- which was filled with soggy cheerios from breakfast.  In a sleep deprived stupor, I reached down to attempt to get the noodles out of the disposal and found myself fishing through gross soggy cheerios to retrieve pasta.  Laughing at myself as I type this.  Wish I had that on camera.

I immediately saw the spiritual significance.  Go reaching back into the **** from the past, sorting through bad energy drama (read:  soggy gross cheerios), ain't gonna feel good.  No matter how bad you wanna retrieve those noodles (it was the last of the package and I was craving pasta).

Lesson learned.  I hugged my handsome husband, laughed at myself, left the noodles - and the cheerios - in the disposal, and made something else for lunch.  Moved on.

Ahhhh, I love the Universe.  Never subtle.  Always teaching.  Always kind.  If you're open to see it all unfold, magically, and laugh at yourself along the way.  
